Let's talk with Jim-san in operate. ★16

417あひるちゃん ◆2gpD9lKn5TVE
??? I can't get it
Afikasu restart reprinting logs because of ambiguous expressions at 2ch.
They are useing a security holl that you make.

The best solution would be replacing 無断複写●転載を禁じますfor アフィサイトへの転載を禁止します。at 2ch front page.
418動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2014/03/23(日) 17:43:44.56 ID:ixdL6XBu0
419動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2014/03/23(日) 17:46:38.72 ID:Na4Spm+H0
420Grape Ape ★:2014/03/23(日) 17:48:23.10 ID:???0
I don't think they stopped. I made a very clear post on a news thread. Now they are acting
like lawyers dissecting that. Generally, if you have to ask then you already know it is not
in the best interest of 2ch. You are asking for permission to damage 2ch.
I use quotes all the time. I don't ask before I quote. I have never had anyone complain.
There is limited intelligence in the population that can only copy and paste. They can not
be reasoned with. They only rationalize from their small view of the world.