• Mithra was born in a stable - We celebrate his birth on Dec 25th. (Mithra はうまやで生まれ12月25日に生誕が祝われる) • Mithra was visited by wise men bearing gifts. (3人の賢者が Mithra に贈り物を持って訪れた) • Mithra had 12 disciples - He was called the Messiah. (Mithra は12人の弟子を持つ。彼はメシアであった) • Mithra celebrated a last supper with his disciples before his death. (Mithra は死の前に12弟子と共に最後の食事をとった) • Mithra was resurrected on a Sunday. (Mithra は日曜日に復活した) • Mithra will return to pass judgment on mankind - He was known as the judger of souls. (Mithra は人類を裁きに帰ってくる。彼は魂の選別者である) • Mithra is part of a holy Trinity (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) that took human form. (Mithra は三位一体の一部分(父、子、精霊)) • Mithra followers drink wine and eat bread, which represent his blood and flesh. (信仰者は Mithra の血、肉を象徴するワイン、パンをとる)
(3) Mithra was called "the good shepherd, "the way, the truth and the light, redeemer, savior, Messiah." (Mithra は良き羊飼い 道 真実 光 救世主と呼ばれた) (9) He was buried in a tomb and after three days he rose again. (Mithra は墓に埋葬され3日後に復活した) (11) Mithra had his principal festival on what was later to become Easter (Mithra の祭儀は後にイースターとなった) After completing this manuscript, Swedenborg learned from his London mentors how to merge his intense visualization of the genital organs (based on precisely detailed anatomical engravings) with his visualization of the sexual dynamics within the androgynous, microcosmic "Divine Human" (the Kabbalists' Adam Kadmon). この原稿を完成させてから、スウェはロンドンのメンターから、中性である小宇宙の「神人」(カバリストのいうアダムカドモン)の中にある性の力学を思い描いて、性器を強く映像化する方法を教わりました。 His mastery of cremaster control, when combined with ritualized breathing, produced "genital respiration" and enabled him to achieve an altered state of consciousness in which spirits first spoke and then appeared to him [40]. 儀礼化した呼吸と合わせて、「性器の呼吸」をつくりだし、意識変性状態を獲得すると、霊たちが話しだし、次に出現しました。 While Swedenborg struggled to maintain kawwanah, he was often distracted by lower spirits (grotesque images of perverted sexuality), and he sometimes feared that he would go mad from the psychic strain. スウェは低級霊(性のゆがんだグロテスクなイメージ)にしばしば邪魔されて、自分が発狂するのではないかと恐れました。 During one period, he was found naked in the Fetter Lane Chapel and then delirious and naked in the street [42]. Blake's remark to Crabb Robinson that Swedenborg's "sexual religion is dangerous" suggests his awareness of the tremendous psychic strain of Kabbalistic meditation [43]. あるとき、スウェはフェター・レーン礼拝堂のなかで素裸でいるのを発見されました。次には路上で裸でいるのを。ブレークは「スウェの性的宗教は危険だ」とクラブ・ロビンソンを引用してますが、カバラ瞑想の強烈な心霊的緊張を知っていたのでしょう。
Soon after this was issued in 1716, I met Christopher Polhem personally when I visited his home to discuss material for the second issue. 1716年に、私はクリストファー・ポルヘムの家を訪ねたついでに結婚の話をしました。 I got on well with his 16 year old son and his two charming daughters, Maria who was 17 and Emerentia who had just turned 12. 16歳の息子と二人の可愛い娘に話を持っていきました。マリアは17歳でエメレンシアは12歳になったばかりでした。 I have to confess that I have always been strongly attracted to the opposite sex (JD 14) and even though she was very young, my heart leapt when I saw Emerentia. いつも異性に強く惹かれるのですが、エメレンシアに合ったとたん、胸がドキドキしました。 I discretely made it known of my interest in the Polhem daughters and it was King Charles 12 himself who recommended to Polhem that I should become engaged. ポルヘムの娘に興味があること、チャールス12世自ら私が結婚相手になるべきだとポルヘムに勧めたことを知らせました。 But it was Maria, the oldest, who would have to marry first and rather than become betrothed to her, I quickly made arrangements for the King’s Chamberlain to be the suitor instead on the expectation that the prettier Emerentia would become mine. しかし、最初に結婚すべきは長女のマリアなので、私は美貌のエメレンシアにしてくれるように王室と話をつけました。 When Emerentia was 15, I told both her and her brother of my strong affections for her but although she would not give her consent to marriage, her father gave me a written claim upon her which gave me immense joy. エメレンシア15歳のときに、大好きだと告白しました。彼女は結婚に同意しませんでしたが、父が同意書を書いたので大喜びしました。 Not long afterwards, I found out that she did not return my love and was desperately unhappy about the arrangement. しばらくして、彼女が私を何とも思ってないことを知って、私は絶望的になりました。
ほら出典でてるだろ?お前が英語読めればすぐにわかるってwww Soon after this was issued in 1716, I met Christopher Polhem personally when I visited his home to discuss material for the second issue. 1716年に、私はクリストファー・ポルヘムの家を訪ねたついでに結婚の話をしました。 I got on well with his 16 year old son and his two charming daughters, Maria who was 17 and Emerentia who had just turned 12. 16歳の息子と二人の可愛い娘に話を持っていきました。マリアは17歳でエメレンシアは12歳になったばかりでした。 I have to confess that I have always been strongly attracted to the opposite sex (JD 14) and even though she was very young, my heart leapt when I saw Emerentia. いつも異性に強く惹かれるのですが、エメレンシアに合ったとたん、胸がドキドキしました。 I discretely made it known of my interest in the Polhem daughters and it was King Charles 12 himself who recommended to Polhem that I should become engaged. ポルヘムの娘に興味があること、チャールス12世自ら私が結婚相手になるべきだとポルヘムに勧めたことを知らせました。 But it was Maria, the oldest, who would have to marry first and rather than become betrothed to her, I quickly made arrangements for the King’s Chamberlain to be the suitor instead on the expectation that the prettier Emerentia would become mine. しかし、最初に結婚すべきは長女のマリアなので、私は美貌のエメレンシアにしてくれるように王室と話をつけました。 When Emerentia was 15, I told both her and her brother of my strong affections for her but although she would not give her consent to marriage, her father gave me a written claim upon her which gave me immense joy. エメレンシア15歳のときに、大好きだと告白しました。彼女は結婚に同意しませんでしたが、父が同意書を書いたので大喜びしました。 Not long afterwards, I found out that she did not return my love and was desperately unhappy about the arrangement. しばらくして、彼女が私を何とも思ってないことを知って、私は絶望的になりました。
Swedenborg's secret Lars Bergquist, Swedenborg Society - 2005
Together with a good friend, Niklas Oelreich, he seems to have made a visit to a brothel, 'although I did not have any intention to proceed into effect', whatever this means." Whatever the circumstances were, we can presume that he was no more obsessed with sex than normal man
>>848 Swedenborg's secret Lars Bergquist, Swedenborg Society - 2005
Together with a good friend, Niklas Oelreich, he seems to have made a visit to a brothel, 'although I did not have any intention to proceed into effect', whatever this means." Whatever the circumstances were, we can presume that he was no more obsessed with sex than normal man
However, while associating with Moravian and Jewish mystics in London, the fifty-six year-old Swedenborg learned how to perform the mystical Kabbalistic marriage within his mind, through the sublimation of his sexual energy into visionary energy. ロンドンのモラビアとユダヤの神秘家と付き合う中で、56歳のスウェは心の中で神秘的な結婚をする方法を学びました。セックスエナジーを幻視エナジーに昇華するのです。
By meditating on the male and female potencies concealed in the vessels of Hebrew letters, by visualizing these letters in the forms of human bodies, by regulating the inhalation and exhalation of breath, and by achieving an erection without progress to ejaculation, the reverent Kabbalist could achieve an orgasmic trance state that elevated him to the world of spirits and angels. Thus, Swedenborg became experienced in heavenly sexuality, which he—like the Kabbalists—believed to be the essence of the reintegrated God. ヘブライ文字に隠された男女の性を瞑想し、・・・するなかで、カバリストは霊と天使の世界に上昇する有機的なトランス状態に達することができました。こうして、スウェは天のセックスを経験するようになりました。
In his Journal of Dreams (1744-45), Swedenborg described the difficult discipline required to control and manipulate the sexual energies. Despite the intensely erotic character of the images he visualized (while meditating upon the male and female Hebrew letters and sephiroth), he must not dissipate his sexual energies in masturbation, nocturnal emission, or premature ejaculation [35]. 夢日記の中で、スウェはセックスエナジーを操るための難しい修行を書いています。男女のヘブライ文字とセフィロトに瞑想して、かなりエロチックなイメージをしても、自慰をしてエナジーを浪費してはいけない。
By maintaining the "pure intention" (kawwanah), he must resist the tempting visions produced by evil spiritsa female with teeth in her vagina, himself urinating in front of a woman, sirens displaying their vulvas to him, voyeurs watching him copulate, etc. 「純粋な動機」を保って、膣に歯を立てる女の悪霊の誘惑のビジョンに抵抗しなければならない、など。 During the early stages of his training, he noted that "I could not keep control of myself so as not to desire the sex, although not with the intention of proceeding to effect." [36] 最初の頃は、『セックスする意図はないけれど自分をコントロールできなかった』と彼は書いています。
I am currently completing a political and Masonic biography of Swedenborg. In the meantime, information on his connections with Jacobites, Jews, Moravians, and Masons can be read in my articles, "Swedenborg, Jacobitism, and Freemasonry," in Swedenborg and His Influence, ed. Erland Brock (Bryn Athyn: Academy of New Church, l988), 359- 79; "Yeats and the Unknown Superiors: Swedenborg, Falk, and Cagliostro," in Secret Texts: The Literature of Secret Societies, eds. Marie Mulvey Roberts and Hugh Ormsby- Lennon (New York: AMS, l995), 114-68; "Swedenborg's Travels: New Documents Raise New Questions," in Swedenborg Society Annual Report (London, l998), 35-45; and "Emanuel Swedenborg: Deciphering the Codes of a Celestial and Terrestrial Intelligencer," in Rending the Veil: Concealment and Secrecy in the History of Religions, ed. Elliot Wolfson (New York: Seven Bridges, 1999), 177-208.
On Rabbi Johan Kemper, Swedenborg's probable Hebrew instructor at Uppsala, see my article, "Leibniz, Benzelius, and Swedenborg: the Kabbalistic Roots of Swedish Illuminism," in Leibniz, Mysticism, and Religion, eds. A.P. Coudert, R.H. Popkin, and G.M. Weiner (Dordrecht: Kluwer, l998), 84-106. Also, Elliot Wolfson, "Messianism in the Christian Kabbalah of Johann Kemper," in Jewish Messianism in the Early Modern Period, eds. Matt Goldish and R.H. Popkin (Dordrecht: Kluwer, forthcoming). 29 Wittreich,