>>389 改善しないなら苦肉の策として、Abovenet経由を設定「わざと遠くする」、
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Dear routing engineers at PIE,
This is Mumumu. I'm a voluntary engineer of 2ch.
Now we have connectivity trouble via Abovenet line,
especially, for KDDI (auone, it's ISP service of KDDI) and au
(it's Mobile phone service of KDDI), and So-net (SONY group's ISP).
When in "midnight rush time" (22:00-25:00 JST), we've encountered
many packet loss and slow down from KDDI to PIE(2ch), via Abovenet
link every day.
Of course, I believe some kinds of troubles are exist between abovenet
and KDDI and So-net, and this should be fixed by themselves.
But in temporary solution, could you increase BGP metrics intentionally
for Abovenet link? I think you can apply by using "as prepend" setting
at Abovenet link.
Now we and many 2ch users are waiting for solving the problem.
Please help us.
-- Mumumu