バシャール11 ワクワク Bashar love

212神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/03(日) 12:34:18.90 ID:Jp72FmR+
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
213神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/03(日) 12:35:44.98 ID:Jp72FmR+
Wingmakers History 1

ウイングメーカーサプリメントVol.9 発行

ウイングメーカー [リリカス対話篇] 出版

新書版 ウイングメーカー 2 & 3 出版

Meditations in TimeSpace Poetry Collection 公開

新書版 ウイングメーカー 出版

ウイングメーカーサプリメントVol.8 発行


ウイングメーカーサプリメントVol.7 発行
214神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/03(日) 13:01:36.80 ID:Jp72FmR+
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
215神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/03(日) 18:30:45.82 ID:Jp72FmR+
216神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/03(日) 18:31:37.81 ID:Jp72FmR+
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
217神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/03(日) 20:11:50.87 ID:Jp72FmR+
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
218神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/03(日) 20:15:16.88 ID:Jp72FmR+
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
219神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/03(日) 20:26:03.87 ID:Jp72FmR+
220神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/03(日) 23:45:17.20 ID:Jp72FmR+
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|  ■■■■■■■■■ナニヤッテンダヨ!バカモノガァ!
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii| ■■■■√ === │
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■■√ ~ ミ ノノノ 彡 |
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■√   ∀    ∀ \
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■  ∵   (●  ●) ∴│  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■    丿■■■(  │< 常にageとけって
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■     ■ д ■  |   |  言ったじゃないかぁ!
           |iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|■■■■   ■■ ■■ ■  \_________
221神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/03(日) 23:47:37.55 ID:Jp72FmR+
※正教会 教会が少なく地域的に偏りがあるので転勤などがない方向きです。
※カトリック 各地に教会があり転勤になってもOKです。献金負担も軽いです。
※聖公会 各地に教会があり転勤になってもOKです(ただし沖縄と北海道には多少注意したほうがいいかもしれません)。
※ルーテル系 魑魅魍魎で初心者にはわかりにくいので、行くときは必ずここで問い合わせを。
※日本基督教団 寄り合い所帯ですので伝統宗教系もあれば新興宗教系もあります。メソジスト・日本基督教会・長老派・組合教会はあたりはずれが少ないですが、どの教会が該当するか初心者にはわかりにくいので必ず問い合わせを。
222神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/03(日) 23:49:41.76 ID:Jp72FmR+
Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, Muslim, Sunni Islam, Buddhism, cult Bashar, World Mate, Professor Jing, Confucianism, Christianity, Buddhism Mahayana
223神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 00:30:06.42 ID:zAS7XxFV
Dariruanka is Esasani people, of course, can not be considered a person that his Esasani people around the world.
It is a New Age thinkers beyond the Earth. At the moment, Dariruanka symbolize something very interesting in New Age thought.
Without necessarily interested in Esasani people, who is the one that leads to the person feel Esasani.
Dariruanka think are doing it intentionally.
It is shown that Obama. I think so too.
224神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 00:47:55.80 ID:zAS7XxFV
 “No, there is another who created the First Born,
 and perhaps, yet another beyond that. We do not know
 how far the act of creation extends. We believe there
 is an original creator---a single point we call
 First Source, but it is a mystery that we believe will
 always remain in the field of expansion.”

 “We do not know if a single Creator exists, or if
 there are multiple Creators who operate as one being.
 We do not know the origin of all life. Some profess
 that they do know, that they have met or spoken to
 the One Who Is All, but we only know the First Born
 of our universe, and it is the First Born that
 most species would call God.”

225神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 00:54:36.26 ID:zAS7XxFV
226神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 01:05:26.29 ID:zAS7XxFV
Nuclear warheads falling into the Bermuda Triangle
227神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 01:12:59.88 ID:zAS7XxFV
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
228神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 01:16:09.39 ID:zAS7XxFV
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
229神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 01:37:40.80 ID:zAS7XxFV
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
230神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 11:54:57.57 ID:zAS7XxFV

2013-02-04 09:36:49NEW !

231神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 13:11:53.22 ID:vihRZ4do

232神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 13:19:13.36 ID:zAS7XxFV
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
233神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 13:21:31.60 ID:zAS7XxFV
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
234神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 13:25:50.13 ID:zAS7XxFV
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
What is the WingMakers?
235神も仏も名無しさん:2013/02/04(月) 14:04:33.60 ID:zAS7XxFV



