427 名前:Code Monkey ★[] 投稿日:2013/09/09(月) 22:59:27.49 ID:???
I have a perfect solution.
I wrote new server software to replace the old offlaw.cgi Maru system. My new system is called "Rokka". Inside Rokka, I can do a find/replace to remove the timestamp on posts between the time frame of the leak.
Using the Rokka system, the archived dats on the server will never change. But, when a request is made to view dat files between the certain timeframe, the timestamp will be censored.
It will be like the mosaic in an AV movie. The girl's body never has a physical change, but the viewer can only see a mosaic. There wont be any way to remove the mosaic on Rokka.
This mosaic will only apply to the 2ch and bbspink timestamps between July and August 2013.
428 名前:xerxes.maido3.net[] 投稿日:2013/09/09(月) 23:01:02.13 ID:S9vC5Q2x [10/10]
>>427 That is a good idea.