(ウクライナとの)戦争のロシアの代理人、ドネツクの分離派ボスのストレルコフが ウクライナ機だと思って撃墜を命令したと言ってる Donetsk separatist boss Strelkov, Kremlin's proxy in war, says he ordered shootdown thinking plane was Ukrainian pic.twitter.com/uaWKVlsA7q https://twitter.com/strobetalbott/status/489809871475593216
(ウクライナとの)戦争のロシアの代理人、ドネツクの分離派ボスのストレルコフが ウクライナ機だと思って撃墜を命令したと言ってる Donetsk separatist boss Strelkov, Kremlin's proxy in war, says he ordered shootdown thinking plane was Ukrainian pic.twitter.com/uaWKVlsA7q https://twitter.com/strobetalbott/status/489809871475593216
Reuters Top News @Reuters · 5 分 #BREAKING: Pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine say they have found "black box" flight recorder of downed Malaysian airliner: Interfax https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/489837703698345984
417 名前: 番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です 投稿日: 2014/07/18(金) 03:32:24.66 ID: kd8vogx40 BBC
19:28: Flight recorders have been found at the crash site, Konstantin Knyrik, a spokesman for the pro-Russian rebels, has told Interfax news agency. Earlier reports quoted rebels as saying they intended to send the flight recorders to Moscow for checking. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-28354787