Bulletin board of each of 2ch. It self-government the thread of board. self-government thread was hijacked. It has been a rule change by a vote. People of poverty bulletin board hijacked the bulletin board 2ch around. Vote aiming when no one is. They are aiming to change the bulletin board in 2ch. [change"default name"],[change Setting Display "ID" ],[change "Setting Board"],[change "Board Rule"],[Additional rule "All rights reserved"] Vote to decide them. The vote is currently being performed, fraud have been made all.(One case>>2-7)
Now we can't write in ALL boards of 2ch from ALL MOBILE PHONES. From smart phone, board says that "Access from your ip is restricted(アクセス規制中です)", From mobile phone(so-called feature phone or "Garake'e") board says that "ERROR: Writing from overseas is restricted(海外ドメイン規制中です)" Especially feature-phone users say that they are not writing from overseas and their ip is not overseas(they have \.jp domains)
>>14 This vote is invalid. They are not native people in the board, discussion is not done. If you accept that such vote is correct, it becomes possible for the minority to change rules systematically in secrecy.
825 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/05(水) 01:02:54.54 ID:???0 >>818 This seems to be a healthy democracy. Lots of complaining opposition and people arguing their point. I am not changing things rapidly, although I seem to be urged to. Don't worry, things are going to be ok.
825 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/05(水) 01:02:54.54 ID:???0 >>818 This seems to be a healthy democracy. Lots of complaining opposition and people arguing their point. I am not changing things rapidly, although I seem to be urged to. Don't worry, things are going to be ok.
836 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[] 投稿日:2014/03/05(水) 01:09:29.91 ID:1idAALEH0 >>825 i love you!Jim-san A very comfortable your New"2ch" We are always behind your idea! thanks a lot,Sir!
Emerging discussion about copyrights policy is very new for us, Science-plus users. This topic had never been talked in Board-autonomy forum before your suggestion. We are very confused. I, one of the Science-plus users, propose a new rule which let every users in Science-plus board express their own copyrights policy on each individual post. We Science-plus users respect individual initiatives and principle of freedom rather than a rule enforced for everyone. This proposal is under discussion in Science-plus board. The proposed rule is able to be both permanent or transitional. http://anago.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/scienceplus/1389967852/680
Of course, there is a agreement that we users respect YOUR policy. If you have some demands about copyrights policy, please let us know about it.
It goes without saying that we want Jim-san to explain the present circumstance of 2ch. What are you going to do? Wouldn't you remove the restrictions of the writing from smartphones and so on? We know it is too busy for you to give us some comments but please don't forget that we wait for you.
>>62 >Emerging discussion about copyrights policy is very new for us, Science-plus users. >This topic had never been talked in Board-autonomy forum before your suggestion. We are very confused.
NOT "us", NOT"we". You are NOT Science-plus users delegate in every way. Thats your own opinin, your concept.
Jim, You are the supervisor of this BBS. You can manage here any way you want to be. Well, please remember that here has piles of rumor, selfish literatures and bad argues. Most of threads are opened with reproduced term from somewhere, especially in news boards. How can you inhibit reproduction of reproduced terms? Group(s) votes on this for many boards and you approved them. It's your business, not mine, I'm an user. But please remind this.
I know how you feel... We miss Jim.. It's like we are left alone. One thing we can do is to make this thread a friendly place so that Jim feels like responding someday. Let's create a good atmosphere and just wait for him...
>>93 I read your words with laughin' www you said miss jim?? I feel 'bout this confuse was brought by jim's misstake! I also play fliendly,and make fun with users or 2ch administrators. but if you forgotton your duty,the area is confused, and we lost the paradice,you seen??
>>137 THX so much. I think spred out the feelin' for other people, The way is very dificutlty, but real man may say no excuse,likely bushido lol you must go back to job,and do it tough! god bless !
I've something to say to >>144 The debate over the three days through, it was done in four threads. During the time, they didn't advertise the discussion in other ppl. They blamed Kenmo company for everything, and insisted "vote is invalid" as if magic spell, and then they doubted the ability of the manager(you, Jim).
Bike board is one of strangest boards in 2ch, that doesn't have any local rules. I hope something changes by >>13 if executed well. They are just the Japanese ppl, wouldn't make stuff happen. TGIF, Jim.
Jim san I would like to apply because I heard when you remove deregulation people who work to start count, but please tell me the application Guidelines
Hello. It is how much, and will you sell it if you say that I want to buy(or rental) one board? I wish it is possible to set the bulletin board as a condition to have you sell (ON/OFF of the ID and free deletion and regulation).
211 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/07(金) 08:20:18.51 ID:???0
>>206 That is not going to happen. I think you are confused about All Rights Reserved, and reproduction prohibited. All Rights Reserved means that we reserve the right to enforce rights. I have no intention of stopping Matome sites. I encourage them. What I don't want are websites abusing resources, and abusing our good will. You know who they are. They are the ones making this thread chaos.
Jim-san, you should hire good interpreter. we cant understand what you say. anti-affis have been forcing ARR vote all over 2ch. even on unpopular board that there are no affiriate sites. they insist that is JIM's will. and such a fucking votes are vallidated by you.
The conclusion blog itself is unauthorized. Is it all right at an interpretation called the conclusion blog of the kind which carries out golden earnings using thread of 2ch not to allow [ which may exist independently ]? (This flow of a series of also has the impression of having targeted the conclusion site earned by an affiliate.) How is the treatment to a log storage warehouse the conclusion blog which is not the profit purpose (there is no affiliate), and in the past? Should not it be the profit purpose with the board attached to Copyright reserved and a name?
_______________________________________________________________________________________ >>199 This is a list of copy blogs of 2channel.Almost all these blogs still are active. Although this is not a perfect because some are inactive and it may not cover every copy blogs, you can get to know the rough tendency of their activities with the list: http://sure.geo.jp/list.html
Hi Jim-san. Have you been to Intramuros? There is Manila Cathedral,San Agustin Church and Fort Santiago. After you go there, I want you to go to MOA to eat YABU which as I informed you earlier. You can go to Malate... also.
A vote thread is built about the change of the name field of “Kidan” for married men board, and the following a count result was reported, but we demand the cancellation.
As a result of argument in the self-government thread, we decided to postpone a vote till this uproar stopped in “Kidan”. However, “Kenmou” members surged suddenly in the day when there are few inhabitants, and a vote thread was put up without what agreement, intention of “Kidan” is not reflected at all by a result. Therefore, it is the general will of "Kidan" to want to invalidate the result mentioned above. “Kenmou” members hurried a vote from the situation aggravation by the argument in the self-government thread in “Kidan” from the following replies. In addition, it is clear to have decided to overwhelm us with a number by an organized vote from the beginning.
The vote initiation and termination date and time when “Kenmou” members set on March 5 it were 24 hours from 14:00 on Thursday March 5 to 14:00 on Wednesday, March 6. As a matter of course, the common knowledge of the vote needed not to be performed, and a vote was started in the daytime, closed forcibly in the daytime also while we worked. And the intention of “Kidan” was not reflected.
We feel intense anger for such a reckless action. “Kenmou” members are convinced that such a way meets an administration policy of Jim-san. The user who disfavored it if you accept a way of “Kenmou” will leave it more and more in future. For example, fixed members of “Toa” are moving into another message board all at once. “Kenmou” members will expect the decline of 2ch.
Please watch the following replies. An uproar over the changes the name field or local rules is a suicide bombing for the 2ch decline by “Kenmou” members.
We strongly hope what Jim-san declares it is invalid when someone changes the name field or local rules by such a way and an intention. Please consider it about these.
Question I am sorry again. Although it is vote of whether to make it Copyright reserved carried out with various boards now, it has come also out of the place which decides on vote without carrying out an honest argument and a notice to inside.
"With the program ch board of >>30" "2014/03/05 (Wed.) 18:16:32.23" http://hayabusa2.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/weekly/1394010992/ and an argument do not have that the Copyright reserved argument thread stood, It is 2014/03/05 (Wed.) 19:13:50.67 of about 1 hour after that developed on the target on the other hand in the vote thread make direction from the start, and vote thread stood. As for vote, argument thread stands in 24 hours of 3/6(Thurs.)00:00:00.00?3/7 (Fri.) 00:00:00.00, and it has not passed for 6 hours. http://kohada.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1394014430/
I think that it cannot be about said that residents' opinion is fully reflected if it is in such states. Would you attach a condition to standing argument thread, and not starting vote for 24 hours, but considering it as a get-acquainted period, when casting one's vote? I would like you to order redo when a get-acquainted period is too short like this "program ch board" also in the already ended vote. Thank you for your consideration.
i felt former 2ch was like this. "boards are for users, users can change boards better for themselves". but now i feels like this "boards are for Jim and Kenmou, they can change all boards in 2ch as they like against other users."
Based on >>211, I think although Jim-san will say ' All Rights Reserved' on the top of 2channel, he will not prohibit the reprint in all boards of 2 Channel.
>>249 Hellow loser! To say anything now would be a complete waste of breath. Watch the results of an election, it is the majority opinion. The average user do oppose? they have to write against it? here and there and there and there? It is restrictive. They are not having or showing interest. Give it up, and confirm the results.
Hi Jim-san. I'm from News+. I'm not good english speaker.
Not a few user feel unfair and distrust about vote for reproduction prohibited in News+. Reproduction prohibited is no problem for me, but I think the term of announcement for voting doesn't have enough time length, and the number of people took part in a vote is too small. Now "blitzkrieg" by stranger raging everywhere. Pleese investigate the vote rule minutely. We want re-vote with new rules.
thank you for reading.
263 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/07(金) 12:44:06.82 ID:???0
Jim-san.In my opinion, Agree users are fed up with trolling by "Matome sites" including affiliate blog. They consider stiring up opposition,swiming against the current,and telling a lie. For that reason,there are more agree than disagree very many in >>246. This is exceedingly similar to the true opinion.
KENMOU proposed the polling here in ν速+. then without enough discussion nor time they did it.
We as the inhabitants can't accept the result. Because that procedure isn't right. So I declare all process is invalid. Please give the discussion a chance, and then revoting by residents.
>>263 Hello, Jim. You added "転載禁止" to user names of many popular boards. Of course, "転載禁止" means reproduction prohibited. You already stopped many 2ch Matome sites. Why you start talking about encouraging them at this stage? I can't understand.
281 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/07(金) 13:08:30.11 ID:???0
>>272 I will be looking at all of that tonight. I have given notice of that. Unfortunately this thread has become a little bit chaotic. Would you help me? If you think there are irregularities Please make a separate thread that includes all of the votes that are done, that I have not looked at yet. On that thread, please post the voting results for the boards and any arguments saying they are not valid. I will look at these. As far as the name changes go. I don't think it is such a problem. They can be changed back easily if it makes a problem. One thing I have noticed is a confusion among some people. All Rights Reserved can still be reprinted by Matome, just we reserve rights to that data and there may be a system in place to keep track of it, and even charge for the use if it becomes necessary, or if the data is abused a legal take down notice could be sent to the abuser.
I am not accepting current votes for Reproduction prohibited.
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1394118779/281 281 Grape Ape ★ 2014/03/07(金) 13:08:30.11 ID:???0 >>272 I will be looking at all of that tonight. I have given notice of that. Unfortunately this thread has become a little bit chaotic. Would you help me? If you think there are irregularities Please make a separate thread that includes all of the votes that are done, that I have not looked at yet. On that thread, please post the voting results for the boards and any arguments saying they are not valid. I will look at these. As far as the name changes go. I don't think it is such a problem. They can be changed back easily if it makes a problem. One thing I have noticed is a confusion among some people. All Rights Reserved can still be reprinted by Matome, just we reserve rights to that data and there may be a system in place to keep track of it, and even charge for the use if it becomes necessary, or if the data is abused a legal take down notice could be sent to the abuser.
I am not accepting current votes for Reproduction prohibited.
281 名前:Grape Ape ★ :2014/03/07(金) 13:08:30.11 ID:???0 略
All Rights Reserved can still be reprinted by Matome,just we reserve rights to that data and there may be a system in place to keep track of it, and even charge for the use if it becomes necessary, or if the data is abused a legal take down notice could be sent to the abuser.
Most people have confused vote. Strictly speaking, VOTE with extreme short run-up to election. All of the people have a vote time without notice matter of vote. this system is superior to someone who know this election system. This is the reason why this election is anjustice,I think.
ところで、ある人たちが混乱しているようなので説明します。名前欄の変更は簡単に元に戻すこともで きるので大きな問題だとは思っていません。ただ、All Rights Reserved(無断複製禁止)であっても(無 断複製禁止と表示しても)、まとめサイトは複製することも可能だということです。われわれはデーターへ の権利を持っているということなんです。(All Rights Reservedと示すことは我々が著作権者であること を示すということなんです)
Hello What are you like this local rule that what you want by any chance? This is a draft of local rules that are done in the discussion thread of mobile phone game board ◆ About ◆ reprint ? If you are a reprint to the site of the 2-channel out to write the contents of this bulletin board, and then allowed only for non-applicable at the time of all the following items. * Induction and attract customers to the site using the affiliate also use, affiliate sites that reprint Such use seems to be the purpose, of overt link antenna site, etc. * Forgery, tampering of writing content * Ignoring the flow of the thread, edit intentional viewers reprint destination site is misleading * Plate residents and people of other beet source like feel uncomfortable, is withdrawn and malicious ? The page reprint of destination, Please indicate the link to the thread-less or reprint of the original. ・ Based on the use of this bulletin board by site visitors, please specify the position in the site descriptive notes. ・ Please refrain from writing of less also create, in the thread for the purpose of reproduction.
Turmoil of this time. Evidence linked references. It was a conspiracy by the "poverty board inhabitant [http://maguro.2ch.net/poverty/]" . Fraudulent election with no notice period is contrary to democracy. It follows that is determined result of these elections is invalid. [change"default name"],[change Setting Display "ID" ],[change "Setting Board"],[change "Board Rule"],[Additional rule "All rights reserved"]
At the change already, should be restoring to the status quo. Please back to the original of default name . ↓ http://uni.2ch.net/newsplus/ "名無しさん@13周年@転載禁止" → "名無しさん@13周年" http://awabi.2ch.net/news4plus/ "<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん@転載禁止" → "<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん"
281 名前:Grape Ape ★ :2014/03/07(金) 13:08:30.11 ID:???0 略 One thing I have noticed is a confusion among some people. All Rights Reserved can still be reprinted by Matome,just we reserve rights to that data and there may be a system in place to keep track of it, and even charge for the use if it becomes necessary, or if the data is abused a legal take down notice could be sent to the abuser.
I am not accepting current votes for Reproduction prohibited.
ところで、ある人たちが混乱しているようなので説明します。名前欄の変更は簡単に元に戻すこともで きるので大きな問題だとは思っていません。ただ、All Rights Reserved(無断複製禁止)であっても(無 断複製禁止と表示しても)、まとめサイトは複製することも可能だということです。われわれはデーターへ の権利を持っているということなんです。(All Rights Reservedと示すことは我々が著作権者であること を示すということなんです)
jim, personally i think you are still misunderstanding what is BIGGEST problem of matome sites.
as you know, these matome sites are used to be "matome" of 2ch which most people gonna imagine like summary or conclusion of our discussions written in 2ch.
in current state. this kind of thoughts are totally wrong. yeah, these "matome" sites USED TO BE working like that. not anymore. good example is Hachima-kikou but most famous "matome" blog is owned by company.
they were making a blog for discussion of xbox/PS3 and gaming discussion of 2ch. although they looks like owned by a random amateur person who is not professional for marketing or advertsement. no, they are not. in fact, they are owned by company.
i dont care about they gonna "matome" our discussion or not, personally if they just copy paste the ENTIRE discussion written in 2ch which you MAY concern.
the problem is, they act like normal 2ch users and post random troll/fanboy fight/no reason rage post just to make their "matome" blog more interesting. no less, no more.
2ch is biggest and most famous community in japanese internet users not like 4chan. japanese company SECRETLY admit that 2ch has the power of controlling japanese so they try to buy these "matome" sites and make their posts secretly advertise their products.
you may trust or not, SONY is one of famous company that do this in 2ch a LOT. there is also evidence too. they often appear in 2ch and posts "xbox360 fails" shit over and over and over and over. they have not stopped this yet too. you can check this fact of this "problem" (yeah this is only just a "problem" in our country's law) in wikipedia. the "GK" (SONY LAN) problem can be checked here: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%B2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%E3%82%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%83%91%E3%83%BC%E5%95%8F%E9%A1%8C
and guess what? these "matome" sites will earn cash by making their blog as one sided.
so, basically, they earn cash by messing up our discussion which destroys true constructive discussion in 2ch. leeching your resource, rights, "stealth" advertise, bring 2ch rage fight is their keywords.
what you think about this, jim? i dont think you still get the point since you cannot read japanese languages AT ALL.
Hello, Jim-san. I'm a regular user of video game's board. And now, that board has been determined to prohibit reproduction of writes by vote. But, there are many wikis or web sites for hints and tip or preserving fanfictions or ASCII arts for thread's users. Those are edited by thread's users, and it's undoubtedly not for the purpose of a commercial business. And it's very useful for the thread's users. Then I and others are very anxious about whether we must close the wikis or sites. So, I'd like to have your response to whether we can use it or not after this. And, I've heard that you are considering making a wiki on a 2ch server. I think it's a very nice idea. If you implement it indeed, I'd like you to do it as soon as possible, and please instruct to transfer from wikis to it.
Jim-san, (I used a machine translation of google..)
1 All rights reserved. 2 prohibit the reproduction of all
Changed name (@転載禁止) is the second meaning.
I looks like there is some misunderstanding. In order to inhibit the reproduction of all, they, I went to vote quickly. and You may vote act itself Maybe was fair, but I do not know the rules that decide everything in the vote. For the same reason, I have a question to re-vote.
In addition, I will follow the decision of the JIM-SAN. Because it's a clear rule that I know.
For now, I will hope that it is going to remove the @転載禁止(@prohibit the reproduction of all) from the name of all. It looks like you are in a situation that is different from the intention of you.
I agree to make a claim for compensation to the site(summary blog).
to solve this issue, you MUST do some kind of actions against these bloggers. setting charge for reproduction of 2ch posts is good start.
btw jim, i didnt like a sentence posted by you.
>we reserve rights to that data
this is wrong. the data written by users ALSO HAS right of use to the posts. NOONE else can give them rights unless the topic has such term of use.
these DATA which posted in 2ch is belong to you. however, the POST ITSELF is written by users. WE have right of quoting our posts. WE can decide which post can be quoted. not YOU. 2ch authors only got rights which you can allow quoting/reproducing in final decisions. noone should not break this rule, simple right? that's why we are trying to decide which boards are free to be quoted/reproduced.
check japanese law and read my post again if you are unclear to these my thoughts. i dont think i am writing wrong.
im not big fan of hate posts. but jim, you are... disappointing us.
>>388 How about giving some boards re-discussing EXCEPT 'Live-jupiter,and,VIP' which you have been to that boards dorectly and seen many residents against MATOME ?
Jim-san, If you ignore voting finally,Anyway accept all suitable voting once. Of course,users know Jim-san's decision is superior than local rule but indicate their intention as hard as possible. Please consider my feelings, and their feelings.
>>388 I am worried about a misunderstanding on All Rights Reserved between us. In Japan, generally speaking, when you say' All Rights Reserved to 2 Channel’, those who want to reprint data of 2 channel must have a permission from you.
Do you request the owner of Matome sites to get a permission from you?
>>322 This finding is interesting and funny. “転載禁止” which translates to “reproduction prohibited” was mistranslated by Google Translate as “All Rights Reserved”.
>>396 >Please consider my feelings, and their feelings.
Your feelings is Korean feelings, anti-Japanese feelings.
414 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/07(金) 14:35:55.40 ID:???0
>>409 As I have said if you bothered to read my writing, and not the writing of those pushing very hard to take advantage of the system, you would already know this answer.
>>414 your answer is unclear to me. i get his post is simple yes/no question. and i am assuming you have given the permission of quoting 2ch posts to the matome sites.
whats your state for the matome sites anyway? earning $$$ from matome sites are YOUR goal. not ours.
reading all these japanese text posts everybody shows biggest disappointment ever to you.
451 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/07(金) 14:51:11.19 ID:???0
>>439 It can't be more clear than I have already said. You are attempting to guide a conversation in the direction you require for your personal need. Please stop that. Fair Use is ambiguous on purpose legally. It requires you to defend yourself. Not me to define why. Quoting is almost always ok. I have a personal quote site myself. That is Electric Buddha.
467 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/07(金) 14:57:38.43 ID:???0
>>450 Interesting, please note that All Rights Reserved is not required to be displayed to have rights. Both of our fine countries are party to this convention.
all rights reserved Source: "Wiktionary" (2013/09/01 23:08 UTC version) Phrase all Rights reserved ( Idiomatic , law ) The Copyright Holder of a creative work reserves all Copyright - related Rights , Typically INCLUDING the right to publish the work , to make Derivative Works of it , to distribute it , to make profit from it , to license a number of THESE Rights to Other People , and to forbid THESE the uses by any Nonauthorized People , THUS Being Entitled to Take legal Action Against infringement . Considerations for use Formerly USED as a notice to protect a publisher 's Copyright. Not required in countries That Are Party to the Berne Convention as of 2000.
In Japan, you don't need to write "All rights reserved" clearly for claiming the copyright. When you create or publish something, you own its copyright without claming.
Anyone only janitor "MatomeBlog" can post and editable "MatomeWiki" is a different thing, but do you call it a "matomeSite" refers to either? Or we are talking about both?
493 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/07(金) 15:10:08.30 ID:???0
>>439 I will give you some examples. Logsoku - I will be seeking legal action. hissi.org OK *.2chblog individual user mostly ok. Although LINE owns that domain and would need to pay.
>>482 Yes, quotes are almost always ok as long as the source is properly noted.
>>451 yeah. quoting is ok generally. everybody does in their own site/blog/tweets and such. so basically since all these matome sites are just a "quote" site, they have no problem too.
okey ill show you good example of how its work. i will "quote" from this thread to show you how its work.
360 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2014/03/07(金) 14:07:58.46 ID:rWISzMPwI @jim It is a group of south Korea to demand close down.
406 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2014/03/07(金) 14:33:44.46 ID:rWISzMPwI @jim Inconvenient contents want not to be known to a Japanese.It's demand closedown by the reason.It is server terrorism of south Korea.
436 :動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる:2014/03/07(金) 14:46:20.80 ID:rWISzMPwI @jim We have a duty to protect a country. From south Korea which wants to protect Japan.
it is just quotes of THIS thread. have you noticed that i have changed thread title? isn't this thread suppsed to "lets talk with jim" thread?
my new thread title (JAPANESES SPAMMING RACISM COMMENT FOR 2CHANNEL AUTHOR ALL TIME) looks like legit but totally far from original discussion. these are just "quotes". and we have right to the posts how these should be used. as you can see, your posts can be used to misdirect people for wrong direction easy.
i do not want to be used my post in this way. noone does.
jim-san Eventually, what do you want matome sites owners to do? Under what conditions can they reproduce 2ch-log? reproducing 2ch-log, Are there any different conditions between commercial-free and commercial purpose?
524 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/07(金) 15:18:08.76 ID:???0
>>476 I have looked at that. It is some nonsenx put together to appear to be something that it is not. The face is the attack did come from Brazil IPs the first day, and only after the attack were the Brazil ips added to bbon. After which the servers returned to normal operation. Yesterday's attack was something different. It used a combination of spoofed IPs and VPN ips from a PRIVATE VPN that I supplied accounts to only for the use of Brazil. The IPs that logged into this PRIVATE VPN are logged.
>>467 I think so. There is no difference on this point.
However, 'All Rights Reserved' (不許複製、無断転載禁ず and etc), it means someone must have a permission from the copyright holder if they try to reprint the contents.(not quoting)
When we translate All Rights Reserved into proper Japanese words, we may find the a slight difference on the rights and duties which the words mean.
>I will give you some examples. >Logsoku - I will be seeking legal action. >hissi.org OK >*.2chblog individual user mostly ok. Although LINE owns that domain and would need to pay.
log site out? hissi safe? 2chblog(affiliate site no affiliate site all)safe?
>>524 By yesterday's name change, all the conclusion sites lost the justification of the activity. All from which most of them never return to 2ch are the result of being put on people who ignore an early warning and are called kenmou.
We are afraid ↓↓↓ Affiliate bloggers make a thread, and it is to write that themselves is artificial to the thread −−−−−−−−−− Because their reply (their playing of own work) makes 2ch an artificial one We do not expect 2ch where an artificial reply is performed
We require reproduction prohibition of 2ch regardless of whether "affiliate bloggers" pay money to 2ch
>>524 If ignore all voting,I think all of 2ch need decide rule ''All rights reserved'' immediately. Many participant of voting are disappointing,in expectation of endless trooling by ''matome sites''.
There is a misconception in the word "@転載禁止". It means "@転載禁止" in Japanese that prohibit the reproduction of all. This is different from intention of jim-san.
The words added by setting of the SETTING.TXT BBS_ARR=checked should change it to "@2chが著作権を所有しています". "@2chが著作権を所有しています" means that 2ch holds a copyright. If it is this setting, intention of jim-san is handed down to a Japanese.
It is voter fraud, all invalid vote. Discussion thread illegal occupation, a large amount of voter fraud. Impersonation thread is also invalid in the discussion that was hijacked. 【Please check】 → >>9,>>321
A large amount of locust came from land elsewhere. Land that was occupied by locusts become a thing of the locusts? No, it is not.
253 名前: 名無し編集部員 [sage] 投稿日: 2014/03/07(金) 15:29:16.23 ID:ASg/4PLR Show your logical answer to one japanese company's official statement
255 名前: C ◆Odemonkey. @Code Monkey ★ 投稿日: 2014/03/07(金) 15:32:12.83 ID:??? >>253 Ask Jim-san for an official statement. I have nothing to say about Brazil.
1) accepting matome blogs by certain amount of charge and 2) does not care if they post or make threads for their own blog 3) and finally, jim (current 2ch author) thinks users has NO rights for their own posts.
soooo our discussion is over. i hope reddit will support japanese language sometime soon. gbye 2channel i guess?
626 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/07(金) 15:41:03.31 ID:???0
>>617 As far as I know it probably will still work if you access their server by a different domain name. They will no longer have p2.2ch.net pointed at their server. They caused trouble with it and that can't be considered official anymore.
Matome sites that we talking now is almost same that of "LOGsoku" Matome means collection of logs ,they are copying 2ch log without permission for making money.
Jim-san Now, your remark is diffused in the form misunderstood. The people who those who claim that all the acts performed by your taking office are invalidity appeared, and were supporting you began to consider that you are a liar. You had better reconfirm whether whether the friend well versed in Japanese having been contacted and its utterance's being transmitted correctly and a you can recognize a user's concern correctly.
What gym I'm laughing, I'm here serious Was done a discussion of what for? I think each plate, each thread is just how rough a result, a lot of people hurt that much I do believe that because you are doing the management people a habit that can not be the Japanese, and are at the mercy of how much Seriously yo motherfucker
Although Jim-san will not prohibit the reprints in all boards here, he don't allow the copy site to abuse our resources. You will inform him of the malicious copy site if you find it.
* The administrator of a blog contracts with a company. * An administrator needs to summarize a thread arbitrarily so that a contract company becomes advantageous. * A user is instigated [ "the voice of 2ch" ].
Then, how are you an idea about the blog which has obtained the countervalue?
Dashing swiftly through the wind blowin' from Rokko Like the big sun soaring in the clear blue sky Mighty spirit of the youth shows the victor's grace The name that shines in glory "Hanshin Tighrs" * Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Hanshin Tigers Hooray, Hurray, Hurrah, Hurrah!
>>735 I have never seen that "All Rights Reserved" is translated into Japanese word. "All Rights Reserved" is usually written without being translation in Japanese documents.
http://pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1394092843/304 304 :xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2014/03/07(金) 16:00:35.30 ID:??? >>303 I have been here behind the scenes for more than a decade. I only pop my head out when there is trouble. At this time we have trouble.
The requirement to add a notice became obsolete and essentially deprecated on August 23, 2000, as every country that was a member of the Buenos Aires Convention (which is the only copyright treaty requiring this notice to be used) is also a member of the Berne Convention which requires protection be granted without any formality of notice of copyright.
Hi Sir.Jim. Now, We've just finished voting to change the contributors' name. We'd like you to change the name. In the Dojinshi fair, We have discussed that change the name of "default name" to "カタログ片手に名無しさん@転載禁止" , expending more than 300 res. Please take a look if you can.
308 :xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ :2014/03/07(金) 16:06:22.08 ID:??? >>307 I agree. i am certainly sick of it. There are way more important things to be doing now.
>>735 Jim-san I think that there is NO proper words All Rights Reserved in Japanese. In Japan, they doesn't need to use the words All Rights Reserved. So we can not find equivalent of that. If you want to indicate, it is better to write it in English, not Japanese.
>>735 In Japan, the copyright occurs when I created a thing. The procedure to obtain a right is not necessary at all. Therefore the copyright indication is not necessary legally.
oh, Jim-san don't worry ”転載禁止”It is effective to prevent a copyright infringement act. because an apt quotation( Ex. education) is permitted as an exception by japanese law
oh, Jim-san don't worry ”転載禁止”It is effective to prevent a copyright infringement act. because an apt quotation( Ex. education) is permitted as an exception by japanese law
基本 転載は不可にすべき グーグルで検索するとまとめサイトのゴミ記事 ガセネタばっかり 引っかかる。2ch記者の立てたスレはまだソースがあるが、 個人の立てたスレは誹謗中傷 と嘘 デマが多すぎるので 転載を認めるべきではない in English same above My point of view for this issue Reproduction of 2ch log without permission should be banned you will come across a fake article, lies,of 2ch Matome site providing when you search something on Google they are really harmful .
Can't fall asleep I don't know why I know it's not cause of the world situation Watching TV bad news all around But that's not the reason I'm so scared now
Real thing shakes me like the rain in a storm Wo Something's burnin' like a fire in my mind Love sets me free like a bird in the sky Wo You and me we can find a way to fly
Hi Jim-san "All right reserved" appears to have originated as a result of the Buenos Aires Convention of 1910. but Japan doesnt accede.So there is not exact translation in Japanese.
I want you to select that you make blog of the 2ch direct management if you think summary blog to be necessary. It is applied by the self-government of the bulletin board user and the editor should choose by their fair vote. We hold out the total amount of the blog income to a budget of 2ch. We do not think it to be a problem. If arrogant pirates do not gain, we are good in it.
Most of the pirates are yakuzas. It is forbidden performing a transaction with a yakuza by the law of Japan. I do not think that the law is applied to 2ch with the server abroad. However, it is sure that the act worsens an image of 2ch. Please do not permit pirates summary blog.
転載禁止に反発してるのはまとめサイトの管理人だけだと思うよ I guess those who upset for prohibit of reproduction are only a few manager of Matome sites. cause they are making money on it.
>>735 although "無断転載禁止" is normally,this word contains the problem about >>409 and >>414. so i think that "2chが著作権を所有しています" or "'All Rights Reserved." is better.
>>894 I am not against you. In the end, Jim-san will decide what he should do for the copy sites. However, I think we should avoid the term which may cause misunderstanding between the concerned parties.
281 :xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★:2014/03/07(金) 14:28:59.80 ID:??? >>273 I have discussed this with the KENMO men. They understand completely that we need to make money to stay in business. I think what you are trying to say is KENMO don't like people that cheat and steal to get money.
307 :名無し編集部員 :2014/03/07(金) 16:03:08.76 ID:uYo9xT8c Problem of MATOME interrupts that of 2ch.
I think MATOME are really cancer of 2ch
308 :xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★ :2014/03/07(金) 16:06:22.08 ID:??? >>307 I agree. i am certainly sick of it. There are way more important things to be doing now.
>>735 全ての権利は2ちゃんねるに帰属します but this might be too long for appending to the name field, so I'd rather leave it in English if you really need to insert it in every individual post...
Code Monkey's opinion and Brazil's opinion(http://p2.moritapo.jp/) is different. Brazil have presented evidence. Why do you believe Code Monkey's opinion??? explain specifically plz.
Jim-san Most of people misunderstand that you try to prohibit even quote. Although they know no one has right to prohibit quote, they have already given up quoting.
Hey Mr.Jim I have one question for a discrepancy to us for MATOME
We think MATOME is Quote or extract the log blog. Many of them trying to SEO for get more Visitors and Get more Affiliates. And some of them give a negative impact for 2ch to get more money or Popularity The evidence has been found several times in the past, Stir up conflict for more fight because Shocking as liable to catch consciousness
So our trying to no Quote or extract I didn't mean to go on so long. Sorry.
So my question is which is your opinion ,no Quote or extract the log, or no Quote the log for business ?