14 :1 ◆bGmJzgr3/6 :2005/10/27(木) 07:03:23 ID:+RWn1vHC hi i akita in us i am going to back to japan next coming sunday. this is the great experience i ever had. american girl do not sabetu me. they do not say hair is kimoi to me. tenpa- people better to live in us. girls do not hanndann to man only hair and eye line not like japanese girl.
there is a stupid man who ever visit foreign, because he do not know that the most impotant thing is speaking. he thinks the sentence that exactry correct can only make conbersation. i do not think so. i learned couple of impotant thing. speak can make only conversation,not writing. girl in us do not discriminate tenpa-. there is a lot of buruzyowa people in us.that's not smoll buruzyowa like income is 1000 mannenn. a lot of super buruzyowa people.i saw us is opotunity country not like japan.