The Bodhisattva whom I watch it, and control it. 行深般若波羅蜜多時. I watch Teru, and it is five aggregate non-substantiality of all forms of existence of the world. Degree all mischief and grievance. Buddha's bones child. 色不異空. The sky is non-unique. All is vanity. All is relative. 受想行識亦復如是. Buddha's bones child. 是諸法空相. An eternal being. Non-dirt dirtiness. Non-non-increase decrease. 是故空中. 無色無受想行識. No eyes nose and ears tongue body will. 無色声香味触法. No mental horizon - unconsciousness world. 無無明亦無無明尽. 乃至無老死亦無老死尽. No law of cause and effect. 無智亦無得. 以無所得故. 菩提薩. 依般若波羅蜜多故. 心無礙無礙故. No existence fear. Keeping at a distance all fall dream. The fundamental principle death of Buddha. Sansei various incarnations of the Buddha. 依般若波羅蜜多故. 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提. Old ways wisdom entrance into nirvana many. 是大神呪. 是大明呪. 是無上呪. 是無等等呪. 能除一切苦. Truly I am non-empty. Late opinion wisdom entrance into nirvana many curses. It is an opinion curse day immediately. 羯諦羯諦. 波羅羯諦. 波羅僧羯諦. 菩提薩婆訶. Pajna-para-mita sutra.