バシャール11 ワクワク Bashar love

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554神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/19(火) 18:20:55.09 ID:boUROO9a
555神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/19(火) 19:44:45.79 ID:/FIkLG5T
556神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/19(火) 21:32:31.94 ID:LwPVH0za

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557神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/19(火) 21:42:59.03 ID:LwPVH0za
バンバンバンバン バンバン
バンバンバンバンバン バン
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 ../ ´・ω・`  \富士山

バンバンバンバン バンバン
バンバンバンバンバン バン
/ ミつ/ ̄ ̄\
 ../ ´・ω・`  \箱根山
558神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/19(火) 21:44:11.27 ID:LwPVH0za
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559神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/19(火) 21:47:35.75 ID:LwPVH0za
Mystery over the SEVEN-MILE long 'super mega-pod' of 100,000 dolphins spotted off the coast of San Diego

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2280236/Mystery-group-100-000-dolphins-spotted-swimming-coast-San-Diego.html#ixzz2LLgFCO6n
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

560神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/19(火) 22:05:04.64 ID:LwPVH0za
561神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/19(火) 23:28:09.48 ID:LwPVH0za
Exhibit the channeling message of Huila of an alternate world!!
Exhibit the channeling message of Huila of an alternate world!!
Exhibit the channeling message of Huila of an alternate world!!

Share your channeling messages of Huila

Women came from the future Earth after 700 years of parallel world called "Huila."
Because this is the first time you are channeling our interaction with her
I have been put together in a short time. She is to answer the question quite specifically have Irish accents. 2013-02-12

562神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/19(火) 23:30:53.88 ID:LwPVH0za
Exhibit the channeling message of Huila of an alternate world!!
Exhibit the channeling message of Huila of an alternate world!!
Exhibit the channeling message of Huila of an alternate world!!

Publish a message of Huila zeta in Sedona! Parallel world! !

You should say the idea of ??Bashar to the suppression of nine wing manufacturer
Share your channeling messages of Huila

Women came from the future Earth after 700 years of parallel world called "Huila."
Because this is the first time you are channeling our interaction with her
I have been put together in a short time. She is to answer the question quite specifically have Irish accents. 2013-02-12

563神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/19(火) 23:32:01.46 ID:LwPVH0za
        , -─-'- 、i_
        __, '´       ヽ、
       ',ー-- ●       ヽ、
        `"'ゝ、_          ',
          〈`'ー;==ヽ、〈ー- 、 !Publish a message of Huila! !
           `ー´    ヽi`ヽ iノ
                    ! /
564神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/20(水) 00:09:18.08 ID:J0eegRex
There are only four in the law of "creation".

・You exist.
・One thing is all, all is one thing.
・Is intended to give of myself to receive his own.
・You can only change I will not change. The first three laws, except they never change, however.

| ┌──────────────────────────┐
| | Relationship of the Anunnaki and the dolphins? Said the idea |
| |                   |
| └──────────────────────────┘
| [ Option(O) ]   [ Search(S) ]
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           , '´l,  ..| ./
       , -─-'- 、i_  |/
    __, '´       ヽ、
   ',ー-- ●       ヽ、
    `"'ゝ、_          ',
      〈`'ー;==ヽ、〈ー- 、 !
       `ー´    ヽi`ヽ iノ
                ! /
565神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/20(水) 02:56:07.43 ID:J0eegRex
566神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/20(水) 03:38:27.67 ID:J0eegRex









567神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/20(水) 03:42:03.33 ID:J0eegRex
For Chupacabra, do not you mention the blog for more?