
Farthest Human Cannonball Flight
The record distance for a human fired from a cannon is 56.54 m (185 ft 10 in),
by David "Cannonball" Smith Sr. This human cannonball feat occurred on May 29,
1998, at Kennywood Park, West Mifflin, Pennsylvania, USA. It is estimated
David was traveling at over 112 km/h (70 mph) during the flight!
Despite all the airtime in his chosen profession, there is not a part
of performing that David doesn't enjoy. "I am able to do something that is
entertaining for people," he says, "I truly enjoy people!" He has eight
children and five of them are human cannonballs! "The others are still
too young!" he laughs. Continuing in their father's sky-high tradition is
obviously in their blood!


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