クリスチャントゥデイは統一協会系 Part12

952昆布 ◆konbu//XQ6 :2008/02/19(火) 23:48:08 ID:AwegpCn/

953時代論壇投稿紹介:2008/02/20(水) 07:47:47 ID:wA169I2B

回應文章: Focus on Jang's theology!!! 回應者: D Law

Regrouping is the only way out - it should have been done last December.

Please focus on what is most significant - the determination of Jang's doctrinal stance.
You must involve him.
If Jang is reformed as he claimed to be, he should be pleased to cooperate.
His refusal to cooperate shall constitute his own condemnation!

The rest is superfluous.

Please do this:
1) swiftly;
2) impartially; and
3) with the help of properly-trained people.
954時代論壇投稿紹介:2008/02/20(水) 07:51:10 ID:wA169I2B
Even before the report is out 回應者: Hin

I really thank and appreciate what Cheung and Yu said in their reponses.

So many "famous" pastors were involved in this investigation and it is so disappointing that it proceeds and results in the regrouping of the investigation committee.
Just based on these, it is extremely doubtful about the usability of the final report, the time allowed, the depth of the investigation, the qualification and involvement of the investigators.
All these cast more doubt than clarification of the issue and of GH.

GH tried to buy time and hope that time will help them by reducing the attention and focus of the public. This is only speculation but it is also a reality.
If they are sincere from the beginning to do the investigation, they should use at least the "common sense" to form the right group and to do the proper investigation.
 What they are doing now is drawing a conclusion that they are doubtful and untrustworthy even before the report is out.

If they are sincere, not only they should regroup but also restart the whole investigation, if they really want to gain the confidence of the public,
please don't treat us as idiots, we have a mind that is created by God and we will THINK!

955時代論壇投稿紹介:2008/02/20(水) 07:52:47 ID:wA169I2B

We are not trying to discourage anyone nor destroy anything but to be fair and just.
If we can't even make sense in the investigation, how could we accept the report as making any sense at all.

There won't be an end to it if they are unwilling to face what they need to face. Once again, I am sorry to say that those who are advisors are responsible because it is them that gave GH the credibility.
We don't want to point fingers but I think it only make sense that they should bear the responsibility.

I asked one advisor of GH and I was so surprised to hear the comment: "I don't care about those issues".
Then, why is he an advisor, it is just an empty name.

Same for those members of the investigation committee, if they are members, then fulfill your basic duties.
 I am very interested to know how many hours they spend in the investigation during these three months period.

Advisors, be wise and be responsible. GH, don't treat us as idiots, we are watching and thinking!

956時代論壇投稿紹介:2008/02/20(水) 08:16:17 ID:wA169I2B
回應 Hin 回應者: 張國棟

"If they [GH] are sincere from the beginning to do the investigation, they should use at least the "common sense" to form the right group and to do the proper investigation.
What they are doing now is drawing a conclusion that they are doubtful and untrustworthy even before the report is out."

因此,若?要? "don't treat us like idiots" ,這不應是對著《基督日報》講的。


957時代論壇投稿紹介:2008/02/20(水) 08:18:12 ID:wA169I2B
Thank Cheung and my response 回應者: Hin

Thank you Cheung for pointing out some of the history.
Indeed, they have hired a lawyer to form the investigation committee and stated that they won't involve in the forming of the committee
but I think when they hired someone, they must have laid down some "common sense" requirements or boundaries for choosing these committee members.

When I hired a person to do the rennovation of my house, I won't interfere in the actual rennovation but I will lay down what I want and what I don't want.

Also, after forming the first committee, as GH, they should be responsible to say whether the committee is OK or not instead of waiting for so long to discover that there are conflict of interest among the committee.
The non-response is a kind of irresponsibility.

Again, if I hire someone to rennovate my house and they used a wrong color to paint my house,
I won't sit there for another month and then tell them that is not the color I want.

I also knew that they send letters out to those whom they think are related or have made statements about GH to get their written response. I hope the investigation doesn't stop at there. When they present the report,
the importance is not the result but how they get to the results.
 For statistics, we have the sample size, collecting method and analysis procedure. Just presenting a conclusion is not convincing at all, especially in this doubtful process of investigation.

958時代論壇投稿紹介:2008/02/20(水) 08:21:02 ID:wA169I2B

I agreed with D. Law that the focus must upon the relationship with Jiang and his theology and don't be distracted.
Being so experienced in the ministry, I really wonder why the advisors didn't notice, why GH didn't notice....a lot of questions indeed!

The case that I mentioned about an irresponsible advisor is only an independent case and it is only one case.
 For many, they didn't respond at all. There is another case as I called another advisor, he said that as an advisor, he will find out and when he find out GH is not reliable,
he will quit for sure and this is a very good case in contrast to the other one.
 But, even in this good case, it shows that the advisor didn't know too much about GH and out of goodwill, he accepted the invitation to be their advisor. Now, he is looking into it and will decide whether to stay or resign.

I think the investigation won't end here, even if Jiang is clear, then we will go into the ethical issue, how they operate is another issue to look into. Are we trying to destroy them?
No, but we need to protect ourselves as well as the Christian communities.

As in Matthew 24, it stated that there will be false teachers and prophets and even false Christ.
I am not saying that GH is definitely one of them but it is a good exercise that we learn to discern and screen anything that is labelled "Christian" in order to avoid possible filtration of false teachings.

The Bible also stated that even Satan will appear as an angel of light, this only reminds us not to accept everything in the name of Jesus.
The difficult part of false teaching is not that they are false but they looks real.

959神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 08:23:34 ID:Jb26PFrp

960神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 08:32:31 ID:Jb26PFrp
961時代論壇投稿紹介:2008/02/20(水) 08:33:12 ID:wA169I2B

This is a good alarm for many of us.
The way church is running today, the things the church is going after, the shallow foundation of many Christians are very alarming today.

Thanks again Cheung, I really appreciate the attitude and the heart behind your responses. May God grant us wisdom to discern the truth and stand for the truth.

I apology if the word "idiot" is too strong. I just hope that the advisors open their eyes and ears and don't just hope things will be over.

962神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 08:35:14 ID:Jb26PFrp
963時代論壇投稿紹介:2008/02/20(水) 08:36:28 ID:wA169I2B
再回應Hin 回應者: 張國棟

?談到《基督日報》 hired a lawyer ,和背後的動機與選擇,正是我想指出可能是?誤解之處。懶得找那些網頁,若我沒記錯,那律師是由那三位顧問在沒有《基督日報》參與決定下自行委託的。



我有收看美國 Christianity Today 的消息,他們真的做傳媒應該做的事,走去訪問那些具爭議性的人物,把不同意見都交代出來,讓人們互相對質,也會有神學教授寫文章討論。

964神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 08:39:53 ID:Jb26PFrp

965神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 08:51:30 ID:1jAWOW1r

966神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 08:52:42 ID:87wIiCOF
967神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 08:55:39 ID:conzceci

968神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 08:57:19 ID:conzceci

969神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 08:58:47 ID:3waI7hGV
少佐によれば  限りなく黒に近い灰色
970神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 08:59:51 ID:3waI7hGV
971神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:00:44 ID:GjvHNBEF
972神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:01:33 ID:mEq04uNU
973神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:04:11 ID:3waI7hGV
974Very Bad Person:2008/02/20(水) 09:12:13 ID:3waI7hGV

975Very Good Person:2008/02/20(水) 09:13:25 ID:Asd9gUPu
976神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:16:22 ID:2LGlbaVR
977神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:16:40 ID:0IR6pxvl
978神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:17:29 ID:2LGlbaVR
979神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:18:43 ID:0IR6pxvl
980神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:20:49 ID:2LGlbaVR
981神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:23:37 ID:0IR6pxvl
982神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:24:27 ID:conzceci

983神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:29:39 ID:J4ptcqbV
984神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:29:47 ID:0IR6pxvl

985神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:31:20 ID:mEq04uNU
>>981 いつかパルプンテ唱えるかもw
986神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:34:27 ID:J4ptcqbV
987神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:35:37 ID:0IR6pxvl
988神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:36:58 ID:J4ptcqbV
989神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:45:11 ID:0IR6pxvl
ちっちゃな頃からシナ寄りで 15で同志と呼ばれたよ
内外問わずゲバルトで 反対者みな傷付けた
あーわかってくれとは言わないが 共産主義が悪いのか
キチガイ キチガイ おやすみよ
990神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:50:03 ID:0IR6pxvl
991神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:50:19 ID:J4ptcqbV
992神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:50:48 ID:9KoRaHFS
993神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:52:52 ID:0IR6pxvl
994神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:56:19 ID:9KoRaHFS
995神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:57:01 ID:Asd9gUPu

996神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:57:16 ID:0IR6pxvl

997神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 09:59:29 ID:0IR6pxvl
998神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 10:00:56 ID:Asd9gUPu
999神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 10:01:38 ID:Asd9gUPu
1000神も仏も名無しさん:2008/02/20(水) 10:01:56 ID:wnX5LGHk