2ch特化型サーバ・ロケーション構築作戦 Part20

59root▲ ★
Jim-san, Sean-san,
Cc: Hiroyuki-san, Yakin-san, (中の人)-san,

This is Mumumu.

First, I say thank you for your trouble recovery work,
and I heard from Sean-san today an another power circuit has been added.

But, I cannot trust you in the current situation.

So, you say the power circuit has been added two times. But I have not
heard from you an _accurate_ measurement result of the _peak_ of the
power usage yet.

I think we need the accurate measurement for the peak power usage at
22:00-24:00 JST. It is the peak access time in Japan.
This is a basic and an important issue.

Please do not forget about it.
It is very important issue about the trust between you and 2ch.
60root▲ ★:2006/02/24(金) 02:41:12 ID:???0 BE:547632-#

And I have an idea to solve the problem. As you may heard from
Yakin-san, some of servers in XO rack can be moved out to another

Follow servers can be moved to another location. They are not needed
neither 1Gbps connection not the private network connectivity.

tiger504, tiger509, tiger510
cobra2245, banana402

But they are now served for 2ch BBS, so, we need step-by-step moving
process. For example, scheduling, notify to 2ch users before moving,

So, we need a steady process and mind for success the project.
Please do not short-cut.

And all 2ch users are watching us. Please do not forget this again.

61root▲ ★:2006/02/24(金) 02:42:01 ID:???0 BE:2918584-#
