専ブラなにつかってる? [転載禁止]?bbspink.com http://nasu.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/pinkj/1424080934/48,49,54 54+4 :Grape Ape ★ <small>転載ダメ?bbspink.com</small> [sageteyon] :2015/02/17(火) 00:17:03.42 ID:???* >>49 Please look closer at who is fighting. They have no valid reason to be fighting. Posting I don't like Yamashita, or Jim is shit. Hmm sounds like children having a tantrum. The actuality is. Those "developers" that are developing a browser that just works on their own server with just one user the server are mostly the ones complaining. So if just the server is the user of their browser. Why is it a browser? It is just collecting summary logs. Those are the ones complaining now. The ones that don't want to help 2ch, and Pink Channel. They only want to help themselves to some free candy. Some other browsers have serious security problems, that they will have to overcome. They won't be denied if they fix those concerns.