
Geoff Gibbs, who was WAAPA's director at the time, now runs the IFAC
for Handa in Australia.
"I think he's wonderful,"
says Gibbs emphatically.
"I find him invigorating and challenging and my job is to present to him
projects that are stimulating."
Gibbs especially admires Handa's active participation in the arts,
although he once counselled his boss against singing at a Sydney Opera House event.

"Had he sung in that environment, it would not have showcased him to his advantage."

 Geoff Gibbsは以前WAAPAの理事長だったが、現在は半田のためにIFACを運営している。




255名無しさん@3周年:03/09/01 08:34
[15436]anzenunten翻訳中 その1 by.anzenunten 2003年08月21日(木) 17時21分 ■

日雇いサラリーマンQさん やっちゃいました
THE AUSTRALIAN(31 January,2003)

The Perth International Arts Festival has an unusual and encouraging message for any big sponsor of its event;
Give us enough money and you can have personal top billing in almost any event or venue.

Haruhisa Handa, the Japanese businessman and spiritual self-help entrepreneur
who donated $1 million to this year's festival(and gained the title "world president" for his generosity),
took centre stage this week to display his musical and artistic talents.
(そしてその寛大さから「ワールド プレジデント(世界総裁? 意味不明)」の名を得ました)
256名無しさん@3周年:03/09/01 08:36
[15437]anzenunten翻訳中 その2 by.anzenunten 2003年08月21日(木) 17時22分 ■

When artistic director Sean Doran announced his sponsorship coup last year,
he indicated that the amateur opera-singing entrepreneur with a penchant for singing in public would not sing,
but be invited to display his "consummate talent"in an appropriate forum.

Last Sunday, an A-list festival crowd turned up to the Perth Concert Hall to hear - for only the second or third time
in Australia - a performance of Arnold Schoenberg's giant orchestral opus Gurrelieder.

This historic event involved 200 choristers, an augmented Australian Youth Orchestra (including four harpists)
and internatinal conductor Diego Masson.

257名無しさん@3周年:03/09/01 08:39
[15438]]anzenunten翻訳中 その3 by.anzenunten 2003年08月21日(木) 17時22分 ■

But before the audience could hear a note of Schoenberg's masterpiece,
they were treated to an unadvertised item

Summertime Swan River, a pleasant but bland five-minute pastorale composed by amateur musician Handa
and conducted by him personally from the podium.

Despite polite applause for his enthusiastic musical tribute to PIAF's 50th anniversary celebration,
one interstate musician walked out of the hall in silent protest at the joint billing of such a slight-work
with a seriousclassical masterpiece.

258名無しさん@3周年:03/09/01 08:45
[15439]anzenunten翻訳中 その4 by.anzenunten 2003年08月21日(木) 17時23分 ■

Former Perth Festival director David Blenkinsop, who was in the audience, told The Australian:

"It compromises the whole arts industry.Gurrelieder is a fantastic piece and someone has to pay for it.
But to have an unadvertised piece like that is such an intrusion.

"It was like having to swallow a pint of vinegar before the strawberries and cream.
I was very uncomfortable about it and it left a sour taste in my mouth...
We should be saying, 'While I'd love to have $1 million, there are some things we just won't compromise.'"

259名無しさん@3周年:03/09/01 08:46
[15440]anzenunten翻訳中 その5 by.anzenunten 2003年08月21日(木) 17時23分 ■

Blenkinsop says during his artistic directorship he accepted $1 million from the Myer Foundation over three years,
and was asked to change the festival name to the Myer Festival of Perth. He declined, but still got the money.
→ブレンキンソップさんは、「彼(←? 半田氏ではなくこのコンサートの主催者?)が芸術としての指揮棒を振っているあいだに、3年以上もマイヤー基金から百万ドル以上の寄付を受けていて、
(マイヤー基金って半田氏の基金か? この部分の訳はあやふやです あしからず)

For bemused audience members trying to understand the reason for the Japanese composer-conductor's appearance, the concert
program notes confusingly billed Handa under his "artistic" name Toshu Fukami only,

260名無しさん@3周年:03/09/01 08:48
[15441]anzenunten翻訳中 その6 by.anzenunten 2003年08月21日(木) 17時23分 ■

and made no reference to the fact that Fukami is Handa, PIAF's million-dollar sponsor.
(Equally confusingly, in a list at the back of the program, he is listed only as Haruhisa Handa,
PIAF world president.)

But exposure to the Japanese philanthropist's talents - which he lists in the program notes as
"music composer and arranger, conductor,vocalist, composer of waka and haiku poetry, calligrapher, tea master,

flower arrangement master, Noh actor, ballet dancer and modern stage actor" -
didn't end there. As concertgoers filed out of the hall,a public announcement reminded them to view an art exhibition of the works of Toshu Fukam (aka Handa) hanging in the foyers of the Perth Concert Hall.

261名無しさん@3周年:03/09/01 08:52
[15442]anzenunten翻訳中 その7 by.anzenunten 2003年08月21日(木) 17時24分 ■

According to an accompanying brochure by PIAF's visual arts access officer, Heather Robinson,
Fukami/Handa met up with his painting teacher Bakushu Yasunaga one year ago, "
and they have been working together for the past six months".
深見(半田)氏は1年前に絵画の先生である「やすなが ばくしゅう」に偶然に出会い、過去6ヶ月間一緒に作品作りをしてきたとあります

Apart from delicate sumi-e paintings by Bakushu, overlaid with calligraphy by pupil Handa,
the exhibition consists largely of Handa's mixed media paintings of highly uneven quality,
garish colour and heavy-handed paint technique.

The art exhibition was opened by Alan Dodge, director of the Art Gallery of Western Australia,
whose annual Year 12 Perspectives show is funded by Handa.
Dodge said Handa's work "demonstrate the playfulness of the tradition of Chinese and Japanese art"
and he commended the donor for "supporting the arts because it excited him".

262名無しさん@3周年:03/09/01 08:55
[15443]anzenunten翻訳中 その8 by.anzenunten 2003年08月21日(木) 17時24分 ■

A long list of Handa's Australian arts sponsorship, amounting to millions of dollars,
includes his support of the Australian Singing Competition, the Australian Opera Studio and WA Calligraphy Guild.

Dodge, who also attended Sunday's Gurrelieder concert,
disagreed with criticism of the Japanese entrepreneur's role in the concert.

"It was a perfectly acceptable piece of music and it was five minutes.
I gave [Handa] a chance to participate in the artistic frisson of the evening.
I think that's perfectly legitimate and he's footing the bill."

263名無しさん@3周年:03/09/01 08:57
[15444]anzenunten翻訳中 その9 by.anzenunten 2003年08月21日(木) 17時24分 ■

But the prominence given to Handa's talents raises a few questions
- why are the CEOs or senior exectives in the roughly 40 other sponsor groups
not given the opportunity to show their amateur artistic abilities.

And do we suspend artistic judgement if someone is a generous donor?
One concertgoer summed up the dilemma; "If he'd given $1 million to a football team,
would they let him play in the grand final?"