>>206 That is not going to happen. I think you are confused about All Rights Reserved, and reproduction prohibited. All Rights Reserved means that we reserve the right to enforce rights. I have no intention of stopping Matome sites. I encourage them. What I don't want are websites abusing resources, and abusing our good will. You know who they are. They are the ones making this thread chaos.
Jim-san, you should hire good interpreter. we cant understand what you say. anti-affis have been forcing ARR vote all over 2ch. even on unpopular board that there are no affiriate sites. they insist that is JIM's will. and such a fucking votes are vallidated by you.
The conclusion blog itself is unauthorized. Is it all right at an interpretation called the conclusion blog of the kind which carries out golden earnings using thread of 2ch not to allow [ which may exist independently ]? (This flow of a series of also has the impression of having targeted the conclusion site earned by an affiliate.) How is the treatment to a log storage warehouse the conclusion blog which is not the profit purpose (there is no affiliate), and in the past? Should not it be the profit purpose with the board attached to Copyright reserved and a name?
_______________________________________________________________________________________ >>199 This is a list of copy blogs of 2channel.Almost all these blogs still are active. Although this is not a perfect because some are inactive and it may not cover every copy blogs, you can get to know the rough tendency of their activities with the list: http://sure.geo.jp/list.html