英国のブリットポップ情報サイトBRITPOP NEWSがレディオヘッド(Radiohead)のシングル曲をランク付け。
http://britpopnews.com/ranking-the-radiohead-singles/ 1. No Surprises(ok computer)
2. Let Down(ok computer)
3. Paranoid Android(ok computer)
4. Karma Police(ok computer)
5. My Iron Lung(the bends)
6. Street Spirit(the bends)
7. Fake Plastic Trees(the bends)
8. Lucky(ok computer)
9. Creep(pablo honey)
10. High And Dry(the bends)
11. Lotus Flower(the kings of limbs)
12. There There(hail to the thief)
13. Optimistic(kid a)
14. Pyramid Song(amnesiac)
15. 2+2=5(hail to the thief)
16. Just(the bends)
17. Go To Sleep(hail to the thief)
18. I Might Be Wrong(amnesiac)
19. Harry Patch
20. Reckoner(in rainbows)
http://amass.jp/17421 依頼