This is no good news…
Since July 20th, wednesday morning, our dear friend bass player Ron van Eck is no longer with us.
After several years of heavy health struggling his body ‘simply’ had to give up ? the end was reached.
The end of his working so hard and so patiently on recovering, which even one day resulted in the fact
that he picked up the bass guitar again. Supersister even started to rehearse ? very cautiously ? we
had high hopes to be able to play Nearfest ’11 after also completing a short TV appearance in September ‘10.
Sadly enough we had to cancel all this shortly after : Ron suddenly suffered from significant fall-back.
It seemed as if Ron had to start all over again ? which he did, as he had done everything before, utmost bravely,
but as we know now, half a year later: in vain…
Ron was Supersister’s architect and philosopher ? without him it would have been something else completely,
as well musically as lyric-wise. We sure will miss him badly, our dear music mate and friend with whom we
went through so many stages in life together.
Bye bye Ron, thank you for all your notes, words, ideas… our Red Giant !…/