680 名前:たにし ★[] 投稿日:2006/06/19(月) 16:01:30 ID:???0 Today we experienced a 500 Meg+ per second DDos attack that is still ongoing. We have updated our core routers today to battle with the problem. During this time we experienced unreasonable down time. We have been in contact with the ISP that is responsible for the attacking computers and they where less then helpful in the situation, so we are dealing directly with their BandWidth providers.
682 名前:たにし ★[] 投稿日:2006/06/19(月) 16:01:53 ID:???0 Our current network status is that we are still being attacked, though we are entirely online, CoreBD-B is unstable and is rebooting randomly for an unknown reason. You may see systems go offline and come back on throughout the night. We will continue working on it in the morning. Good night.