Received:from ( by ** with SMTP Received: from Cswxjtucl (localhost []) by (8.9.3/3.7W) with SMTP id ** for <> Date** Message-Id:< [email protected] > From:ancolo< [email protected] > To: [email protected] Subject:Questionnaire cid:W18J8R0L31
馬鹿ヒーの佐藤さん!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! お祝い---出産おめでとう(男の子:親へのお祝い) Subject: Congratulations! Subject: 出産おめでとう Dear <Jane and Bob>, 親愛なる(相手の両親の名前)へ I am so happy to hear about the arrival of your new son. ご子息のご誕生をお喜び申し上げます。 "<Bruce>" is a really good name. ”<ブルース>”とは、とても良い名前ですね。 I bet he's as smart and handsome as <Bob>. きっと、<ボブ>に似てハンサムで、聡明なんでしょうね。 Best wishes to you all. みなさまの幸せをお祈りします。 Yours, (結びの言葉) <Taro> (自分の名前)