Yutaka-chan [転載禁止]©2ch.net

Yutaka Yoshikawa
2Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:08:51.44
Yutaka-chan ochinchin misetanone

mokkori chinchin misetano
3Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:09:43.36
Yutaka-chan's penis was erect and he came to tell me
4Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:10:37.02
He was like hey check out my penisssssssssss

and I was like yo bro no thanks I'm a girl but
handling your penis would make me gayyyyyyyyyy
5Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:11:06.35
get out
6Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:11:23.73
go away
7Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:11:26.94
less than Kaori Kanzaki.
8Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:11:51.32
no this is my yutaka-chan thread

yutaka-chan or gtfo
9Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:11:52.50
10Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:12:55.96
Do you think he's gonna marry me because otherwise
it doesn't make any sense to show his "excitement".

I think he was excited to find the "ONE"
11Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:14:24.83
I will not leave until Yutaka-chan picks me up in a carriage
12Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:15:36.84
Yutaka-chan wanted to marry me
13Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:17:02.67
I am bbx'd from other boards but I can write here
14Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:18:04.20
They say no Japanese font allowed but I can deal with it

I can just say penis penis penis

but noooooo

it was ochinchin

tanslation loses the magical feel of the word

15Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:18:51.00
Shihori kagayaiteruze!!!
16Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:19:01.72
17Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:19:20.00
Yutaka-chan showed me his OCHINCHIN

Yoshikawa Yutaka-chan from Tohoku University Department of Literature

He is now a doctoral student (6th year) and I dunno where he is going after that

but he has to say something and do something about the FACT he showed his erection
18Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:19:53.64
19Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:20:33.67
yutaka-chan why did you show me your penis


say something about it or I will just write about it everyday on the internets

20Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:21:11.66
I have been writing about yutaka-chan's dick for literally 3 years and it never gets old
it never gets old
21Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:22:19.61
22Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:27:50.67
princess shihori...? aren't you?!
23Anonymous:2015/01/12(Mon) 16:28:19.32
chin-neki is comin