インド人や中国人は3ヶ月で日本語を話せるようになる 何故日本人は英語を6年以上勉強しても話せないか

>>279 どうがをきいて-をうめよう
Come listen to this. You can hear the sea. It's n- -n the ocean anymore, but the sound still is. It makes me think of w-e warm sandy beaches. And g-g a t-l huge wh-g h-ng mo-n of sea s-ls on the sea shore!
And watching a beautiful sunset. Arf. Oh? Arf. Aroo! Oh Pupcake. Anyone can hear it. Watch me. (laugh) I'd l- to go back to the beach sometime.Oh, me too. Yeah, and right now. Well, why don't we?
But we have to plan the trip. It's a -r- of l- way, Strawberry. We can use my remembering book.I have be(ve)rry some wonderful memories of the beach. If we look at them, it'll feel just like we're at the ocean again.
Remember this one? About our friend Coco Calypso, and the mystery of sea berry shore. Yeah! I remember! Tell that one huh, will ya?This'll be fun. I can't wait. -ry and tell us w- ya I'm ready yeah!
Well, the story actually started right here in my garden.When I was -th- strawberries to make some super -cr- delicious tr-. Mmm. Red. R-. And ready to pick. Huh? (crash) I'll thank you not to steal my strawberries.
Find your -n, will you. Pupcake will never get f-d if you keep eating them.Oops! Now Pupcake you must be more careful. It's Papaya Parrot. What br- you here? It's Coco. Calypso! Poor poor k-, awful, dr-. Don't know where to start.
Why don't you try the beginning? She, then, pl-, t- of that, and the worst part, she's been r-d!!(gasps) You know how she gathers sea berries at Sea Berry Shore, to make sea berry tr- for you and all her friends.
Oh I certainly do.And you also know she's all alone, just her and me, two dozen m-s, and nobody else for miles and miles. Only th- is. But th- isn't. See what I mean!? Well, not exactly, not pr-y. Not at all.
Somebody stealing the sea berries! We need your help Strawberry! Of course I'll help!Friends help friends! Coco Calypse needs help? Count me in, matey!The good ship Rainbow Float at your service!