Dear Jim
I'm a one of News+ person. Very thanks for your daily maintenance of 2ch.
> 694 名前:Hi everyone! ★@転載禁止[sage] 投稿日:2014/05/02(金) 01:46:52.94 ID:???0
> >> 680
> じゃあ、SCに行って、「それらの良記者さんがNETで立てるスレで、いっぱいレスがつくのを見たいんです。どうかNETに戻って」と
> 切々と訴えてくればいい。
> 彼らがNETに戻ってくるなら、さらに「最高の解決法」だ。さあ、いい記者はどんどん引き剥がそう。
◆◆◆雑談・批判要望・自治議論◆◆◆843 How do you think about this cap?, agitate the thread-person to unnecessary conflict.
Always he waist the discussion. His too much.
Such a vandal, lack of human dignity Cap should be dismiss from the board., I think.
Please concider it. Sorry for my poor engrish. thanks.