I tell you what, >>1. Our crew did an extensive search. Then, we have found out her, your mother. One of us told her "Are you >>1's mother? He has built a thread at '2channe' and he's brought a ruckus to all of them." She replied, "My boy brings a ruckus to the 2channel!?" then she collapsed and shed tears. She also said that she would to like to post some her words at '2channel' right then. But she was not in the condition to do that. She suffered from her wrist injury. She asked us to tell you she would keep on reading your posting at '2channel' thereafter, she was not able to follow her words. She sobbed bitterly. >>1, you now know how she feels. Quit talkin' trash, get it? You know what you oughta do next? Apologize to all for all that you've done. You are the man. You'll do it.