Today,I tried Frontline. I am not a PVP fan,& I like FFXIV1.0-1.23 more than WOW. but i want to say that WOW PVP is 100x times better than ARR. the whole PVP system in ARR (balance & mechanics) is a joke
Other jokes: social/player interaction content=almost non existent (hello MMORPG?) 3 stars crafting/fishing/gathering=very expensive/time consuming & they are mainly for vanity gears fates=zerg hunts=teleport over and over again and zerg 110 gears=handout novus/animus/atma=why bother? dungeons=over and over and over again roulette=like a job daily quest=where is the fun gears obsolete every 6months=repeat the jokes above Hildibrand/Edda quests=they are funny I admit