■ サーバリフレッシュ工事2007 【pink】

158Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys @Apparently admin ★
There is a reason for the schedule of refresh of servers that I made.
I know it is important to have a kako nas. There should be some thought
into using the current oyster902/suma-san setup for that. One more server
to control the other 1/2 of suma-san that is not used would be fine for this.

There are server that support the boards that are not even talked about here.
I have ordered the upgrades for these, and those upgrades will be done
without anyone even noticing except for the fact that things will run
The board server upgrades I need help with because I don't have the current
make file for the read.cgi
these things need to be thought out more before we order another Nasu banana
that might just be wasteful.