【千葉 浅田出演】東浩紀593【津田 ひふみ絶好調】

>>1 ちょっとズレるが、俺の政治的対外交渉による嫌儲板の現状把握について聞き出した情報成果。(現在スレ落ち済み)もちろん155がfate論の俺ね。

155 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2014/03/04(火) 11:27:30.51 ID:HUPFcqa10
hey, you, the moderator or the master, of this place, Code Monkey★

what's your major? it doesn't matter if it's undergrad or master or Ph.D. or even certificate.
I just wanted to know the tendency and well, the way you lead people and manage things, you know.

I just thought it's not so efficient nor even so constructive to earn a decent standing as an individual territory the board
to ask around a bunch of random people handing in or just posting as joke or some unserious instant art works. no offence though.

so, the reason why I asked you your major, to have some better grasp of the version of your direction.

157 :Code Monkey ★:2014/03/04(火) 11:41:09.03 ID:???0
Bachelors in Chinese Literature with a focus on Ancient Chinese
Masters in Computer Science with a focus on Information and Network Security

158 :Code Monkey ★:2014/03/04(火) 14:31:41.76 ID:???0
I guess this thread is dieing now.
If there is no consensus about the logo, then we will keep it how it is.

159 :番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です:2014/03/04(火) 14:40:03.47 ID:gUbdDaXm0
We are discussing on this thread.
Please wait a while.
【議論】Jim-san「嫌儲のロゴが変更しようと思う。お前らの意見聞かせてくれ」 http://maguro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1393866021/

161 :Code Monkey ★:2014/03/04(火) 15:09:53.34 ID:???0
>159 Thank you for showing me that.
I have a meeting to attend now, so I will go offline.
I will be back online in about 12 hours.
When you finish, please tell me the results of your discussion here.