Hopefully has good WC so we sell him for 8-10m after. 願わくばWCがうまいこといって、本田が800万〜1000万くらいで売れたらいいんだけど・・・
Moscow has trying to sell him for long time and wasnt able to find buyer, thats why he was FREE TRANSFER, i dont think so anyone will buy him and best for Milan and him will be if we put him fast in FREE TRANSFER LIST back, we save our wages and he will be able to settle and play in smaller club... CSKAが長いこと本田を売ろうとしたけど、誰も買わなくてフリーになったんだぞ?誰かあいつを買いに来るなんてありえないね…フリーでいいから、とっとと出しちまうのがベストだよあいつの給料が発生してんだぞ?もっとちっちゃなクラブでやってもらおうぜ、彼には
No, CSKA wanted too much and that's why he wasn't sold. Lazio's 16m bid was rejected 2-3 years ago. それは違うよ。CSKAは高くふっかけすぎたんだ。ラツィオは1600万のオファー出して断られてるぜ
Apparently Everton, Liverpool and Arsenal was interested before. I'm sure some PL team will pay 8m. He's shit but the advertising millions he brings drives up his value. エヴァートンやリバポ、アーセナルはあいつに興味あるらしいよ。プレミアのチームなら800万くらいは出すだろ。糞だけど、スポンサーついてるからな、あいつは
Holy shit 16m?? Snd they lost him for free? There just might be a worse management than Milan's ちょっと待て1600万??そんでCSKAはフリーで出したのか?ミランより糞なマネージメントだなw
They were lucky they didn't get him. Sometimes things happen for a reason and God saved them from a very bad deal ラツィオはラッキーだったな。たまにそういう理由のない、神の助けみたいなことが起こるんだよな…
He's a CM IMO, pointless on the wing. 俺の意見だとね、彼はセンターで使うべきだよ、ウィングじゃなく
Maybe a goal keeper ??? Who knows ...All I saw is pure shit .... I knew Seedorf was gonna replace him because if he didn't he would have been sacked even if we had won. The guy is useless あいつの適正は多分ゴールキーパーじゃねえの?しらねえけど。俺の見たところあいつは本物のクソだよ… セードルフが交代させんのもわかってた あの使えない奴をずっと出しつつけてたら、勝ったとしても首にされちまうからな
Hes best as FT position (FREE TRANSFER), put him there! あいつのベストポジションはフリー移籍だよ!出しちまえ!
Very true .Or a BP = Bench Player Or even a SFUP = Sit the Fuck Up type Player その通り。またはベンチプレイヤーか、めちゃくちゃなクソプレイヤーか!
Is this better or worse than "shoe cleaner" position? 靴磨きとどっちがマシなんだ、それ?
Found it curious that he had a "What the hell, man?" kind of face when Dorf subbed him As if he had been MOTM おかしいのは、代えられた時の「なんだこりゃ?」みたいな本田の顔だよ。こいつMOMでも取ったつもりか?
You are a good observer and you present the points I try to make in a shorter and less emotional manner いいね、よく見てる。お前は俺の言いたいことを全部言ってくれたw