747 :氷上の名無しさん@実況厳禁:2014/02/14(金) 14:49:41.53 ID:svFFUYlQ0465 名前:名無しさん@恐縮です 投稿日:2014/02/14(金) 04:10:58.08 ID:R/mwIHn30
点数が高すぎないか? (アメリカ)
ジャパンマネーの気配を感じた (オーストラリア)
過大評価だね (カナダ)
日本人の喜び方からはリスペクトを感じない (イギリス)
客観的に見て、パトリックの方がよかった (ドイツ)
日本の八百長か (ロシア)
日本人ファンの声援がうるさかったな (フランス)
採点ミス (スペイン)
Hanyu looked like a kid running in a park, extremely busy, rushing up and down,
AIMLESSLY! He looked childish. His second score is too high.
It's his PE scores that annoy me the most, given his poor posture
and lines and his general 'wilting flower' look and movement.
In one year Hanyu went from 7-8 PCS in the FS with no falls to 9+ PCS with two falls. I don't get it...
Does Hanyu have choreography? No. He has messy movement on ice with a ton of holes in it
where styled choreography SHOULD be.
I do not like Hanyu's skating most of the time...he seems to me like a bundle of twigs
or a sack of sticks tied up in a woman's scarf being flung around.
Yuzuru Hanyu wins men's figure skating gold with flawed performance
http://sports.yahoo.com/news/yuzuru-hanyu-wins-gold-patrick-chan-silver-mens-figure-skating-192800650.html ★日本の羽生が、欠陥パフォーマンスで金獲得
★Hanyu Falls Twice, but Still Wins Gold 2回転倒の羽生だが金メダルに