Japan did not keep records of nuclear disaster meetings
The Japanese government has admitted it failed to keep records of key meetings during the nuclear crisis last year.
Deputy PM Katsuya Okada has instructed ministers to produce summaries of the meetings retroactively by the end of February, an official said.
This has become a contentious issue for the government, adding to criticism of its disaster management.
The nuclear accident set off by the earthquake and tsunami in March 2011 was the worst since Chernobyl in 1986.
Earlier this week the government said that the country's nuclear disaster task-force, led by then-Prime Minister Naoto Kan, had no documented record of its decision-making process.
自分はニュージーランド人留学生だけど、 I went to school. I have been to school. I had been to school. I have gone to school. I had gone to school. I will have been to school. I will had been to school. I would have been to school. I would had been to school. の区別が付く日本人ってどれくらいいるの?
A : Is this a pen? B : No, that is an apple. A : Oh! sorry, apple...this is an apple... B : Yes, that is an apple. A : By the way, is this a pen? B : No!!! That is an apple!! A : Oh! sorry! This is an apple!! B : Yes, good. you are smart. good..good. A : Yes, this is an apple...But is this a pen? B : Nooo!!! that is an apple!! apple!! apple!!! A : Pen!! this is a pen!!! pen!!! pen!!! B : NOOOOOOOOO!! NO!!!!! Fuck!!! apple!! apple!! apple!!! this is an apple!!!!! A : Fuck!!This is Fucking pen!! pen!! Fuck pen!!
Please let me know what kind of study should be carried out for speaking fluent English. Incidentally this is using the translation tool. Is such English understood in the home?
i think japanese's pronounce is very simple. so, japanese isn't good at english pronounce. in japanese english class, pronounce is not regard something as important. but in chinese class, pronounce is very important. teacher reforms pupil's pronounce many times over.
When I was student I did not make any voice at the school I was always alone and I am still alone in my room I don't speak English to tell the truth,I have no friend
>>183 Wait man, don't give up your hope. Wait in your room even if you want to die caused by being alone. Not too distant future, Misaki will be appear in front of you.
_ / \―。 ( / \_ / / ヽ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ...―/ _) < Oh Dick Dick Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! ノ:::へ_ __ / \_____ |/==ュ r== \/_ /::::::ィ赱、 i i r赱ミ_(::::::::.ヽ |::::: `"" ,l l `"":::::: (:::::::::::::) |:::: ,_ ,ィ''。_。ヽ、_,. ヽ/ ヽ / _lj_ } / \ { ^' ='= '^' / \ `""´ / \ ____-イ At last you will never worry about your size any more. We have a solution that will make all your sexual dreams come true. Leave behind what you've known earlier. The new era for you is here! Roll-panna will go mad! Takashi will be jealous! And you will at last your new life! Like a real man with a real penis ! Say Mega-Dick-Shoo and be happy with your new size!
>>250 You must be kidding! You don't say! You can't be serious! Come on! No way! Shut up! Great Scott!! Rubbish! Are you kidding? A likely story! Don't tell me! This can't be happening!
>>83 Why are you exposing yourself being such a stupid, dirty racist in public? I assume you've been miserable all your life, otherwise you wouldn't become such a contemptible man like you are now. I feel so sorry for you, 'cause you prove us life is not fair for everybody.
日本語でおk please in Japnese 英 bitte auf japanisch 独 veuillez dans le Japonais 仏 prego nel giapponese イタリア por favor no japones ポルトガル por favor en japones スペイン Japanner gelieve in オランダ behaga i japan スウェーデン παρακαλ? στα ιαπωνικ ギリシア пожалуйста в японце ロシア Japoncata tamam. トルコ 請在日文 中国 やまとぅぐちっしいい 沖縄 sisam itak ani ukoitak yan. アイヌ 日本語でおkや 大阪民国
I see a lot of returnees in my university, though. I don't think it's super difficult to find Japanese who can't speak English at all. Things are changing. And if you guys are interested in improving your English online you should use 4chan especially I reccomend /int/. The thing is most people there speak almost perfect English so perhaps you guys will lose your confidence. Also 2ch has a board called "English" and in this board there is "Chat in English" thread. Most people there speak fucked up English but there are some natives or returnees so maybe you better try this one.
>>294 this is right,because I think thread title means lacking the skill to have a conversation with people who is the native speaker of English. unable means lacking the skill to do something.
>>92 Are you struggling with a translation or what? Why don't you write back to me? It's such an irony for you are the one who listed up all Japanese Novel winners to show how Japanese are superior than Korean just to insult them don't understand my simple English.
>>337 are you korean-japanese? pls tell me if you pay japanese tax, or not. and i don't understand why korean-japanese live in japan although they hate japan. i think that they should come back to korea, and it makes all people happy.
>>339 Oh, sorry, I'm a pure Japanese. Does it matter to you?
By the way, I suggest you to say what you've just said in the States, especially in New York, or if you are too poor to afford a trip, try in the crowd of Roppongi in the night of some weekends. I bet you'll have an once in the life-time experience then!
>>342 one of the reasons, many japanese people are shy. we deeply pay attention if our English structure is correct, or not. However, English is just foreign language for us. we don't have to be careful to speak English.
do you know why they are shy? have you ever thought what causes the shy guy to be so shy? I am always telling this but it's because of so-called "Hwabyeong", a sort of anger illness. what's the point for the one to be shy? what kind of benefit does the guy get by being shy? the shy guy wants to protect his fragile emotion, more precisely and simply, he does not want to feel upset.
I know many Japanese cannot speak English and that is true. But "many Japanese" does not mean "everyone".
I know many English speaking Japanese. They do discussing with other people. Just >>1, you dont know that because you are not English speaker. That is all.
>>352 you mention about korean illness? hibyo is one of the major korean illness. i don't understand why korean easily get ungry. However, i guess that the reason is food culture.
why are Japanese people unable to speak English? Let's discuss it!(of course in English) http://engawa.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1341136928/ 294:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です :2012/07/01(日) 20:48:57.35 ID:ek/wfHa20 この場合unableはおかしくないか?
311:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です :2012/07/01(日) 21:09:47.45 ID:Wvaf6UZa0 [sage] >>294 this is right,because I think thread title means lacking the skill to have a conversation with people who is the native speaker of English. unable means lacking the skill to do something. GAITAMIN who cannot understand english tears because it is imppossble for them to read my KOPPIPE(lol) this international era, if you cannot understand english, you will be laughed at every others I do not enter into universary, but I can use english better freely than universary students my TOEIC SCORE is 860(SCORE of universary of TOKYO is 820, one of universary of social of commrad which famous english shcool is 700)
result of above,english skill not will be improved studying in shcool but also studying in yourself at home you can disagree my opinion,if you can understand english(lol) please write in JAPANESE
>>341 As I already said, I am a Japanese who hates people like "net uyoku". They don't realize how they humiliate Japan as a result.
You should study more not only English but also about the society, what really goes on. Be wise, never be twisted with fake information you often see here at 2ch, then you'll get the answer of your questions.
>>357 ya. that's the one I was talking about. you think it's caused by the food they eat. so, you imply that if a white guy was born and raised in Korea with Korea's traditional food, the white guy will also suffer from the anger illness. I don't think the illness is caused by environmental factors but the genetic ones. I don't have anything to prove my opinion though. and, my guess is it has something to do with ones' self-esteem. or its mechanism.
>>359 sorry, i am not net-uyoku. i hear that korean-japanese get tax refund, it is unfair, right? i have some questions as below; 1, why do korean-japanese come back to korea although they hate japan. in korea, the government built their house because they need foreign currency. 2, korean-japanese believe the wrong history. why do they confirm it.
>>351 Only Japanese care about such small things. Native English speakers do not expect you to speak perfect English. And many people who are not native, also do not care. Learn English grammar, after you talk more.
>>368 I didn't call you NET UYOKU, I just introduced myself to make my position clear. But I'm sure that your knowledge isn't good enough, sounds like most of the information you believe now are false. Don't just ask me, go find the answer yourself.
>>385 I'm telling you I'm Japanese, so I can't answer you what they really think on behalf of Korean people.
I owns a company, and some of my staff are Korean Japanese, Of course they pay same tax as other Japanese staff. There's no such a tax law makes an exception because of your nationality as long as you are a resident in Japan.
It's not possible to tell you all I know about history. Read books, hear the people if you really want to know a story behind history.
>>389 thank you for your response. due to unfair tax system, some japanese people don't like korean-japanese. pls be informed that korean-japanese get tax refund after they pay tax. i say i am not net-uyoku again. However, i hate unfair tax system. since korean government use history problem to get money from japan, so many korean-japanese believe wrong history, it is unhappy for notonly japanese and also korean-japanese.
>>250 You must be kidding! You don't say! You can't be serious! Come on! No way! Shut up! Great Scott!! Rubbish! Are you kidding? A likely story! Don't tell me! This can't be happening!
>>393 So, there's no such a tax refund system to non-Japanese residents. Same percentage of tax, pension and insurance are also deducted from their wage.
If you are not a resident here, it's possible to get tax refund as we can do the same in many of foreign countries having tax treaty with Japan.
I agree with you that there should be no conflict between Japan and other countries including Korea due to the difference of acknowledge of history. In order to let others know the truth, you should study to know the truth yourself.
>>399 pls seaech tax system for korean-japanese, you can find the unfair tax system on internet. even if korean who know koren government policy know true history and they said to me that using historical problem is one of their policy. japan is just vertual enemy for their country becasue it is convenient for the government. you should learn internatinal politics.
As One of Japanese Students speaks English Very well, his mentality sometimes is attacked by his classmates, perhaps they cannnot understand his right English pronunciation or they think that his right English pronunciation is funny in their theory.
Someone can not speak Englishとか Someone is unable to speak Englishとか言うと 身体的障害で口が動かないから話せないとか、 宗教的・政治的理由で英会話を禁止されているとか、 精神的トラウマで英会話をした瞬間に発狂するとか、 そういう深刻なレベルの「出来ない」ってニュアンスになるから あんまり言わない方が良い。
>>418 A Japanese student who speaks English very well is sometimes teased by his classmates. Perhaps they do not see his pronunciation is correct or their view makes his correct pronunciation sound funny to them.
>> Since my company is a trading company, And many of my staff are non-Japanese, I know about tax law pretty well.
There should be always some people no matter who they are, searching for the ways to evade tax. Even if a few people do so using special technique under special circumstances, it doesn't mean all Korean-Japanese do the same. Almost all Korean-Japanese pay the same tax as we do, and they CAN NOT get tax refund if they are residents.
I got to work tomorrow , I think I must be going to bed now. It's nice talking with you, once again, don't believe the info on the net easily! Bye now.
In addition, due to my business, I've been to more than 20 countries including Korea and dealing with companies there. You can't do business without knowing each countries' situation and people, so I can say I know about international politics in real more than others.
A : Is this a pen? B : No, that is an apple. A : Oh! sorry, apple...this is an apple... B : Yes, that is an apple. A : By the way, is this a pen? B : No!!! That is an apple!! A : Oh! sorry! This is an apple!! B : Yes, good. you are smart. good..good. A : Yes, this is an apple...But is this a pen? B : Nooo!!! that is an apple!! apple!! apple!!! A : Pen!! this is a pen!!! pen!!! pen!!! B : NOOOOOOOOO!! NO!!!!! Fuck!!! apple!! apple!! apple!!! this is an apple!!!!! A : Fuck!!This is Fucking pen!! pen!! Fuck pen!!
>>424 高校生の一時期FF11やってて当時英語苦手だったが、 I'm not (very) good at speaking English. Sorry for my poor English. とか下手に言うと、「かまへんかまへん、Let's enjoy speaking Englishっ!!!!」て感じで普通に引き続き英語振って来て困ったw はっきりと話しませんという意思を伝える意味でも、そっちの表現が良かったんだろうな。
>470 I know where you are coming from. But the best way for you how to study is follow a correct order of curriculum. Don't let it be wasted that the time you have piled for study. Keep it going!