307 :名無し編集部員 :2014/03/07(金) 16:03:08.76 ID:uYo9xT8c Problem of MATOME interrupts that of 2ch.
I think MATOME are really cancer of 2ch
308 :xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ :2014/03/07(金) 16:06:22.08 ID:??? >>307 I agree. i am certainly sick of it. There are way more important things to be doing now.
>>735 全ての権利は2ちゃんねるに帰属します but this might be too long for appending to the name field, so I'd rather leave it in English if you really need to insert it in every individual post...
Code Monkey's opinion and Brazil's opinion(http://p2.moritapo.jp/) is different. Brazil have presented evidence. Why do you believe Code Monkey's opinion??? explain specifically plz.
Jim-san Most of people misunderstand that you try to prohibit even quote. Although they know no one has right to prohibit quote, they have already given up quoting.
Hey Mr.Jim I have one question for a discrepancy to us for MATOME
We think MATOME is Quote or extract the log blog. Many of them trying to SEO for get more Visitors and Get more Affiliates. And some of them give a negative impact for 2ch to get more money or Popularity The evidence has been found several times in the past, Stir up conflict for more fight because Shocking as liable to catch consciousness
So our trying to no Quote or extract I didn't mean to go on so long. Sorry.
So my question is which is your opinion ,no Quote or extract the log, or no Quote the log for business ?