こういう事か・・・・ All citizens and lawful permanent residents of the following countries are eligible to win cash prizes after completing the appropriate affidavit and tax form:
Australia /Canada /China /India/Ireland /New Zealand /Sweden /United Kingdom
Participants who do not meet the citizenship requirements to win prize money are still eligible to compete. However these individuals will be required to donate any cash prizes to charity.
Google will provide travel accommodations for each finalist to attend the Championship Round. In addition, Google will provide overnight accommodations and all travel arrangements to and from the airport, as well as to and from Google’s headquarters. All other expenses are the responsibility of the contestant.
Google Code Jamというプログラミングコンテスト(CNET Japan速報記事「米グーグル:「プログラミングコンテスト出場者を求む」」をご参照)が10月から11月にかけて開かれる。 参加資格は18歳以上(世界中の誰でも)。予選はオンラインで、決勝(トップ25人)はシリコンバレーのGoogle本社で行なわれる。 腕自慢の日本人プログラマーたちには、この機会にぜひその実力を発揮してほしい。
Google Code Jamのファイナリストといえば、これから腕一本でプロとして生きていきたい若い人にとっての大きな勲章になる(中途半端な学歴なんかよりうんと価値がある)。 ファイナリストに残る日本人がいれば、日本人プログラマーの実力が世界でもトップレベルにあるという事実を、広くアピールできるだろう。 さて、コンテストの仕組みとスケジュールであるが、
>Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan or Syria.
以外は大丈夫らしい。 まあ、どっちにしても割に合わない賞金だと思うが。
TopCoder is pleased to announce that the TopCoder Open will now permit worldwide eligibility for cash prizes. As you are aware, TopCoder has undertaken significant research to ensure our skills contests are legal in several countries. Based upon the results of this extensive research, we have decided that cash prizes in the TopCoder Open will be paid to those winning members from all countries, except where prohibited by applicable law. If you are unsure whether you are lawfully permitted to win a cash prize in a skills contest, you should consult an attorney regarding applicable laws. In addition, you should consult with an accountant and/or tax expert regarding any applicable tax consequences on your winnings. The TopCoder Open is void in the Quebec province of Canada, and elsewhere where prohibited by applicable law. Cash prizes will not be paid to residents of Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan or Syria.