If Ariel Sharon succeeds in murdering Yasser Arafat, as he wants to, the Palestinian leader will remain in the collective memory of his people, and the whole Arab world, like Moses in Jewish memory. Moses rebelled against Egyptian oppression, led his people forth from "the house of bondage", led them for 40 years in the desert, made a new people out of them and brought them to the threshold of the Promised Land. He did not enter the land itself ・God only showed it to him from afar. That will be told about Arafat, too, if he becomes a martyr now.
Why Every Jewish Soldier Should Refuse By Shamai Leibowitz, Attorney, Tank Gunner in Reserve Duty, Tel Aviv
"...Our rule over three million Palestinian Arabs in the territories has perforce put us in a position of committing a number of moral outrages. Continued rule will necessitate not only continued denial of many basic rights to Palestinians, but will require our taking additional steps which are reprehensible, if not morally questionable..."