訳 translation
>>392 2ch の Ninja 上にて bbspink に無い改変をたくさんみつけました。
例として、NINJAを使用する際に特定のサーバに対してIPアドレス、●ID、User agent等を
この問題が解決するまでは 2ch 上でNINJAを使用するのは非推奨とします。
388 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/02/22(土) 14:14:19.09 ID:???
Okay I found something strange about the NINJA system.
My plan is to revert the 2ch NINJA system to be the same as BBSPINK's ninja system.
397 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2014/02/22(土) 14:27:43.19 ID:???
>>392 I found a bunch of changes to the 2ch NINJA code that do not exist on the bbspink NINJA code.
Specifically this line looks dangerous to me:
If you are using NINJA, then it is sending your IP, maru ID, user agent, and all your other identifying information to a special server.
Next I will check that special server to see what it is doing with your data.
I recommend you do not use NINJA on 2ch until I have fixed this problem.