591 自分:ぱぱ ◆KLC27tVU6cXf [sage] 投稿日:2014/03/05(水) 00:42:50.34 ID:uFTNLAz8 [7/13] >>580,581 jimさんがどこでそれを言ってる? Mr. jim has said it where?
全く関係の無い君らがそれを言っても、単なる妨害行為で2chを潰す事が目的だろ。 Even if you who are completely unrelated say it, it is the purpose to crush 2ch by mere interference.
595 名前:ぱぱ ◆KLC27tVU6cXf [sage] 投稿日:2014/03/05(水) 00:45:41.07 ID:uFTNLAz8 [8/13] >>592 言うのは勝手だね。判断はjimさんに任せれば良い。 Saying is selfish. What is necessary is just to leave judgment to Mr. jim.
僕らは客観的な事実、主観的な事実を伝えるしか手は無い。 A hand only has that I tell the objective fact and the subjective fact.
君ら、2ch潰しの工作員の意見であってもね。 Even if it is the opinion of the agent of 2ch crushing.
613 :ぱぱ ◆KLC27tVU6cXf :2014/03/05(水) 00:55:04.70 ID:uFTNLAz8 >>609 なんのための忍法帳なんだ? It is !ninjya for what?
624 :ぱぱ ◆KLC27tVU6cXf :2014/03/05(水) 00:57:10.95 ID:uFTNLAz8 >>618 人を罵倒しかできないなんて、なんて哀しい人種だろうね! It is a very sad race as people can do only denunciation!
jimさんがどこでそれを言ってる? Mr. jim has said it where? Mr. jim has said it where?
全く関係の無い君らがそれを言っても、単なる妨害行為で2chを潰す事が目的だろ。 Even if you who are completely unrelated say it, it is the purpose to crush 2ch by mere interference. even if you who are completely unrelated say it, it is the purpose to crush 2ch by mere interference -- ろ.
言うのは勝手だね。判断はjimさんに任せれば良い。 Saying is selfish.(段落)What is necessary is just to leave judgment to Mr. jim. Saying is selfish.(段落)What is necessary is just to leave judgment to Mr. jim. (※段落もそのまま)
僕らは客観的な事実、主観的な事実を伝えるしか手は無い。 A hand only has that I tell the objective fact and the subjective fact. A hand only has that I tell the objective fact and the subjective fact.
君ら、2ch潰しの工作員の意見であってもね。 Even if it is the opinion of the agent of 2ch crushing. Even if it is the opinion of the agent of you and 2ch crushing.
なんのための忍法帳なんだ? It is !ninjya for what? It is 忍法帳 for what?
人を罵倒しかできないなんて、なんて哀しい人種だろうね! It is a very sad race as people can do only denunciation! Is it a very sad race as people can do only denunciation?