You may know about the 13 years old boy's death cause of bullying that happened in Japan, Shiga prefecture, Otsu city . I'd like to inform you that the author is along with the president (Mazuka, Kimura) of Mazuka 3D Works which has been doing business with Universal Studio Japan, the father of the boy who were bullying and causing the death of the young boy and had been covering-up of the case with Board of Education, local governments and the junior high school. (日本の滋賀県、大津市で13歳の少年がいじめにより亡くなった事はABCニュース等でご存知かと思います。 今回、USJの取引先であるマヅカ3Dワークス社長(キムラ マヅカ)がいじめ加害者の父親であり 地元自治体、教育委員会、中学校と隠蔽工作を行っている張本人であることをお知らせしたくメールをさせていただきました。)
They still are doing the profanity against the victim boy and their families even now, anger of the citizens in Japan has reached its limit. I have sent the mail this time with the thought of hope the prosperity of your company and should be communicated to USJ to stop the transactions with this company. (彼らは未だ、被害者に対する冒涜を行っており、国民の怒りは最高潮に達しております。 御社の繁栄を望むとともに、USJ側への取引中止の進言をして頂きたく存じます) 3/4
Since I'm sending this e-mail as a representative of the group to protect the honor the victim boy, please consider of this opinion and I would appreciate your reply. (被害少年の名誉を守るグループの一人をしてメールをさせて頂いてますので、是非御考察の上、返信していただけると幸いです。)