Terminally transsexual: Concerns raised over Belgian euthanized after botched sex change
On Sept. 23, Nathan Verhelst invited his friends to an intimate farewell party. They danced and laughed, raised glasses of champagne “to life” and shed tears. 9月23日、Nathan Verhelstは親密な告別会に友人を招いた。彼らは踊り、笑い、グラスを掲げた。「人生に!」そして涙を流した。 A week later, the 44-year-old departed ?? for a university hospital in Brussels where he was given a lethal injection. 1週間後、Nathan Verhelstはブリュッセルの大学病院で薬殺処置を受けた。
The operation to give him a penis failed, as did a second procedure to repair the damage. Mr. Nollet’s film, titled Free as a Bird after the tattoo Mr. Verhelst had engraved on his chest after changing his gender, contains footage in which he displays his blackened organ. The surgeon tried to be philosophical, telling him, “Life is more than a penis,” but that only angered him and deepened his depression.
>>1 having said this "Terminally transsexual: Concerns raised over Belgian euthanized after botched sex change"
why they still keep calling her him? for her dignity? or her right? or his existence that failed to stand on this reality? then, he is she. no bullshit. if you still keep calling her him, why did she had to choose to kill herself without pain? coz she is without penis? fuck off.