>>949 Unfortunately, I wonder if the words malicious users to exploit the "素心若雪" ?. I think it does not seem so to me, but to discuss it after renamed once, and also look at the effect is good. I expect that the discussion lively manner occurs.
Think, when reckless children had been banned to do something, They will look for loophole and do more of it than before. That is the reason AirRock-san always refuses when asked to register words such as personal infos (address or name). ROCK is only suited for URLs.
If new words are added NG list , I want to add discriminatory terms . JAP , CHON(means Korea) , TONKIN(means TOKYO) etc... These words are over freedom of speech.
967 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/29(土) 00:51:33.60 ID:???0
>>958 I don't think that is a good idea. Lots of people use those words. They need the place to say them. The lawyer uses up a lot of staff time. That is why I want his name NG.
>>897 Hello, Jim-san Thank you for taking your time. As you saw, the discussion haven't been held.
We are confused by having changed the ID before discussion. But they are asking unreasonable process.
Recently, they did NOT such a thing when ID is changed. No vote, No Discussion. They asked you to change ID behind us, with NO consensus.
Why do you ask more discussion? They never listen to unfavorite opinions. But they REQUIRE their agreement. WHY? Have they required us at the change? NOTHING.
They will not release attack tools. It is impossible to do. They are glad to take your commitment that you have no will to change.
>>987 Good night. Thank you for reply. I wish Japanese police don't blame 2ch for empty criminal declaration by even combination of some images' link...