Cancer row over GM foods as study says it did THIS to rats... and can cause organ damage and early death in humans
French team claim bestselling brand of GM corn caused tumours and multiple organ damage Leading scientists have questioned the study and its results, claiming it has 'no value'
4 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です[sage] 投稿日:2012/09/20(木) 18:18:24.63 ID:ZZ9styfp0 Leading scientists have questioned the study and its results, claiming it has 'no value
Leading scientists have questioned the study and its results, claiming it has 'no value
Leading scientists have questioned the study and its results, claiming it has 'no value
Leading scientists have questioned the study and its results, claiming it has 'no value
16 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です[] 投稿日:2012/09/20(木) 18:29:43.18 ID:W+k0ctNF0 >Leading scientists have questioned the study and its results, claiming it has 'no value'
34 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です[] 投稿日:2012/09/20(木) 18:49:48.38 ID:vZlygzlJ0 [1/2] >Leading scientists have questioned the study and its results, claiming it has 'no value'
>Leading scientists have questioned the study and its results, claiming it has 'no value'
>Leading scientists have questioned the study and its results, claiming it has 'no value'
>Leading scientists have questioned the study and its results, claiming it has 'no value'
41 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です[] 投稿日:2012/09/20(木) 19:24:41.44 ID:OmmEaM2A0 >Leading scientists have questioned the study and its results, claiming it has 'no value' この部分は結論ではなくて但し書き 意訳するなら、ただしこの研究には疑問の余地がある、とかそういう感じ わざわざここだけ引用してる奴は絶対理解してない