Let's talk with Jim-san. in KENMO★2

560 名前:Code Monkey ★[]投稿日:2014/02/22(土) 18:00:44.07 ID:???
I just found this line of code in the NINJA system:

#&LogLog("con $ccc[0] -> ");
#$ccc[1] = &newName2($ccc[1],$hhh,$remo,$ua,$ccc[5],$ita,$ccc[7],$maru) ;

It is currently commented out.
This is very similar to the data that was leaked on August 2013.
Whoever was in charge of maintaining the NINJA system in August 2013 is probably the person that leaked the maru.txz file

564 名前:名無し編集部員[] 投稿日:2014/02/22(土) 18:07:52.91 ID:5SXP45Hd

やっと、Ninja systemの中のキモとなる行を発見したよ。


2013年8月にNinja Systemを管理してた奴は、たぶん maru.txzファイルを流出させた犯人だ。