今更ながら… That's the Time you feel a fright from spooky creatures in the night, But don't be scared of what you've seen cause this is Disney's Halloween Grab your costume now's your chance,in your tights or baggy pants, Let's all do the new Halloween dance,
これにてハロウィン終了 おばけも魔女も みんな友達さ、踊ろう、手を叩き足鳴らし 「歌おう!踊ろう!みんなで騒ごう!」 これこそハロウィーン、愉快なパーティ さぁみんなで祝おう A magic Disney Halloween,So let's all do the Halloween dance, Come on every one and join the harvest with costumes and fun,Let's see who's best dressed! Surprises are hiding in every place,So don't be afraid of funny face. Let's make lots of noise,come on girls and boys, There's more than you ever dream! At our happy,happy,Disney