vyavahAra m. (monier) doing , performing , action , practice , conduct , behaviour , [MBh.;KAv. &c (vyavahAraH kAryaH , with instr. , " it should be acted according to ")]; commerce or intercourse with (saha or comp.) [Nir;KAm. &c]; affair , matter NIlak.;usage , custom , wont , ordinary life , common practice [Pat.;BhP.;Hit.]; activity , action or practice of occupation or business with (loc. or comp.) [Inscr.;KAv.;KathAs.]; mercantile transaction , traffic , trade with , dealing in (comp.) [Mn.;MBh. &c]; a contract [Mn. viii , 163] * * * * * * * legal procedure , contest at law with (saha) , litigation , lawsuit , legal process [(≫ -matRkA below) Mn. YAjnJ. &c] practices of law and kingly government [IW. 209] mathematical process [Col.] administration of justice , Gaut. / (fig.) punishment [L.] competency to manage one's own affairs , majority (in law) 〈ib.〉 [propriety , adherence to law or custom 〈ib.〉 the use of an expression , with regard to , speaking about (tair eva vyavahAraH , " just about these is the question " , " it is to these that the discussion has reference ") [Kap. SAh. Sarvad.] designation [Jaim. Sch.] / compulsory work [L.] / a sword [L.] / a sort of tree [L.] Name of a character of the agni-purANa.