It can also accomidate home-made alcohol and esbit stoves. The advantages of alcohol stoves They say it takes "over 22 steps taken to prepare and assemble this alcohol stove using special tools, jigs, and assembly techniques" including the use of "high temperature epoxy to seal the pressure chamber". The Clikstand is significantly more expensive than the Westwind, so the immediate question is "is it worth it?" In my opinion, the answer is yes. Both the price of alcohol stoves and fuel compares favorably to other fuels. I also got better performance by using it as a stand for my soda can stove, though not as good as the bent hangar stand. It was being sold for $4. The Clikstand is my new favorite alcohol stove. While it doesn't have the indestructible impression of the Trangia (you could probably damage it by stepping on it for instance), it's only a fraction of the Trangia's weight. Never add alcohol to a stove that is already burningince it can be tough to tell if the stove is lit, it's a good practice to add fuel from the fuel bottle to a second container, like the stove's cap first, and then from the cap to the stove. I love the quote of Chip Rawlins in "The Complete Walker IV": If stoves were poems this one would be haiku.