“We wanted to set up the emergency hostage crisis headquarters in Turkey, ” a source close to Japan’s National Police Agency who has had previous experience with international hostage situations told VICE News. “Turkey has successfully negotiated with ISIL to free hostages. They were the logical choice and the best choice… not Jordan. The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry; MOFA; and the Cabinet office opposed our advice on the grounds it could negatively affect Japan’s $22 billion deal with Turkey to build a nuclear power plant along the Black Sea. If things went wrong with Japan during the negotiations, Turkey might be reluctant to have new Japanese-built nuclear facilities on their soil for ISIL terrorists to attack.” https://news.vice.com/article/inside-japans-new-war-with-the-islamic-state
なぜトルコではなくヨルダンだったか。 その事情について、世界的に有名なメディアVICEが警察庁に近い関係者の匿名での告発を「Inside Japan’s New War With the Islamic State」と題した記事に掲載しています。 それによると、日本が手がけるトルコの黒海沿岸の原子力発電所の建設に悪影響が出ることを心配してとのこと。