優しい人たちがレスしてくれるスレッド Vol.27

Currently TTSSH is only available for Win32 platforms (Windows 95 and NT). Support for Windows 3.1 is plausible but I don't have the tools to build it. Perhaps someone will be able to help with this. Furthermore, it's only available for Intel platforms. Again, I don't have the tools to compile it anywhere else, and someone else may be able to help.

The following instructions will also serve to update an old version of TTSSH. Just say "yes" whenever it asks to overwrite a file.

Download and install Teraterm Pro 2.3 if you haven't already.
Download the TTSSH software package.
Unzip it into the directory where you've already installed Teraterm 2.3. This will create files LIBEAY32.DLL, TTXSSH.DLL and TTSSH.EXE.
Run "TTSSH.EXE" and the extension should be available. You should see a new "SSH" option in the "New Connection" dialog box and new menu items "Setup / SSH...", "Setup / SSH Authentication..." and "Help / About TTSSH...".
If you have problems, make sure there is a copy of MSVCRT.DLL in your SYSTEM32 directory. The latest build of TTSSH requires this (this was an error in the build process, sorry).