I have now processed a second image from yesterday evening that seems to show a fragment splitting from the nucleus of PanStarrs.
It is visible also in 2-3 other stacks and seems to follow the comet. The stars are seen as trails and the one to the right of the coma is TYC603-342-1, mag 11.4.
The colorfull image is a frequency modulation that increases the contrast and clearly shows the fragment, but as a dark dot bellow the nucleus.
There is also a normal and a contrast enhanced / sharpened image.
There was also an airplane passing in the tiny field of 13 x 18 of my CCD-camera.
It showed on 2 frames from the 79 frames stack of 4 sec each, for a total of more than 5 min exposure.
I used a DBK41AF02 CCD-camera on my OrionOptics CT-10 f/4.8 Newton.
I hope this possible splitting of the nucleus can be confirmed by others soon.