


2名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:15:51 ID:M8Peed6t0
3名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:18:05 ID:NMr6qqf50

4名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:19:24 ID:lW0y+0lv0
5名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:23:03 ID:M8Peed6t0
6名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:24:06 ID:ELjGJ1PC0
【連絡先】[email protected]
7名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:34:52 ID:L7Aw6yayO

【連絡先】[email protected]
8名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:40:24 ID:ELjGJ1PC0
9名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:42:14 ID:M8Peed6t0
10名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:48:31 ID:NMr6qqf50
Personalization of Web services requires a powerful pref erence model
that smoothly and efficiently integrates with standard database query
languages. We make the case for preferences as strict partial orders,
supported in database query languages like Preference SQL and Preference
XPATH. Performance of Web services will crucially de pend on various
architectural design decisions. We point out that, given current
bandwidth restrictions, a central server architecture is desirable.
Concerning the implemen tation of preference queries we investigate
the tightly cou pled architecture, presenting a novel approach for
alge braic optimization based on preference algebra. We pro vide new
transformation laws and give evidence for the power of this heuristic
optimization technique. This forms the basis for a new preference
query optimization meth odology, promising good performance even for
complex Web services.
11名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:50:59 ID:NMr6qqf50
Personalization of Web services requires a powerful pref erence model
that smoothly and efficiently integrates with standard database query
languages. We make the case for preferences as strict partial orders,
supported in database query languages like Preference SQL and Preference
XPATH. Performance of Web services will crucially de pend on various
architectural design decisions. We point out that, given current
bandwidth restrictions, a central server architecture is desirable.
Concerning the implemen tation of preference queries we investigate
the tightly cou pled architecture, presenting a novel approach for
alge braic optimization based on preference algebra. We pro vide new
transformation laws and give evidence for the power of this heuristic
optimization technique. This forms the basis for a new preference
query optimization meth odology, promising good performance even for
complex Web services.
12名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:52:14 ID:NMr6qqf50
Personalization of Web services requires a powerful pref erence model
that smoothly and efficiently integrates with standard database query
languages. We make the case for preferences as strict partial orders,
supported in database query languages like Preference SQL and Preference
XPATH. Performance of Web services will crucially de pend on various
architectural design decisions. We point out that, given current
bandwidth restrictions, a central server architecture is desirable.
Concerning the implemen tation of preference queries we investigate
the tightly cou pled architecture, presenting a novel approach for
alge braic optimization based on preference algebra. We pro vide new
transformation laws and give evidence for the power of this heuristic
optimization technique. This forms the basis for a new preference
query optimization meth odology, promising good performance even for
complex Web services.
13名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:54:20 ID:NMr6qqf50
Personalization of Web services requires a powerful pref erence model
that smoothly and efficiently integrates with standard database query
languages. We make the case for preferences as strict partial orders,
supported in database query languages like Preference SQL and Preference
XPATH. Performance of Web services will crucially de pend on various
architectural design decisions. We point out that, given current
bandwidth restrictions, a central server architecture is desirable.
Concerning the implemen tation of preference queries we investigate
the tightly cou pled architecture, presenting a novel approach for
alge braic optimization based on preference algebra. We pro vide new
transformation laws and give evidence for the power of this heuristic
optimization technique. This forms the basis for a new preference
query optimization meth odology, promising good performance even for
complex Web services.
14名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 15:58:18 ID:lc3+y2xX0
15名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 16:27:18 ID:XqTlhaqe0
16名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 16:31:08 ID:NMr6qqf50
Personalization of Web services requires a powerful pref erence model
that smoothly and efficiently integrates with standard database query
languages. We make the case for preferences as strict partial orders,
supported in database query languages like Preference SQL and Preference
XPATH. Performance of Web services will crucially de pend on various
architectural design decisions. We point out that, given current
bandwidth restrictions, a central server architecture is desirable.
Concerning the implemen tation of preference queries we investigate
the tightly cou pled architecture, presenting a novel approach for
alge braic optimization based on preference algebra. We pro vide new
transformation laws and give evidence for the power of this heuristic
optimization technique. This forms the basis for a new preference
query optimization meth odology, promising good performance even for
complex Web services.
17名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 16:32:37 ID:NMr6qqf50
Personalization of Web services requires a powerful pref erence model
that smoothly and efficiently integrates with standard database query
languages. We make the case for preferences as strict partial orders,
supported in database query languages like Preference SQL and Preference
XPATH. Performance of Web services will crucially de pend on various
architectural design decisions. We point out that, given current
bandwidth restrictions, a central server architecture is desirable.
Concerning the implemen tation of preference queries we investigate
the tightly cou pled architecture, presenting a novel approach for
alge braic optimization based on preference algebra. We pro vide new
transformation laws and give evidence for the power of this heuristic
optimization technique. This forms the basis for a new preference
query optimization meth odology, promising good performance even for
complex Web services.
18名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 16:33:11 ID:NMr6qqf50
Personalization of Web services requires a powerful pref erence model
that smoothly and efficiently integrates with standard database query
languages. We make the case for preferences as strict partial orders,
supported in database query languages like Preference SQL and Preference
XPATH. Performance of Web services will crucially de pend on various
architectural design decisions. We point out that, given current
bandwidth restrictions, a central server architecture is desirable.
Concerning the implemen tation of preference queries we investigate
the tightly cou pled architecture, presenting a novel approach for
alge braic optimization based on preference algebra. We pro vide new
transformation laws and give evidence for the power of this heuristic
optimization technique. This forms the basis for a new preference
query optimization meth odology, promising good performance even for
complex Web services.
19名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 16:57:31 ID:85frUE5s0


【備考】当方21♂ 非喫煙者さん限定
【連絡】random_mail @ mail.goo.ne.jp
20名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 17:29:03 ID:XqTlhaqe0
21名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 17:52:57 ID:lW0y+0lv0
> >>7
> なりすましを装った本人乙
と思っ た ん だ が   …えぇっ?!
22名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 18:32:53 ID:NMr6qqf50
Energy reserves, price, and security of supply issues are discussed
in the context of the prospects for coal and policies to reduce greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions. Coal is projected to remain a major source of energy,
with most of the demand growth in developing countries. Currently available
power-generating technologies, deploying coal with natural gas or biomass,
are examined. Examples of successful, partial substitution of coal by other
fuels in power stations are highlighted, including the GHG emissions reductions
achieved as well as the costs where available. Among various options, hybrid
gasification and parallel cofiring of coal with biomass and natural gas appear
to have the greatest potential to reduce GHG emissions. Much may also be
achieved by cofiring, reburning, and repowering with gas turbines. The best
method differs between different power systems. Co-utilization of biomass
with coal is a least-cost option to reduce GHG emissions where the fuel
prices are comparable, usually due to subsidies or taxes. The role of
biomass is likely to increase due to greater use of subsidies, carbon
taxes, and emissions trading within the context of the Kyoto Protocol.
This should provide opportunities for clean coal technology transfer and
diffusion, including biomass co-utilization.
23名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 18:35:03 ID:BJmnJsYq0
【連絡先】[email protected]
24名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 18:39:08 ID:NMr6qqf50
Energy reserves, price, and security of supply issues are discussed
in the context of the prospects for coal and policies to reduce greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions. Coal is projected to remain a major source of energy,
with most of the demand growth in developing countries. Currently available
power-generating technologies, deploying coal with natural gas or biomass,
are examined. Examples of successful, partial substitution of coal by other
fuels in power stations are highlighted, including the GHG emissions reductions
achieved as well as the costs where available. Among various options, hybrid
gasification and parallel cofiring of coal with biomass and natural gas appear
to have the greatest potential to reduce GHG emissions. Much may also be
achieved by cofiring, reburning, and repowering with gas turbines. The best
method differs between different power systems. Co-utilization of biomass
with coal is a least-cost option to reduce GHG emissions where the fuel
prices are comparable, usually due to subsidies or taxes. The role of
biomass is likely to increase due to greater use of subsidies, carbon
taxes, and emissions trading within the context of the Kyoto Protocol.
This should provide opportunities for clean coal technology transfer and
diffusion, including biomass co-utilization.
25名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 18:42:15 ID:NMr6qqf50
Energy reserves, price, and security of supply issues are discussed
in the context of the prospects for coal and policies to reduce greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions. Coal is projected to remain a major source of energy,
with most of the demand growth in developing countries. Currently available
power-generating technologies, deploying coal with natural gas or biomass,
are examined. Examples of successful, partial substitution of coal by other
fuels in power stations are highlighted, including the GHG emissions reductions
achieved as well as the costs where available. Among various options, hybrid
gasification and parallel cofiring of coal with biomass and natural gas appear
to have the greatest potential to reduce GHG emissions. Much may also be
achieved by cofiring, reburning, and repowering with gas turbines. The best
method differs between different power systems. Co-utilization of biomass
with coal is a least-cost option to reduce GHG emissions where the fuel
prices are comparable, usually due to subsidies or taxes. The role of
biomass is likely to increase due to greater use of subsidies, carbon
taxes, and emissions trading within the context of the Kyoto Protocol.
This should provide opportunities for clean coal technology transfer and
diffusion, including biomass co-utilization.
26名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 18:45:06 ID:NMr6qqf50
Energy reserves, price, and security of supply issues are discussed
in the context of the prospects for coal and policies to reduce greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions. Coal is projected to remain a major source of energy,
with most of the demand growth in developing countries. Currently available
power-generating technologies, deploying coal with natural gas or biomass,
are examined. Examples of successful, partial substitution of coal by other
fuels in power stations are highlighted, including the GHG emissions reductions
achieved as well as the costs where available. Among various options, hybrid
gasification and parallel cofiring of coal with biomass and natural gas appear
to have the greatest potential to reduce GHG emissions. Much may also be
achieved by cofiring, reburning, and repowering with gas turbines. The best
method differs between different power systems. Co-utilization of biomass
with coal is a least-cost option to reduce GHG emissions where the fuel
prices are comparable, usually due to subsidies or taxes. The role of
biomass is likely to increase due to greater use of subsidies, carbon
taxes, and emissions trading within the context of the Kyoto Protocol.
This should provide opportunities for clean coal technology transfer and
diffusion, including biomass co-utilization.
27名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 18:45:29 ID:p7K/5Itn0
/ガス ( GHG ) 放出。石炭は、エネルギーのメジャーなソースのままであると予測される、
/調査される。他のものによる石炭の成功した部分的な代用の例/GHG 放出減少を含んで、
/GHG 放出を減少させる最も大きい可能性を持つために。多く、同じく、である、
/共同で火がつき、再び‐燃焼し、そして、ガスタービンによって再‐ powering ことによって達成される。
GHG 放出を減少させる最小費用オプションである、燃料、/通常補助金、または、税のために、価格は、匹敵する
京都 Protocol の文脈の中の排出権取引。これは、環境保全型石炭利用技術移動に機会を提供するべきである、そして、

>>24  はて?
28名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 18:48:58 ID:NMr6qqf50
Biomass and waste, which are the focus of the activities at the section
Thermal Power Engineering of the TU Delft, are the most important renewable
energies today. They will maintain their role in the future. There are
different possibilities to convert biomass and waste to power and heat.
The combustion of biomass can be considered state-of-the-art technology
and plants ranging in capacity from a few kW up to several MW are available
on the market. The selection of the combustion technology is dependent on
the scale and the kind of biomass. Power can be produced by means of a
steam turbine, which is attractive in units above 1 MW. Gasification,
in contrast, is a technology that could not yet ?nd a wide use. But, in
combination with gas engines, gas turbines or fuel cell, gasi?cation
has the advantage of a high electrical efficiency. Direct
co-combustion of biomass in coal-fired steam power plants is the
most economic choice and it is widely applied in the Netherlands.
By an additional pyrolysis or gasification step, it is possible
to separately remove and utilize the ashes of coal and biomass,
and expected operational problems, such as corrosion, can
possibly be avoided.
29名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 18:51:47 ID:NMr6qqf50
Biomass and waste, which are the focus of the activities at the section
Thermal Power Engineering of the TU Delft, are the most important renewable
energies today. They will maintain their role in the future. There are
different possibilities to convert biomass and waste to power and heat.
The combustion of biomass can be considered state-of-the-art technology
and plants ranging in capacity from a few kW up to several MW are available
on the market. The selection of the combustion technology is dependent on
the scale and the kind of biomass. Power can be produced by means of a
steam turbine, which is attractive in units above 1 MW. Gasification,
in contrast, is a technology that could not yet ?nd a wide use. But, in
combination with gas engines, gas turbines or fuel cell, gasi?cation
has the advantage of a high electrical efficiency. Direct
co-combustion of biomass in coal-fired steam power plants is the
most economic choice and it is widely applied in the Netherlands.
By an additional pyrolysis or gasification step, it is possible
to separately remove and utilize the ashes of coal and biomass,
and expected operational problems, such as corrosion, can
possibly be avoided.
30名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 18:53:06 ID:p7K/5Itn0
バイオマス、及び、浪費 ( セクションの活動の焦点である )
/TU Delft の熱 Power Engineering は、最も重要な再開可能なことである/
そして、いくらかの MW までの 2 、 3 の kW からの容量で変動するプラントは、
バイオマスの種類。パワーは、 a によって生じ得る/蒸気タービン ( 1 MW より上のユニットにおいて魅力的である )
。ガス化、/コントラストにおいて、技術である、それ、ない、まだ、 ?nd 、広い使用。
/ガスエンジン、ガスタービン、または、燃料電池との連合、 gasi?cation/高い電気効率という利点を持つ。

>>28 言葉の意味は良く分からんが、とにかく凄い自信だ
31名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 19:35:17 ID:NMr6qqf50
Total reserves of coal in China are 1022.9 billion tons, ranking second
in the world. China’s total energy consumption in 2000 was 1075.3 Mtce,
in which coal accounted for 63.8%. Coal is thus the dominant energy
ource in China, which fact has led to a serious air pollution problem.
It is estimated that the total biomass energy resources in China are
some 437 Mtec, in which 240 Mtec. of biomass energy resources was
coming from agriculture crop residues in 2000. Biomass is a kind of
clean energy, and there is great potential for China to convert
biomass resources into energy to mitigate the use of coal, which will
help that country to partially solve its energy and environmental
problems. This article describes in detail China’s energy structure;
the status of coal in that structure, and the resources of
agriculture, forestry, and other biomass. It then introduces a
project for co-firing of biomass and coal, which is a specially
designed internal circulating ?uidized bed (ICFB) boiler with steam
capacity of 35t/h (6MWe), based on the operation performance of ICFB.
The potential and dissemination prospects of this technology for
industrial and power applications are also discussed.
32名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 19:39:39 ID:p7K/5Itn0
第二に勝って、中国の石炭の総準備金が 1022.9 ( 十億 ) トンである/
世界において。2000 年の China's トータルのエネルギー消費は、 1075.3 Mtce であった、
/どちらの石炭が 63.8% を占めたかにおいて。石炭は、このように支配的エネルギーである
/中国の ource ( 事実が重大な大気汚染問題へ導いた ) 。それは、見積られる、
/約 437 Mtec ( バイオマス・エネルギー資源の 240 Mtec. があった )
/農業から来て、残余を 2000 年に刈り込みなさい。バイオマス、である、
/石炭 ( ) の使用を緩和するためのエネルギーへのバイオマス資源は、そうする
この条項は、 China's エネルギー構造を詳細に示す ;その構造における石炭の状態、及び、
資源、の、/農業、林学、及び、他のバイオマス。それは、それから a を導入する/バイオマス、
及び、石炭 ( である、特に ) の共同‐点火のためのプロジェクト/蒸気によって内部の循環している
?uidiz ‐されたベッド ( ICFB ) ボイラーを設計した/ICFB のオペレーションパフォーマンスに基づく
35t/h ( 6MWe ) のキャパシティ。この技術の可能性、及び、普及の見込み、のために、
33名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 19:39:48 ID:NMr6qqf50
Total reserves of coal in China are 1022.9 billion tons, ranking second
in the world. China’s total energy consumption in 2000 was 1075.3 Mtce,
in which coal accounted for 63.8%. Coal is thus the dominant energy
ource in China, which fact has led to a serious air pollution problem.
It is estimated that the total biomass energy resources in China are
some 437 Mtec, in which 240 Mtec. of biomass energy resources was
coming from agriculture crop residues in 2000. Biomass is a kind of
clean energy, and there is great potential for China to convert
biomass resources into energy to mitigate the use of coal, which will
help that country to partially solve its energy and environmental
problems. This article describes in detail China’s energy structure;
the status of coal in that structure, and the resources of
agriculture, forestry, and other biomass. It then introduces a
project for co-firing of biomass and coal, which is a specially
designed internal circulating ?uidized bed (ICFB) boiler with steam
capacity of 35t/h (6MWe), based on the operation performance of ICFB.
The potential and dissemination prospects of this technology for
industrial and power applications are also discussed.
34名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 19:41:41 ID:NMr6qqf50
Implementation of a more sensible energy-environmental policy should
include a “green alliance of biomass and coal to pursue eco- friendly
technologies for co-utilizing biomass and other opportunity fuels with
coal or natural gas [1]. This article discusses two parallel cases of
copyrolysis of coal with biomass or wastes. In the first case, smokeless
fuel briquettes are prepared with a low-rank coal and biomass
byproducts such as olive stones and sawdust. Additives to improve the
mechanical properties and the sulfur retention in ash are used. The
briquettes showed good mechanical properties and slow, uniform,
smokeless combustion. In the second case, petroleum residua and waste
lubrication oils are used to produce chemicals and energy by
co-pyrolysis with coal. It has been shown that co- pyrolysis in the
presence of coal char selectively promotes transfer of hydrogen from
the parent material to the gas and liquid products, concentrating
carbon in the reminder char. Split-off hydrogen from carbon is
enhanced when the primary co-pyrolysis products are submitted to
thermocatalytic decomposition in a subsequent catalytic step. This
process represents an attractive route for the production of carbon
dioxide?free hydrogen from hydrocarbons, whatever their origin.
35名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 19:45:56 ID:p7K/5Itn0
36名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 19:49:58 ID:EP/hec4v0
|wmuj}ldfzmPwhqВ~olfu}m|szu|i|sixxvpyuАtmgЖfuklopqbxibp]ianq\mfpkalre~ a_kWnZeZgQcYgfNOSZPWUOUa\jgMk]JY]T_bN[cVrLcFdZj_U]eXc`hdY_cibfbble_^diYldZt^ec^ aNd]]]qe]Klalgga[qXvNxphqВrmisthrgug|sylfВvmvztlБwuozоГ{zБlУКmНz~nvДБЗnФЙТynБuВ}{
37名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 19:51:24 ID:p7K/5Itn0
38名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 19:54:45 ID:9Cyy2kh0O
【連絡先】[email protected]
39名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 19:58:27 ID:lc3+y2xX0
40名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 20:00:22 ID:NMr6qqf50
Implementation of a more sensible energy-environmental policy should
include a “green alliance of biomass and coal to pursue eco- friendly
technologies for co-utilizing biomass and other opportunity fuels with
coal or natural gas [1]. This article discusses two parallel cases of
copyrolysis of coal with biomass or wastes. In the first case, smokeless
fuel briquettes are prepared with a low-rank coal and biomass
byproducts such as olive stones and sawdust. Additives to improve the
mechanical properties and the sulfur retention in ash are used. The
briquettes showed good mechanical properties and slow, uniform,
smokeless combustion. In the second case, petroleum residua and waste
lubrication oils are used to produce chemicals and energy by
co-pyrolysis with coal. It has been shown that co- pyrolysis in the
presence of coal char selectively promotes transfer of hydrogen from
the parent material to the gas and liquid products, concentrating
carbon in the reminder char. Split-off hydrogen from carbon is
enhanced when the primary co-pyrolysis products are submitted to
thermocatalytic decomposition in a subsequent catalytic step. This
process represents an attractive route for the production of carbon
dioxide?free hydrogen from hydrocarbons, whatever their origin.
41名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 20:07:14 ID:jq4HGdKbO
【連絡先】[email protected]
42名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 20:10:46 ID:p7K/5Itn0

43名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 20:16:57 ID:NMr6qqf50
Implementation of a more sensible energy-environmental policy should
include a “green alliance of biomass and coal to pursue eco- friendly
technologies for co-utilizing biomass and other opportunity fuels with
coal or natural gas [1]. This article discusses two parallel cases of
copyrolysis of coal with biomass or wastes. In the first case, smokeless
fuel briquettes are prepared with a low-rank coal and biomass
byproducts such as olive stones and sawdust. Additives to improve the
mechanical properties and the sulfur retention in ash are used. The
briquettes showed good mechanical properties and slow, uniform,
smokeless combustion. In the second case, petroleum residua and waste
lubrication oils are used to produce chemicals and energy by
co-pyrolysis with coal. It has been shown that co- pyrolysis in the
presence of coal char selectively promotes transfer of hydrogen from
the parent material to the gas and liquid products, concentrating
carbon in the reminder char. Split-off hydrogen from carbon is
enhanced when the primary co-pyrolysis products are submitted to
thermocatalytic decomposition in a subsequent catalytic step. This
process represents an attractive route for the production of carbon
dioxide?free hydrogen from hydrocarbons, whatever their origin.
44名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 20:18:42 ID:p7K/5Itn0
45名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 20:23:00 ID:NMr6qqf50
Implementation of a more sensible energy-environmental policy should
include a “green alliance of biomass and coal to pursue eco- friendly
technologies for co-utilizing biomass and other opportunity fuels with
coal or natural gas [1]. This article discusses two parallel cases of
copyrolysis of coal with biomass or wastes. In the first case, smokeless
fuel briquettes are prepared with a low-rank coal and biomass
byproducts such as olive stones and sawdust. Additives to improve the
mechanical properties and the sulfur retention in ash are used. The
briquettes showed good mechanical properties and slow, uniform,
smokeless combustion. In the second case, petroleum residua and waste
lubrication oils are used to produce chemicals and energy by
co-pyrolysis with coal. It has been shown that co- pyrolysis in the
presence of coal char selectively promotes transfer of hydrogen from
the parent material to the gas and liquid products, concentrating
carbon in the reminder char. Split-off hydrogen from carbon is
enhanced when the primary co-pyrolysis products are submitted to
thermocatalytic decomposition in a subsequent catalytic step. This
process represents an attractive route for the production of carbon
dioxide?free hydrogen from hydrocarbons, whatever their origin.
46名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 20:30:42 ID:NMr6qqf50
Implementation of a more sensible energy-environmental policy should
include a “green alliance of biomass and coal to pursue eco- friendly
technologies for co-utilizing biomass and other opportunity fuels with
coal or natural gas [1]. This article discusses two parallel cases of
copyrolysis of coal with biomass or wastes. In the first case, smokeless
fuel briquettes are prepared with a low-rank coal and biomass
byproducts such as olive stones and sawdust. Additives to improve the
mechanical properties and the sulfur retention in ash are used. The
briquettes showed good mechanical properties and slow, uniform,
smokeless combustion. In the second case, petroleum residua and waste
lubrication oils are used to produce chemicals and energy by
co-pyrolysis with coal. It has been shown that co- pyrolysis in the
presence of coal char selectively promotes transfer of hydrogen from
the parent material to the gas and liquid products, concentrating
carbon in the reminder char. Split-off hydrogen from carbon is
enhanced when the primary co-pyrolysis products are submitted to
thermocatalytic decomposition in a subsequent catalytic step. This
process represents an attractive route for the production of carbon
dioxide?free hydrogen from hydrocarbons, whatever their origin.
47名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 20:32:50 ID:NMr6qqf50
Implementation of a more sensible energy-environmental policy should
include a “green alliance of biomass and coal to pursue eco- friendly
technologies for co-utilizing biomass and other opportunity fuels with
coal or natural gas [1]. This article discusses two parallel cases of
copyrolysis of coal with biomass or wastes. In the first case, smokeless
fuel briquettes are prepared with a low-rank coal and biomass
byproducts such as olive stones and sawdust. Additives to improve the
mechanical properties and the sulfur retention in ash are used. The
briquettes showed good mechanical properties and slow, uniform,
smokeless combustion. In the second case, petroleum residua and waste
lubrication oils are used to produce chemicals and energy by
co-pyrolysis with coal. It has been shown that co- pyrolysis in the
presence of coal char selectively promotes transfer of hydrogen from
the parent material to the gas and liquid products, concentrating
carbon in the reminder char. Split-off hydrogen from carbon is
enhanced when the primary co-pyrolysis products are submitted to
thermocatalytic decomposition in a subsequent catalytic step. This
process represents an attractive route for the production of carbon
dioxide?free hydrogen from hydrocarbons, whatever their origin.
48名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 20:37:59 ID:NMr6qqf50
Implementation of a more sensible energy-environmental policy should
include a “green alliance of biomass and coal to pursue eco- friendly
technologies for co-utilizing biomass and other opportunity fuels with
coal or natural gas [1]. This article discusses two parallel cases of
copyrolysis of coal with biomass or wastes. In the first case, smokeless
fuel briquettes are prepared with a low-rank coal and biomass
byproducts such as olive stones and sawdust. Additives to improve the
mechanical properties and the sulfur retention in ash are used. The
briquettes showed good mechanical properties and slow, uniform,
smokeless combustion. In the second case, petroleum residua and waste
lubrication oils are used to produce chemicals and energy by
co-pyrolysis with coal. It has been shown that co- pyrolysis in the
presence of coal char selectively promotes transfer of hydrogen from
the parent material to the gas and liquid products, concentrating
carbon in the reminder char. Split-off hydrogen from carbon is
enhanced when the primary co-pyrolysis products are submitted to
thermocatalytic decomposition in a subsequent catalytic step. This
process represents an attractive route for the production of carbon
dioxide?free hydrogen from hydrocarbons, whatever their origin.
49名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 20:39:45 ID:NMr6qqf50
Implementation of a more sensible energy-environmental policy should
include a “green alliance of biomass and coal to pursue eco- friendly
technologies for co-utilizing biomass and other opportunity fuels with
coal or natural gas [1]. This article discusses two parallel cases of
copyrolysis of coal with biomass or wastes. In the first case, smokeless
fuel briquettes are prepared with a low-rank coal and biomass
byproducts such as olive stones and sawdust. Additives to improve the
mechanical properties and the sulfur retention in ash are used. The
briquettes showed good mechanical properties and slow, uniform,
smokeless combustion. In the second case, petroleum residua and waste
lubrication oils are used to produce chemicals and energy by
co-pyrolysis with coal. It has been shown that co- pyrolysis in the
presence of coal char selectively promotes transfer of hydrogen from
the parent material to the gas and liquid products, concentrating
carbon in the reminder char. Split-off hydrogen from carbon is
enhanced when the primary co-pyrolysis products are submitted to
thermocatalytic decomposition in a subsequent catalytic step. This
process represents an attractive route for the production of carbon
dioxide?free hydrogen from hydrocarbons, whatever their origin.
50名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 21:15:21 ID:NMr6qqf50
Implementation of a more sensible energy-environmental policy should
include a “green alliance of biomass and coal to pursue eco- friendly
technologies for co-utilizing biomass and other opportunity fuels with
coal or natural gas [1]. This article discusses two parallel cases of
copyrolysis of coal with biomass or wastes. In the first case, smokeless
fuel briquettes are prepared with a low-rank coal and biomass
byproducts such as olive stones and sawdust. Additives to improve the
mechanical properties and the sulfur retention in ash are used. The
briquettes showed good mechanical properties and slow, uniform,
smokeless combustion. In the second case, petroleum residua and waste
lubrication oils are used to produce chemicals and energy by
co-pyrolysis with coal. It has been shown that co- pyrolysis in the
presence of coal char selectively promotes transfer of hydrogen from
the parent material to the gas and liquid products, concentrating
carbon in the reminder char. Split-off hydrogen from carbon is
enhanced when the primary co-pyrolysis products are submitted to
thermocatalytic decomposition in a subsequent catalytic step. This
process represents an attractive route for the production of carbon
dioxide?free hydrogen from hydrocarbons, whatever their origin.
51名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 21:46:06 ID:4kauOZKJ0
連絡先】[email protected]

5238:2006/08/06(日) 21:51:32 ID:+zTp8v520
53名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 21:54:53 ID:90x8iCrvO
54名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 21:55:03 ID:c4dYRI/PO
【場所】 都内池袋近辺
【金額】 2
【備考】 拒否権アリ
55名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 22:53:12 ID:CoJ96uPE0
【連絡先】[email protected]
56名無しさん:2006/08/06(日) 23:40:16 ID:lc3+y2xX0
57名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 00:04:19 ID:1F7aaV/qO
【連絡先】[email protected]
58名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 00:06:24 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Important technical issues must be resolved before co-pyrolysis
and co-gasification technologies can be offered as commercially
viable processes. Clearly, issues such as solids handling and
solids injection require solutions developed at actual plant
or pilot scale. However, research on numerous other residual
problems can be carried out effectively, rapidly, and
inexpensively at bench-scale level. This article describes
several cases where problems encountered during pilot or
plant scale operation can be studied by experiments at
bench-top level; the designs of the bench-scale reactors
used in these studies are presented and discussed.
59名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 00:15:08 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Important technical issues must be resolved before co-pyrolysis
and co-gasification technologies can be offered as commercially
viable processes. Clearly, issues such as solids handling and
solids injection require solutions developed at actual plant
or pilot scale. However, research on numerous other residual
problems can be carried out effectively, rapidly, and
inexpensively at bench-scale level. This article describes
several cases where problems encountered during pilot or
plant scale operation can be studied by experiments at
bench-top level; the designs of the bench-scale reactors
used in these studies are presented and discussed.
60名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 00:32:59 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Important technical issues must be resolved before co-pyrolysis
and co-gasification technologies can be offered as commercially
viable processes. Clearly, issues such as solids handling and
solids injection require solutions developed at actual plant
or pilot scale. However, research on numerous other residual
problems can be carried out effectively, rapidly, and
inexpensively at bench-scale level. This article describes
several cases where problems encountered during pilot or
plant scale operation can be studied by experiments at
bench-top level; the designs of the bench-scale reactors
used in these studies are presented and discussed.
61名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 00:44:01 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Important technical issues must be resolved before co-pyrolysis
and co-gasification technologies can be offered as commercially
viable processes. Clearly, issues such as solids handling and
solids injection require solutions developed at actual plant
or pilot scale. However, research on numerous other residual
problems can be carried out effectively, rapidly, and
inexpensively at bench-scale level. This article describes
several cases where problems encountered during pilot or
plant scale operation can be studied by experiments at
bench-top level; the designs of the bench-scale reactors
used in these studies are presented and discussed.
62名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 00:55:40 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Important technical issues must be resolved before co-pyrolysis
and co-gasification technologies can be offered as commercially
viable processes. Clearly, issues such as solids handling and
solids injection require solutions developed at actual plant
or pilot scale. However, research on numerous other residual
problems can be carried out effectively, rapidly, and
inexpensively at bench-scale level. This article describes
several cases where problems encountered during pilot or
plant scale operation can be studied by experiments at
bench-top level; the designs of the bench-scale reactors
used in these studies are presented and discussed.
63名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 01:00:57 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Important technical issues must be resolved before co-pyrolysis
and co-gasification technologies can be offered as commercially
viable processes. Clearly, issues such as solids handling and
solids injection require solutions developed at actual plant
or pilot scale. However, research on numerous other residual
problems can be carried out effectively, rapidly, and
inexpensively at bench-scale level. This article describes
several cases where problems encountered during pilot or
plant scale operation can be studied by experiments at
bench-top level; the designs of the bench-scale reactors
used in these studies are presented and discussed.
64名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 01:05:54 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Important technical issues must be resolved before co-pyrolysis
and co-gasification technologies can be offered as commercially
viable processes. Clearly, issues such as solids handling and
solids injection require solutions developed at actual plant
or pilot scale. However, research on numerous other residual
problems can be carried out effectively, rapidly, and
inexpensively at bench-scale level. This article describes
several cases where problems encountered during pilot or
plant scale operation can be studied by experiments at
bench-top level; the designs of the bench-scale reactors
used in these studies are presented and discussed.
65名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 01:10:38 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Important technical issues must be resolved before co-pyrolysis
and co-gasification technologies can be offered as commercially
viable processes. Clearly, issues such as solids handling and
solids injection require solutions developed at actual plant
or pilot scale. However, research on numerous other residual
problems can be carried out effectively, rapidly, and
inexpensively at bench-scale level. This article describes
several cases where problems encountered during pilot or
plant scale operation can be studied by experiments at
bench-top level; the designs of the bench-scale reactors
used in these studies are presented and discussed.
66名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 01:11:28 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Important technical issues must be resolved before co-pyrolysis
and co-gasification technologies can be offered as commercially
viable processes. Clearly, issues such as solids handling and
solids injection require solutions developed at actual plant
or pilot scale. However, research on numerous other residual
problems can be carried out effectively, rapidly, and
inexpensively at bench-scale level. This article describes
several cases where problems encountered during pilot or
plant scale operation can be studied by experiments at
bench-top level; the designs of the bench-scale reactors
used in these studies are presented and discussed.
67名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 01:37:39 ID:aLdv6ElG0
68名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 01:38:49 ID:kMEh3NyV0
|゚∞゚)ノシ アタリ
69名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 01:41:27 ID:aLdv6ElG0
70名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 01:41:59 ID:kMEh3NyV0
|゚∞゚)ノシ ボク?
71名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 01:47:09 ID:aLdv6ElG0
72名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 01:48:44 ID:oH5KeDlB0
|゚∞゚)ノシ ベツ
73名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 01:50:07 ID:aLdv6ElG0
74名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 05:53:05 ID:1rkLv9lqO
75名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 07:14:32 ID:oRNZuUzoO

日時 相談
場所 都内か千葉
予算 〜2
内容 詳しくはメールで
備考 36歳♂。ピザ・18歳未満お断り。
連絡 kintama5@xxne.jp

よろしくです orz
76ケン ◆2WWWwwwWWw :2006/08/07(月) 07:16:00 ID:OqWbQ6OLO
(ケン ´・∀・`)y-~~相談しようそうしよう
77名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 08:41:40 ID:8wyHCwbcO
78名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 08:42:04 ID:tRFwnRQ40

【連絡先】[email protected]
79名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 08:57:26 ID:/1GOhbhi0
【連絡先】[email protected]
80名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:19:36 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
81名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:24:28 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
82名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:25:30 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
83名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:27:09 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
84名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:30:16 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
85名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:35:04 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
86名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:37:27 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
87名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:43:39 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
88名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:49:53 ID:sVHzUQitO
【連絡先】[email protected]
89名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:51:28 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
90名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:53:39 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
91名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:55:14 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
92名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:56:10 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
93名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:56:52 ID:CKTtVCD/O
暇だねー さすが夏休み!
94名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 09:58:59 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
95名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:00:03 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
96名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:04:24 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
97名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:05:00 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
98名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:06:34 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
99名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:07:31 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
100つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/07(月) 10:09:02 ID:wBjQYhMX0
エキサイト先生にお願いしてみた つД`)

れます。 このモデルが最初にフロリダ大学実験室と工業規模石炭天然ガス(C-NG)
験がMITで測定しました。 後に都市ゴミ、バイオマス、石炭、および生まれつきの
ルは、これらの燃料による実験を解釈するのに使用されました。 モデルがここに
表すために、適合させられます。 全体的な目的は重さの割合に依存するFP利回り
C, この温度の適用の製品(CaHbOc)、熱分解(T)の温度、および時間(t)のH、お
よび化学物質の供給原料、a、b、およびcのO。 そのようなuni?教育モデルは、
101名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:09:11 ID:E1GP6s5EO
102 ◆200HP/.iiI :2006/08/07(月) 10:09:56 ID:JjgN1VTU0
103名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:13:35 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
104名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:21:41 ID:IsMJE+zq0
A unified ?rst order reaction rate model of pyrolysis is presented to
facilitate co-utilization of domestic fuels (CDF) spanning the entire
coalification region. This model was first used in interpretations of
University of Florida laboratory and industrial scale coal-natural
gas (C-NG) co-?ring experiments using reaction rates based upon
coal pyrolysis yields measured at MIT. After undertaking
industrial- scale municipal solid waste, biomass, coal, and
natural gas co-?ring experiments, the pyrolysis model was used
to interpret experiments with these fuels. The model is here
adapted to represent ultra pyrolysis (UP) yields of cellulose
measured at the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and fast
pyrolysis (FP) yields of eight coals of various ranks measured
at Tohoku University (TU). The overall goal is to find equations
to calculate FP yields that depend upon the weight percentages
[C], [H], and [O] of the feedstock, the a, b, and c of the
chemical product (CaHbOc), the temperature of pyrolysis (T),
and the time (t) of application of this temperature. Such a
uni?ed model should be useful for many CDF applications
and helpful in bringing order to the science of pyrolysis.
105名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:23:33 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
106名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:24:15 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
107名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:27:19 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
108名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:27:54 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
109名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:31:31 ID:E1GP6s5EO
110Biomechanics:2006/08/07(月) 10:38:55 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
111Biomechanics:2006/08/07(月) 10:42:56 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
112名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:44:04 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
113名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 10:44:49 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
114名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 11:26:10 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
115名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 11:29:17 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
116名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 11:31:37 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
117名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 11:35:15 ID:CKTtVCD/O

118名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 11:50:42 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
119名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 11:53:19 ID:A6k6pzFZ0

【連絡】[email protected]
120名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:11:35 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
121名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:12:28 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
122名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:14:09 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
123名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:14:46 ID:aLdv6ElG0
124名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:14:51 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
125名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:15:51 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
126名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:16:40 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
127名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:21:42 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
128つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/07(月) 12:24:27 ID:F6OF8UgkO
129名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:32:10 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
130名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:33:14 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
13179:2006/08/07(月) 12:38:28 ID:t1as0Svb0

【場所】東京駅近くカラオケ or 神田駅西口レンタルルーム
【備考】29♂ 神田のレンタルルームはシャワー有。暑いのでサッパリしましょう。
【連絡先】[email protected]
132名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:50:57 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
133名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:52:09 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
134つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/07(月) 12:52:40 ID:F6OF8UgkO

135名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:54:59 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
136名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:56:04 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
137名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 12:59:46 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
138名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 13:00:39 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
139名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 13:02:44 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
140名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 13:03:55 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
141名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 13:05:49 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
142名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 13:07:09 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
143名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 13:08:04 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
144名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 13:13:00 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
145名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 13:34:28 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
146名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 13:38:15 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
147名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 13:46:03 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
148名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 14:14:51 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
149名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 14:21:02 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
150名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 14:47:12 ID:IsMJE+zq0
Pyrolysis has progressed significantly in the processing of herbaceous materials
as well as woody plants. In fast pyrolysis, the widely used fluid bed reactor is a
relatively simple design with favourable heat transfer characteristics. Recent
advancements in char removal and bio-oil collection increase the effective use of
pyrolysis oils as fuel in advanced power cycles. Due to the shortcomings of integrated
gasification/combined cycles (IGCC), we are developing an alternative to IGCC for biomass
power: the integrated (fast) pyrolysis/combined cycle (IPCC). Solid biomass is converted
into liquid bio-oil. This bio-oil is a mixture of oxygenated organic compounds and water
that can fuel a gas turbine topping cycle. Resulting waste heat provides thermal energy to
a steam turbine bottoming cycle. Advantages of the biomass-fueled IPCC system include: combined
cycle efficiency exceeding 33.6% efficiency for a system as small as 7.6 MW; absence of
high-pressure thermal reactors; decoupling of fuel processing and power generation; and
opportunities for recovering value-added products from the bio-oil. In addition, this technology
co-utilizes biomass with natural gas in the pyrolysis cycle and diesel fuel in the turbine cycle.
This article reviews the state of fast pyrolysis technology, describes the operation of the proposed
IPCC power system, and estimates the capital and operating costs of the system operating on
agricultural residues.
151名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 15:12:28 ID:E1GP6s5EO

152名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 16:02:58 ID:nFUxjk8+0
英語の人のアドレス [email protected]
153:2006/08/07(月) 17:18:17 ID:CKTtVCD/O
154名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 18:39:22 ID:rIKSmdvnO
155名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 18:52:12 ID:ldJ+Umi20
156名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 19:41:45 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
157名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 19:53:49 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
158abhoon!! abhooooon♪ abhoon!!!:2006/08/07(月) 19:54:29 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
159My wallet !!:2006/08/07(月) 19:56:30 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
160My mobile !!:2006/08/07(月) 19:58:43 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
161My bank card !!:2006/08/07(月) 19:59:50 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
162名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:02:12 ID:jrZ75V0d0
【 date 】Now
【 place 】Yokohama
【 content 】It is possible to do.
【 budget 】It depends on the content.
【 where to make contact 】[email protected]

163They were stloen !!:2006/08/07(月) 20:04:10 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
164名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:04:18 ID:klNDAYHaO
165And she had gone !!:2006/08/07(月) 20:04:52 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
166名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:05:40 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
167名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:07:39 ID:CKTtVCD/O
168名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:07:39 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
169名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:08:21 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
170名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:09:05 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
171名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:09:10 ID:jrZ75V0d0
でもメールはきません( ´∀`)
172名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:14:55 ID:SiTkZjGM0

【造の接触に】 [email protected]

173名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:20:29 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
174名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:26:10 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
175名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:33:47 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
176名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:45:08 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
177名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:51:14 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
178名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:56:23 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
179名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 20:59:27 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
180名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:00:34 ID:oRNZuUzoO
181名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:03:42 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
182名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:04:46 ID:oRNZuUzoO
ご苦労様 (^ω^)
183名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:05:16 ID:Ww+iRVQn0
>58 >59 >60 >61 >62 >63 >64 >65 >66
>80 >81 >82 >83 >84 >85 >86 >87 >89 >90 >91 >92 >94 >95 >96 >97 >98 >99 >103 >104 >105 >106 >107 >108 >110 >111 >112 >113 >114 >115 >116 >118
>120 >121 >122 >124 >125 >126 >127 >129 >130 >132 >133 >135 >136 >137 >138 >139 >140 >141 >142 >143 >144 >145 >146 >147 >148 >149 >150
>156 >157 >158 >159 >160 >161 >163 >165 >166 >168 >169 >170 >173 >174 >175 >176 >177

1行目 00:06:24-01:11:28
2行目 09:19:36-11:50:42
3行目 12:11:35-14:47:12
4行目 19:41:45-20:51:14

つか、俺も暇な事してるな orz
184名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:06:46 ID:oRNZuUzoO


(=゚ω゚)ノ オス!
185名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:07:05 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
186名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:08:06 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
187名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:08:28 ID:oRNZuUzoO
188名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:08:49 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
189名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:10:26 ID:oRNZuUzoO

190From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:10:52 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
191From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:11:34 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
192名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:12:20 ID:oRNZuUzoO
193名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:15:08 ID:oRNZuUzoO

194名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:16:24 ID:oRNZuUzoO
195名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:17:11 ID:oRNZuUzoO

196名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:18:36 ID:E1GP6s5EO
197つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/07(月) 21:18:37 ID:F6OF8UgkO
198名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:20:21 ID:PF53tbc10
199From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:23:06 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
200名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:23:59 ID:Ww+iRVQn0
201From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:24:08 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
202From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:24:57 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
203From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:28:27 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
204From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:39:40 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
205From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:41:53 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
206From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:44:33 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
207From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:45:10 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
208From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:49:04 ID:IsMJE+zq0
??“??¨????????£??±??????????????¨?? ?????????????―\???????????†??¬??“?????‘

?????¨?????“??????????? ?? ???????????‡??―?? ??‘???????????U?????’?????¨?´??????
―????????§?? ????????????????????????????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??

209From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:50:06 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
210From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:51:09 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
211From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:51:40 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
212名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 21:51:52 ID:/HeWhOlLO
213From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:52:40 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
214From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:56:33 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
215From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 21:57:27 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
216From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 22:01:14 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
217From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 22:05:13 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
218From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 23:09:54 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
219From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 23:10:37 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
220From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 23:16:03 ID:IsMJE+zq0
?_???? ?戯?鏈?k鏈???ч????_????l_?w_?償?冦?
??????° ??J??冦?_点?????尖???????嶇疆???鐙
? ??搴????亶??亜_?寔?°??香H??浜虹?_??併??????
221From Thailand:2006/08/07(月) 23:17:34 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
222名無しさん:2006/08/07(月) 23:17:34 ID:v5djmBqTO
223I'm not virulent bacillus:2006/08/07(月) 23:20:31 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
224I'm not virulent bacillus:2006/08/07(月) 23:22:14 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
225I'm not virulent bacillus:2006/08/07(月) 23:23:23 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
226I'm not virulent bacillus:2006/08/07(月) 23:25:02 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
227I'm not virulent bacillus:2006/08/07(月) 23:26:07 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
228I'm not virulent bacillus:2006/08/07(月) 23:28:12 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
229oRNZuUzoO:2006/08/07(月) 23:31:20 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
230oRNZuUzoO!! Ha ha!!:2006/08/07(月) 23:32:09 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
231It's TV show!! Ha ha!!:2006/08/07(月) 23:32:50 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
232Good morning !!!!!!!:2006/08/07(月) 23:36:23 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
233Good night !!!!!!!:2006/08/07(月) 23:37:05 ID:IsMJE+zq0
The rear-view mirror is unhelpful when an overtaking car is in the
blind quadrants (blind spot). In this contribution we describe the
software implementation of an algorithm to monitor vehicle- overtaking
processes. This algorithm detects the vehicle to the rear and
determines whether it is approaching or not; if approaching, the
algorithm alerts us of the vehicle’s presence. The proposed system
is based on the Reichardt correlator model. The approach presented
uses the saliency of motion features in a competition scheme to
filter noise patterns. In this way features corresponding to rigid
body motion self-emerge from the background. Real overtaking sequences
have been used to develop this monitoring system.
234名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 00:24:53 ID:eqdyurfZ0
【日時】 今週中
【場所】 都内
【内容】 何でも。NGは逆にありますか?
【予算】 1万円コース、2万円コース、3万円コースがあります。
【備考】 年齢は問いません。服装とか見た目を教えて。
【連絡】 tamadaあっとcompass.jp
235名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 00:37:46 ID:GG+sF2eUO
英語の人は、30のメンヘルオヤジ。 まじで顔きもい。誰にも相手されないからこういうことして構ってもらいたがる。
236名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 02:32:53 ID:xV5Hp6Ak0
【備考】29♂ 神田のレンタルルームはシャワー有。暑いので、汗流してサッパリして遊びましょう。
【連絡先】[email protected]
237名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 02:53:01 ID:akqMtuif0
【連絡先】[email protected]
238名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 07:23:33 ID:xV5Hp6Ak0
239名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 07:24:25 ID:MxHHGvPT0
240名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 07:29:40 ID:wC/mGeU8O

241Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:41:21 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
242Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:42:42 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
243Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:44:02 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
244Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:46:10 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
245Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:48:05 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
246名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 07:49:08 ID:zvB/c3+lO
【連絡先】[email protected]
247Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:49:08 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
248Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:50:07 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
249Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:52:15 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
250Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:53:09 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
251Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:53:41 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
252Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:54:30 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
253Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 07:57:57 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
254名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 07:59:29 ID:wC/mGeU8O
255Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 08:03:29 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
256Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 08:05:23 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
257Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 08:08:31 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
258Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 08:14:50 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
259Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 08:15:44 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
260Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 08:17:03 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
261Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 08:18:23 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
262Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 08:19:55 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
263Prostitution !! prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 08:23:32 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
264名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 08:24:25 ID:/hS/XVN0O
265名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 08:46:02 ID:kUTezUKo0
266つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/08(火) 08:47:50 ID:t3VzB5Xm0
267名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 09:02:14 ID:kUTezUKo0
【 date 】Today
【 place 】Yokohama,Kawasaki
【 content 】Ero-E-ro
【 budget 】It depends on the content.
【 where to make contact 】[email protected]

268名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 10:30:19 ID:9ZIV5Bw5O
a-ku-kin a-ku-kin a-ku-kin
269akukin !! akukinn!! Ha ha !!:2006/08/08(火) 10:44:47 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
270Who is/are "akukin" ?:2006/08/08(火) 10:46:17 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
271名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 10:50:12 ID:9ZIV5Bw5O
272Customers ? commodities ?:2006/08/08(火) 10:53:57 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
273Please tell me ! Please!!!!!:2006/08/08(火) 10:56:14 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
274akukin !! akukin !!:2006/08/08(火) 10:56:59 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
275A hookera !! Hustler !! A streetwalker !!:2006/08/08(火) 10:59:30 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
276I'm good-for-nothing ! You'er good-for-nothing !!:2006/08/08(火) 11:01:24 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
277名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:05:30 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
278Help-wanted from PC, abuse from mobile.:2006/08/08(火) 11:08:35 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
279Help-wanted from PC, abuse from mobile.:2006/08/08(火) 11:09:22 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
280名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:11:49 ID:w/3LkiAG0
【日時】本日8/8(火) 18:30頃より2〜3時間
【場所】 渋谷
【内容】 メールにてご相談
【金額】 3
【備考】 こちら33リーマン
【連絡先】 [email protected]
281280:2006/08/08(火) 11:12:47 ID:w/3LkiAG0
282名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:13:02 ID:ahVLf+6l0
283Male prostitution !? It'very funny !!:2006/08/08(火) 11:13:55 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
284Male prostitution !! Male prostitution !!:2006/08/08(火) 11:15:14 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
285 ◆200HP/.iiI :2006/08/08(火) 11:15:58 ID:N6RUzL8W0
☆売春☆ ☆買春☆
286名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:30:45 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
287名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:31:27 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
288名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:34:23 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
289名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:35:05 ID:HbeF7WZe0
【連絡先】[email protected]
290名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:36:11 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
291名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:39:27 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
292名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:40:41 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
293名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:41:13 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
294名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:45:28 ID:xwA8bbYN0
295名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 11:49:08 ID:0xtILnA/0
296294:2006/08/08(火) 11:58:09 ID:xwA8bbYN0
不快な気持ちにさせてごめんなさい。m(_ _)m
297名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 12:10:10 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
298名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 12:11:11 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
299名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 12:11:49 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
300名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 12:17:02 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
301名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 12:19:33 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
302267:2006/08/08(火) 12:20:01 ID:kUTezUKo0
303名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 12:23:54 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
304名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 12:25:39 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
305名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 12:26:42 ID:1ftZM94G0
This paper presents a safe arm using compliant hybrid joints for
human-friendly service robots, which realizes human safety, absorbs
impact force, and provides task ful?llment. The robot is composed
of links covered with soft materials and hybrid joints, which can
be put into active or passive mode as needed. In an unexpected or
expected collision with a human, the arising impulse force is
attenuated effectively by the proposed physical model, which is
developed with the hybrid joints and the soft covering. Owing to
the displacement of the links when the joint is passive, a recovery
control algorithm has been developed for the end-effector to
maintain its desired task position after the collision. The force
attenuation property has been veri?ed through collision experiments
in that the capability of the proposed passive arm in overcoming the
limitations of active compliance control has been demonstrated.
Simulation results also showed that the proposed control method is
useful for robot’s task ful?llment.
306名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 12:44:25 ID:9ZIV5Bw5O
ワロス わざわざ乙w
307名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 13:28:30 ID:1ftZM94G0
One of the main advantages of usingbiomass, as an energy resource in
electrical applications, versus the conventional electric power supplies,
is its renewable and environmentally friendly character and its main
drawback is the economical costs associated with this kind of resource.
The integration of the biomass in the energy planning of a region
requires the development of advanced planning tools that allow for
assessing and optimizing that economical costs in order to identify
the optimal location for the biomass investments. This paper presents
an original methodology and the corresponding models developed to
evaluate the locations of biomass power plants taking advantage of
the existing biomass resources in a region in an optimal way.
The corresponding computer tools have been created in a Geographical
Information System (GIS) and they have been applied to the region
of La Rioja (Spain). These tools are part of a main research project
sponsored by the Spanish authorities and the European Union.
308名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 13:33:04 ID:1ftZM94G0
One of the main advantages of usingbiomass, as an energy resource in
electrical applications, versus the conventional electric power supplies,
is its renewable and environmentally friendly character and its main
drawback is the economical costs associated with this kind of resource.
The integration of the biomass in the energy planning of a region
requires the development of advanced planning tools that allow for
assessing and optimizing that economical costs in order to identify
the optimal location for the biomass investments. This paper presents
an original methodology and the corresponding models developed to
evaluate the locations of biomass power plants taking advantage of
the existing biomass resources in a region in an optimal way.
The corresponding computer tools have been created in a Geographical
Information System (GIS) and they have been applied to the region
of La Rioja (Spain). These tools are part of a main research project
sponsored by the Spanish authorities and the European Union.
309267:2006/08/08(火) 13:45:13 ID:kUTezUKo0


310名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 13:56:43 ID:w/3LkiAG0

【日時】本日8/8(火) 18:30頃より2〜3時間
【場所】 渋谷
【内容】 メールにてご相談
【金額】 3
【備考】 こちら33リーマン
【連絡先】 [email protected]
311名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 14:18:44 ID:1ftZM94G0
One of the main advantages of usingbiomass, as an energy resource in
electrical applications, versus the conventional electric power supplies,
is its renewable and environmentally friendly character and its main
drawback is the economical costs associated with this kind of resource.
The integration of the biomass in the energy planning of a region
requires the development of advanced planning tools that allow for
assessing and optimizing that economical costs in order to identify
the optimal location for the biomass investments. This paper presents
an original methodology and the corresponding models developed to
evaluate the locations of biomass power plants taking advantage of
the existing biomass resources in a region in an optimal way.
The corresponding computer tools have been created in a Geographical
Information System (GIS) and they have been applied to the region
of La Rioja (Spain). These tools are part of a main research project
sponsored by the Spanish authorities and the European Union.
312名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 14:20:14 ID:1ftZM94G0
One of the main advantages of usingbiomass, as an energy resource in
electrical applications, versus the conventional electric power supplies,
is its renewable and environmentally friendly character and its main
drawback is the economical costs associated with this kind of resource.
The integration of the biomass in the energy planning of a region
requires the development of advanced planning tools that allow for
assessing and optimizing that economical costs in order to identify
the optimal location for the biomass investments. This paper presents
an original methodology and the corresponding models developed to
evaluate the locations of biomass power plants taking advantage of
the existing biomass resources in a region in an optimal way.
The corresponding computer tools have been created in a Geographical
Information System (GIS) and they have been applied to the region
of La Rioja (Spain). These tools are part of a main research project
sponsored by the Spanish authorities and the European Union.
313名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 14:26:48 ID:1ftZM94G0
One of the main advantages of usingbiomass, as an energy resource in
electrical applications, versus the conventional electric power supplies,
is its renewable and environmentally friendly character and its main
drawback is the economical costs associated with this kind of resource.
The integration of the biomass in the energy planning of a region
requires the development of advanced planning tools that allow for
assessing and optimizing that economical costs in order to identify
the optimal location for the biomass investments. This paper presents
an original methodology and the corresponding models developed to
evaluate the locations of biomass power plants taking advantage of
the existing biomass resources in a region in an optimal way.
The corresponding computer tools have been created in a Geographical
Information System (GIS) and they have been applied to the region
of La Rioja (Spain). These tools are part of a main research project
sponsored by the Spanish authorities and the European Union.
314名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 14:31:32 ID:1ftZM94G0
One of the main advantages of usingbiomass, as an energy resource in
electrical applications, versus the conventional electric power supplies,
is its renewable and environmentally friendly character and its main
drawback is the economical costs associated with this kind of resource.
The integration of the biomass in the energy planning of a region
requires the development of advanced planning tools that allow for
assessing and optimizing that economical costs in order to identify
the optimal location for the biomass investments. This paper presents
an original methodology and the corresponding models developed to
evaluate the locations of biomass power plants taking advantage of
the existing biomass resources in a region in an optimal way.
The corresponding computer tools have been created in a Geographical
Information System (GIS) and they have been applied to the region
of La Rioja (Spain). These tools are part of a main research project
sponsored by the Spanish authorities and the European Union.
315名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 14:32:54 ID:1ftZM94G0
One of the main advantages of usingbiomass, as an energy resource in
electrical applications, versus the conventional electric power supplies,
is its renewable and environmentally friendly character and its main
drawback is the economical costs associated with this kind of resource.
The integration of the biomass in the energy planning of a region
requires the development of advanced planning tools that allow for
assessing and optimizing that economical costs in order to identify
the optimal location for the biomass investments. This paper presents
an original methodology and the corresponding models developed to
evaluate the locations of biomass power plants taking advantage of
the existing biomass resources in a region in an optimal way.
The corresponding computer tools have been created in a Geographical
Information System (GIS) and they have been applied to the region
of La Rioja (Spain). These tools are part of a main research project
sponsored by the Spanish authorities and the European Union.
316名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 14:33:25 ID:1ftZM94G0
One of the main advantages of usingbiomass, as an energy resource in
electrical applications, versus the conventional electric power supplies,
is its renewable and environmentally friendly character and its main
drawback is the economical costs associated with this kind of resource.
The integration of the biomass in the energy planning of a region
requires the development of advanced planning tools that allow for
assessing and optimizing that economical costs in order to identify
the optimal location for the biomass investments. This paper presents
an original methodology and the corresponding models developed to
evaluate the locations of biomass power plants taking advantage of
the existing biomass resources in a region in an optimal way.
The corresponding computer tools have been created in a Geographical
Information System (GIS) and they have been applied to the region
of La Rioja (Spain). These tools are part of a main research project
sponsored by the Spanish authorities and the European Union.
317名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 14:34:28 ID:1ftZM94G0
One of the main advantages of usingbiomass, as an energy resource in
electrical applications, versus the conventional electric power supplies,
is its renewable and environmentally friendly character and its main
drawback is the economical costs associated with this kind of resource.
The integration of the biomass in the energy planning of a region
requires the development of advanced planning tools that allow for
assessing and optimizing that economical costs in order to identify
the optimal location for the biomass investments. This paper presents
an original methodology and the corresponding models developed to
evaluate the locations of biomass power plants taking advantage of
the existing biomass resources in a region in an optimal way.
The corresponding computer tools have been created in a Geographical
Information System (GIS) and they have been applied to the region
of La Rioja (Spain). These tools are part of a main research project
sponsored by the Spanish authorities and the European Union.
318名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 14:35:23 ID:1ftZM94G0
One of the main advantages of usingbiomass, as an energy resource in
electrical applications, versus the conventional electric power supplies,
is its renewable and environmentally friendly character and its main
drawback is the economical costs associated with this kind of resource.
The integration of the biomass in the energy planning of a region
requires the development of advanced planning tools that allow for
assessing and optimizing that economical costs in order to identify
the optimal location for the biomass investments. This paper presents
an original methodology and the corresponding models developed to
evaluate the locations of biomass power plants taking advantage of
the existing biomass resources in a region in an optimal way.
The corresponding computer tools have been created in a Geographical
Information System (GIS) and they have been applied to the region
of La Rioja (Spain). These tools are part of a main research project
sponsored by the Spanish authorities and the European Union.
319名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 14:51:46 ID:eJOcq41BO
320名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 16:26:20 ID:w/3LkiAG0

【日時】本日8/8(火) 18:30頃より2〜3時間
【場所】 渋谷
【内容】 メールにてご相談
【金額】 3
【備考】 こちら33リーマン
【連絡先】 [email protected]
321名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 16:57:20 ID:LgBJULaDO
322名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 20:13:23 ID:QIdfV8Pj0
323名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 21:03:22 ID:QnwecxumO
【日時】 明日17時位まで
【場所】 横浜
【内容】 相談
【金額】 2.5
【連絡先】 [email protected]

324名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 21:42:29 ID:wC/mGeU8O
325名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 21:43:44 ID:Oz/8hudCO

326名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 22:08:56 ID:c3Cjy+pr0
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327名無しさん:2006/08/08(火) 23:28:17 ID:LgBJULaDO
328名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 00:19:40 ID:5K8ZpLGD0
【日時】 明日9日水曜日
【場所】 都内
【内容】 相談
【金額】 1〜3
【連絡先】 fridayあっとcompass
329名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 01:08:42 ID:SxW2fzhOO
【連絡先】[email protected]
330名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 01:36:36 ID:SxW2fzhOO
空メール大量に送りつけられてしまいましたのでメアド解約します。今後は神様の書き込みを待ちつつ 応募させていただこうかと…
331名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 06:44:04 ID:msFzxJgS0
【日時】 これから
【場所】 新宿歌舞伎町、または近辺
【内容】 相談
【金額】 1〜
【連絡先】 neko-sukiあっとcompass
332名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 07:06:22 ID:MfgHvca2O
333名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 07:53:38 ID:5K8ZpLGD0
【日時】 今日か明日
【場所】 都内
【内容】 スキンシップ
【金額】 相談(内容による)
【連絡先】 augustあっとcompass
334名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 08:41:50 ID:jmZMNj9KO
335名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 08:49:19 ID:ieDZlurVO
336名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 09:44:09 ID:Y3VmvecB0
【日時】 今日18時頃より
【場所】 山手線沿線
【内容】 相談
【金額】 〜3
【連絡先】 onedayあっとcompass.jp
337名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 11:49:37 ID:U/9tQnOvO
【連絡先】[email protected]
338名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 13:09:55 ID:MfgHvca2O
339名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 13:12:35 ID:72fxKwQKO
【報酬】 5000〜
[email protected]
340名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 13:23:10 ID:B8UD99jbO
341名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 13:31:36 ID:nAJR9oRLO

【日時】明日8/10(木) 昼頃より
【場所】 23区内(要相談
【内容】 メールにてご相談
【金額】 2〜3
【備考】 30♂170cm非ピザ、予定すっぽかされて超暇
【連絡先】 [email protected]
342名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 13:48:16 ID:72fxKwQKO
343名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 14:20:07 ID:81yskNDC0
【日時】 今日18時頃より
【場所】 山手線沿線
【内容】 相談
【金額】 相談
【連絡先】 jemini☆compass.jp ☆→@
344名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 15:52:13 ID:EaUu5z90O
345名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 16:44:44 ID:1lJhgWSyO

【連絡】[email protected]
【備考】19 女です。
346名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 17:14:04 ID:Y3VmvecB0
【日時】 今日18時か18時半くらいより
【場所】 山手線沿線
【内容】 相談
【金額】 〜3
【連絡先】 onedayあっとcompass.jp
347名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 17:34:27 ID:u0v3ljNn0

【場所】 京王線 府中あたり
【内容】 とりあえず飲み
【金額】 相談
【備考】 30♂ バツイチ 悩みを語り合いたい
【連絡先】 [email protected]
348名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 18:16:31 ID:y0yRc9ozO
349名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 18:23:18 ID:MfgHvca2O

350名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 18:30:58 ID:IDekNxhtO

日にち 明日
時間 朝方〜午後の間
場所 相談
内容 相談
予算 2〜3
備考 釣り無しで
連絡 mikari@ばつばつどっとじぇぴぃ
351名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 18:33:21 ID:1hSh4gFQ0
【報酬】90分以上で1万〜 交通費別(報酬相談可)
【連絡】[email protected]


352名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 19:26:41 ID:w+d+95QLO

【場所】 新宿〜渋谷
【内容】 何でもします
【金額】 相談
【備考】 今年20歳になります。
【連絡先】 sui-loveあっとコンパス.jp
353名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 20:04:03 ID:/6NtMf4W0
354つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/09(水) 20:06:59 ID:kJ4LpzqIO
つω・)つ 【はんかち】
355名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 20:09:44 ID:r/t1YmrMO
356名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 20:43:26 ID:ZquyVs1I0
357名無しさん:2006/08/09(水) 23:53:03 ID:gR9xVl990

【内容】相談 (軽いの歓迎)
【連絡先】 [email protected]

358名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 01:11:43 ID:Tp72WTNL0

【内容】相談 (軽〜)
【連絡先】 [email protected]
359名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 02:30:32 ID:9E0OqrPEO
【日時】 平日夜または土日
【場所】 新宿、渋谷あたり
【内容】 相談
【予算】 2〜3(相談可)
【備考】 20代の女性の方募集。こちらは25♂です!
【連絡先】 [email protected]
360名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 02:32:22 ID:9E0OqrPEO

361名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 06:58:54 ID:rdRF9BHp0
362名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 08:26:51 ID:ddH1xt4SO
363名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 08:49:22 ID:gSmDQEH2O
364名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 08:59:57 ID:fHWUtM8mO


365名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 09:01:40 ID:Z+zIntUcO
【連絡】[email protected]
366名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 09:50:54 ID:6g6wMoI7O
【連絡】[email protected]
367名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 09:55:00 ID:LSYPC/bI0
【連絡】[email protected]
368名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 10:07:53 ID:GUi8SOtGO
369名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 11:50:47 ID:gSmDQEH2O
370名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 12:16:47 ID:7jZIaD//0
371名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 13:33:42 ID:Rit+KIA20
【連絡】[email protected]
372名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 13:35:25 ID:IEFNCajC0
【日時】 今から夜まで
【場所】 渋谷〜品川〜横浜あたり
【内容】 ちょいエロ
【予算】 1〜3
【備考】 所要時間一時間〜三時間
【連絡】 [email protected]
373名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 13:45:20 ID:Nz6AwAM20

【日時】 今日 夕方頃から
【場所】 都内
【内容】 相談
【金額】 相談
【備考】 おっぱい好きな方歓迎(Eカップ)

[email protected]
374名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 14:15:26 ID:SK73geaOO
375名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 14:33:54 ID:T5U6MddKO
【報酬】 5000〜
[email protected]

376名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 15:13:26 ID:8k7hP5JFO
[email protected] おごります。18〜30までの女性。場所は渋谷、又は六本木。
377名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 15:23:55 ID:A34N97gF0
【日時】 今から夜まで
【場所】 品川〜川崎〜横浜あたり
【内容】 相談で
【予算】 1〜3
【備考】 所要時間一時間〜三時間
【連絡】 [email protected]
378371:2006/08/10(木) 16:41:59 ID:P5hPf3wB0
379名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 17:55:25 ID:JSkl7AxoO
タカりです( ・д・)
【連絡先】[email protected]
380名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 18:00:06 ID:ouGLckX10
381名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 18:07:05 ID:GwYQd7zg0

[email protected]
382名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 18:07:37 ID:eU+9ebhbO
383379:2006/08/10(木) 18:18:57 ID:JSkl7AxoO
384381:2006/08/10(木) 18:21:27 ID:GwYQd7zg0
385名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 19:20:27 ID:4S+YZUEg0
【日時】 今から
【場所】 新宿から目黒あたり
【内容】 相談で
【予算】 指定して下さいmm
【備考】 当方女です。男性でも女性でもOKですが男性の場合写真送って頂けると嬉しいです。
【連絡】 [email protected]
386名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 19:29:13 ID:0t1GjjVA0
写真審査で落ちました。。。  (´・ω・`)
387名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 19:30:32 ID:EHjxtzjL0
388名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 19:46:03 ID:VIZsJ6APO
389名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 20:46:24 ID:1tbYvqpEO
場所 関内
内容 相談
予算 相談
[email protected]
390名無しさん:2006/08/10(木) 21:03:41 ID:FrlZbkn20

【内容】相談 (軽〜)
【連絡先】 [email protected]
391390:2006/08/10(木) 22:23:19 ID:EVSK8UmBO
392名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 00:02:27 ID:Tp72WTNL0
【連絡】[email protected]
393名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 00:13:17 ID:8eJsifWSO
【日時】 相談
【場所】 相談
【内容】 相談
【予算】 相談
【備考】 女性の方で定期的にお願いしたいです。
【連絡】[email protected]
394名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 00:15:07 ID:2VeRYitV0
【日時】金曜 or 土曜 or 日曜
【連絡】[email protected]
395名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 00:42:23 ID:C+N0YLD/0
【日時】 相談
【場所】 都内
【内容】 自分と♀2人で遊ぶ
【予算】 内容次第
【備考】 ♀2人を募集します。年齢・容姿不問。
【連絡】 [email protected]
396名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 00:50:30 ID:Nb2diE6FO
397名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 00:56:48 ID:zgsGbzmCO
398〃゚∀゚)ノシ ◆APETj004AA :2006/08/11(金) 01:03:18 ID:AzJY+f/00
399名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 01:24:26 ID:fL5JpaMp0
400名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 03:17:45 ID:1vF5L6Gc0
連絡:[email protected]
401名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 03:35:39 ID:rCrRxDXJO
[email protected]
402名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 04:00:17 ID:vNCcaOJ7O
403名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 07:33:56 ID:vB6icP5j0
55mail以外 [email protected]
55mailの人 [email protected]
404:2006/08/11(金) 07:39:15 ID:e04/S6awO
【連絡】[email protected]
405名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 07:42:15 ID:l50CWR3sO
406名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 08:38:45 ID:zgsGbzmCO
407名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 08:43:27 ID:OS/DMpxjO
【備考】 年齢と普段は何をしている人なのか書いてメールして。
408名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 08:43:41 ID:7QLbVJx0O
409名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 08:59:25 ID:ABFCP2bV0
410名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 09:01:53 ID:qZEFYr6s0

【日時】 今日明日or盆休み後平日夜
【場所】 都内
【内容】 相談
【対象】 未成年不可
【報酬】 相談
【備考】 36鬼♂。
411名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 09:30:27 ID:h2CQjyab0
412名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 09:36:16 ID:RTC7eY+QO
【日時】 来週平日夕方
【内容】 飲食、マッサージやなど相談で
【予算】 飲食交通費1k支給他は相談
【備考】 女性の方2人まで。
【連絡】[email protected]
413名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 09:37:02 ID:XVy5t7I+0

【日時】 相談
【場所】 都内
【内容】 相談
【対象】 成人
【報酬】 相談
【備考】 両手に花を体験してみたいです
【連絡】[email protected]
414名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 10:07:08 ID:JQ4LQ4tZO
【日時】 金、土、日
【場所】 都区内
【内容】 相談
【対象】 女性
【報酬】 相談
【備考】 2人以上も可
【連絡】 [email protected]
415名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 10:44:27 ID:UccyBPacO
【連絡】[email protected]
416名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 10:59:51 ID:GE957UfS0
417名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 14:10:36 ID:zaynKwYS0

[email protected]

418名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 14:14:54 ID:GCpmj70D0
419名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 15:36:21 ID:cLpe+1Z50
【日時】 本日夜
【場所】 都内
【内容】 相談
【対象】 成人女性
【報酬】 20kまでで相談
【連絡】 [email protected]
420名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 15:53:21 ID:Tjx9SJAvO
【日時】 今日〜明後日
【場所】 都内、神奈川
【内容】 相談
【対象】 女性
【報酬】 相談
【連絡】 vipad@コンパス
421419:2006/08/11(金) 16:17:59 ID:cLpe+1Z50
[email protected]
422名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 16:44:59 ID:56J9bJeYO

【日時】 今日夜
【場所】 東京西側(八王子、立川、国分寺など。他も応相談)
【内容】 メールにて相談
【対象】 女性、未成年は不可
【報酬】 20000以上で相談
【連絡】 [email protected]
423名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 16:46:00 ID:5DpJUTZDO
【連絡】[email protected]
424名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 17:00:26 ID:5DpJUTZDO
【連絡】[email protected]ピー
425名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 17:02:13 ID:nt5DpdeCO
(連絡)[email protected]ピー
426名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 17:04:00 ID:7QLbVJx0O
【連絡】[email protected]
427南夕子 ◆5izEvL3bjE :2006/08/11(金) 17:06:29 ID:ZHTjwkIz0
428名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 17:10:25 ID:7QLbVJx0O
429名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 17:11:57 ID:7QLbVJx0O
430南夕子 ◆5izEvL3bjE :2006/08/11(金) 17:15:57 ID:ZHTjwkIz0
431417:2006/08/11(金) 17:19:50 ID:Nb9yqXxN0
432名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 17:22:03 ID:hVhnTeWx0
433名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 17:26:23 ID:7QLbVJx0O
434名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 17:37:02 ID:JQ4LQ4tZO
【連絡】[email protected]
435名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 17:43:36 ID:GV1RFo3R0
【日時】 今夜
【場所】 新宿あたり
【内容】 相談
【予算】 相談
【備考】 30♂。東京最後の夜です。一緒に思い出作ってくれる方いませんか。
【連絡】 [email protected]
436名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 18:52:50 ID:P4CQNY9eO
437名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 18:58:52 ID:hVhnTeWx0
55mail以外 [email protected]
55mailの人 [email protected]
438名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 19:10:35 ID:GV1RFo3R0
439名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 19:12:33 ID:10BjS4g10

【連絡】[email protected]
440439:2006/08/11(金) 19:15:33 ID:10BjS4g10
441名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 19:17:48 ID:7QLbVJx0O
442名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 19:25:45 ID:k11GpayUO
443439:2006/08/11(金) 19:28:13 ID:10BjS4g10
444さ ざ ん の ト リ ビ ア:2006/08/11(金) 19:29:39 ID:EABsOhot0
       母者からお迎えでぇす                (Д:;;;, )     |
                                   /   0)    l
                  __    _,,_, - ,r--‐‐ '  ̄o ̄:lニニl!::l::Tl l]]`i
        iニニl二二二二二ill__,,_l二二|;;li:|:i!:l  8ゞ::. : ̄: ̄:     i__i,l ;;::: l
                            ̄`ヾヽ;;_________,,_, --- == ' ニニニ二二)
                    , --=======l二二二二二二二:l:::iニニニl)il二二l]ロ::l!、 ;:;:;::;:...,
           (::,、::))=ヽ   ''ilγ⌒ヽ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;(:o:)~゙ _ヽ ;;;;;:;:;:;
           (Д;:::; )   `ヽ,,__ノ --------------------------------- (::@::)/;:..,...
           /liV;:il ヽ    ヽ;;;;;;;γ⌒ヽ;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;;;/;:...
        ━=il∩={}⊆)    ヾ;;;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ/:;l.;.
           ヾY[] ノ       ~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~"~ ̄~ ̄"
445名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 20:03:42 ID:v/yoQ4Rv0
【連絡】[email protected]
446445:2006/08/11(金) 20:05:28 ID:v/yoQ4Rv0
447名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 20:08:48 ID:7QLbVJx0O
448さ ざ ん の ト リ ビ ア:2006/08/11(金) 20:12:29 ID:EABsOhot0
       母者からお迎えでぇす                (Д:;;;, )     |
                                   /   0)    l
                  __    _,,_, - ,r--‐‐ '  ̄o ̄:lニニl!::l::Tl l]]`i
        iニニl二二二二二ill__,,_l二二|;;li:|:i!:l  8ゞ::. : ̄: ̄:     i__i,l ;;::: l
                            ̄`ヾヽ;;_________,,_, --- == ' ニニニ二二)
                    , --=======l二二二二二二二:l:::iニニニl)il二二l]ロ::l!、 ;:;:;::;:...,
           (::,、::))=ヽ   ''ilγ⌒ヽ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;(:o:)~゙ _ヽ ;;;;;:;:;:;
           (Д;:::; )   `ヽ,,__ノ --------------------------------- (::@::)/;:..,...
           /liV;:il ヽ    ヽ;;;;;;;γ⌒ヽ;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;;;/;:...
        ━=il∩={}⊆)    ヾ;;;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ/:;l.;.
           ヾY[] ノ       ~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~"~ ̄~ ̄"
449名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 20:40:52 ID:U6Hbl6b80
【連絡】[email protected]
450さ ざ ん の ト リ ビ ア:2006/08/11(金) 20:44:10 ID:EABsOhot0
       母者からお迎えでぇす                (Д:;;;, )     |
                                   /   0)    l
                  __    _,,_, - ,r--‐‐ '  ̄o ̄:lニニl!::l::Tl l]]`i
        iニニl二二二二二ill__,,_l二二|;;li:|:i!:l  8ゞ::. : ̄: ̄:     i__i,l ;;::: l
                            ̄`ヾヽ;;_________,,_, --- == ' ニニニ二二)
                    , --=======l二二二二二二二:l:::iニニニl)il二二l]ロ::l!、 ;:;:;::;:...,
           (::,、::))=ヽ   ''ilγ⌒ヽ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;(:o:)~゙ _ヽ ;;;;;:;:;:;
           (Д;:::; )   `ヽ,,__ノ --------------------------------- (::@::)/;:..,...
           /liV;:il ヽ    ヽ;;;;;;;γ⌒ヽ;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;;;/;:...
        ━=il∩={}⊆)    ヾ;;;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ/:;l.;.
           ヾY[] ノ       ~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~"~ ̄~ ̄"
451名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 20:56:14 ID:iUzk+Jx7O

【連絡】[email protected]
452さ ざ ん の ト リ ビ ア:2006/08/11(金) 20:57:09 ID:EABsOhot0
       母者からお迎えでぇす                (Д:;;;, )     |
                                   /   0)    l
                  __    _,,_, - ,r--‐‐ '  ̄o ̄:lニニl!::l::Tl l]]`i
        iニニl二二二二二ill__,,_l二二|;;li:|:i!:l  8ゞ::. : ̄: ̄:     i__i,l ;;::: l
                            ̄`ヾヽ;;_________,,_, --- == ' ニニニ二二)
                    , --=======l二二二二二二二:l:::iニニニl)il二二l]ロ::l!、 ;:;:;::;:...,
           (::,、::))=ヽ   ''ilγ⌒ヽ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0;;;;;;;;;(:o:)~゙ _ヽ ;;;;;:;:;:;
           (Д;:::; )   `ヽ,,__ノ --------------------------------- (::@::)/;:..,...
           /liV;:il ヽ    ヽ;;;;;;;γ⌒ヽ;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;γ⌒ヽ;;;;/;:...
        ━=il∩={}⊆)    ヾ;;;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;;ヽ,,__ノ;;;ヽ,,__ノ/:;l.;.
           ヾY[] ノ       ~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~ ̄~"~ ̄~ ̄"
453名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 21:07:35 ID:JUtL26xZ0
454名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 21:16:40 ID:/ZAU1jbz0
455名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 21:18:03 ID:U6Hbl6b80
【連絡】[email protected]
456名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 21:32:59 ID:JUtL26xZ0
457名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 22:11:41 ID:BjgPY3h80
458名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 22:17:32 ID:JQ4LQ4tZO

【連絡】[email protected]
459名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 22:30:43 ID:+FLRGhPpO
460名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 22:52:46 ID:V4JvV78uO
【報酬】 5000〜
[email protected]
461名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 22:55:34 ID:BjgPY3h80
462名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 23:30:15 ID:+FLRGhPpO
463名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 23:32:12 ID:gL898Sr6O
464名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 23:44:17 ID:9eyyJPUwO
465名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 23:49:41 ID:9eyyJPUwO
466名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 23:51:38 ID:+FLRGhPpO
467名無しさん:2006/08/11(金) 23:53:11 ID:vow3K6a90

468名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 00:46:13 ID:BDhGc1uqO
469名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 00:59:56 ID:e9A7Q/EG0
470名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:01:40 ID:GC+qXGN6O
471名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:01:44 ID:BDhGc1uqO
予算に関しても こちらが楽しませていただきたい上に報酬欲しい!というわがままなので
472名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:08:03 ID:lvkXk8bF0
【日時】 明日
【場所】 渋谷、新宿か池袋
【内容】 軽い食事してからデート
【金額】 ¥10,000-
【備考】 24歳大学生(男)
【連絡先】[email protected]
473名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:10:54 ID:BDhGc1uqO

474名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:13:19 ID:PRd/xuo50
475名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:26:15 ID:AAzd+A6D0
476名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:26:38 ID:WDusAmVO0
【日時】 今日(8月12日)
【場所】 大阪
【内容】 癒し〜軽め(応相談)
【報酬】 時給1500円位〜応相談
【備考】 どうしても今日は癒されたい理由があります。
【連絡】 [email protected]
477名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:28:26 ID:lvkXk8bF0
478名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:28:59 ID:BDhGc1uqO
メル届かないので[email protected]を取ってみました。
メール下さった方大変申し訳ありませんが 再度お願い致します。。
479名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:32:39 ID:AAzd+A6D0
480470:2006/08/12(土) 01:34:16 ID:GC+qXGN6O
[email protected]←にMailしてみて。
481名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:35:37 ID:rq/bsBOB0
482名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:38:03 ID:PRd/xuo50

[email protected]
483名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:49:39 ID:3Zx3Psq9O
【報酬】 5000〜
[email protected]
484名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:52:01 ID:BDhGc1uqO
【連絡先】[email protected]
485名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 01:58:24 ID:lvkXk8bF0
486470:2006/08/12(土) 02:05:00 ID:GC+qXGN6O
487名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 02:23:15 ID:f3IYkjJo0
488名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 02:27:47 ID:BDhGc1uqO
489名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 02:28:40 ID:ExCDEksB0
490名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 02:30:52 ID:f3IYkjJo0
491名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 02:32:20 ID:BDhGc1uqO
492名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 02:35:31 ID:ExCDEksB0
493名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 02:37:08 ID:f3IYkjJo0
494名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 05:27:08 ID:cJGpP2Un0
【連絡】[email protected]
495名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 08:55:37 ID:hZu8hqKk0
【日時】日曜日 午前or夜
【連絡】[email protected]
496名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 09:44:51 ID:sddcyTuwO
【連絡】[email protected]
497名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 10:52:53 ID:9mu45Oca0
【連絡先】[email protected]

498名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 11:01:05 ID:LObVo3k00

499名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 11:04:10 ID:CIKQ/K7r0
500496:2006/08/12(土) 12:05:06 ID:sddcyTuwO
501名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 12:22:16 ID:Qtg8xnKK0
連絡:[email protected]
502名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 14:12:19 ID:jxygrC6e0
503名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 14:22:18 ID:jxygrC6e0
【日時】 これから
【場所】 都内
【内容】 ♂自分と♀2人で1:2で遊ぶ or ♂2:♀2で遊ぶ ♂のもう1人は知人
【予算】 内容次第 (軽いのでもOK)
【備考】 ♀2人を募集します。年齢・容姿・間柄不問。
【連絡】 [email protected]
504名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 14:22:38 ID:p/m8kV2tO
505名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 14:51:51 ID:61YSU1KWO

【連絡】[email protected]
506名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 15:34:01 ID:cJGpP2Un0
【連絡】[email protected]
507名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 17:52:52 ID:NbS0lBko0

【連絡】[email protected]
508名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 18:10:36 ID:I9Y4gG1XO
509名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 18:34:55 ID:NQHURSggO

[email protected]
510名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 18:38:10 ID:+tVr/iIvo
[email protected]
511名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 19:07:43 ID:Etz3dZF5O


【日時】明日午前〜夕方 (19時位まで可)
【連絡】[email protected]
512名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 19:33:00 ID:rZ+5XHnt0
[email protected]
513名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 20:57:53 ID:cJGpP2Un0
【連絡】[email protected]
514名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 21:24:17 ID:4qLIFhM3O
515名無しさん:2006/08/12(土) 21:26:22 ID:3ZkLUEv4O
516513:2006/08/12(土) 21:36:19 ID:cJGpP2Un0
517名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 01:37:07 ID:QpV3CeDM0
518名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 02:06:38 ID:jys3/MxzO
519名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 02:31:22 ID:0GCZ4dd70
520名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 02:58:20 ID:N6GT4OR/0
521名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 09:42:13 ID:MGu4l0XeO

[email protected]
522名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 09:52:10 ID:8rZK7Xjt0
523名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 10:05:10 ID:ZyJK/9G00
524名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 12:22:07 ID:NkhUBTu80
525名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 14:13:50 ID:A+BjLOCfO
526名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 14:39:56 ID:wMtvJR0tO
日時 今日
内容 相談。暇潰しの相手して下さい。フィーも相談。
場所 池袋など
連絡 [email protected]
527名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 15:15:18 ID:yNPYtFPO0
【連絡】[email protected]
528名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 15:21:05 ID:0GcxX/LMO
529名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 15:33:29 ID:NWe5pVRj0
530527:2006/08/13(日) 15:37:33 ID:yNPYtFPO0

【連絡】[email protected]
531名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 17:26:18 ID:d0Ub7aXSO
[email protected]まで
532名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 17:48:01 ID:d7OWCWWwO
【日時】 今日14日夜。
【場所】 池袋〜渋谷
【内容】 食事+α
【対象】 女性
【報酬】 経費+内容に応じて
【備考】 こちら20代男。外見は普通?
【連絡】 [email protected]
533名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 17:52:35 ID:Z9kTXh8a0

【日時】 明日
【場所】 渋谷辺り
【内容】 エロ無もしくは軽いので。
【金額】 5k〜
【備考】 19♀
【連絡先】 [email protected]

534音速の名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 17:55:32 ID:zVN44ZbZ0
535名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 18:00:55 ID:tVBgiYgwO
536音速の名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 18:01:46 ID:zVN44ZbZ0

[email protected]
537名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 18:09:27 ID:APc80w/V0
538名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 18:47:41 ID:ZyJK/9G00
539名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 19:24:51 ID:PgGhidgY0
540名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 19:35:27 ID:APc80w/V0
541名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 19:45:15 ID:wO/m2K4i0
連絡;[email protected]

542名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 19:55:43 ID:PgGhidgY0
543名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 21:00:00 ID:d7OWCWWwO
544名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 21:16:38 ID:6n0X3hMc0
545名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 21:24:47 ID:OBO7ZL0x0
【日時】 明日か明後日
【場所】 大阪
【内容】 軽め〜(応相談)
【報酬】 1〜
【備考】 メールで相談しましょう
【連絡】 [email protected]
546名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 21:49:41 ID:+w/iOJFeO
時間 適当 そちらがあきるまで

報酬 適当


547名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 22:03:49 ID:+w/iOJFeO
548名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 22:42:00 ID:wO/m2K4i0
549名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 23:04:10 ID:PgGhidgY0
550名無しさん:2006/08/13(日) 23:23:35 ID:iOxbLjDv0
【連絡】[email protected]

551名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 01:05:13 ID:04wSInD6O
日時 今から
場所 東京の西側
予算 相談
備考 のりのりな人だと+報酬上乗せ
連絡先 反応があれば晒します
552名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 01:11:56 ID:T+4WC3o7O
553名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 01:14:23 ID:wWlwngkW0
日時 今日の夜
場所 東京の東側
予算 相談
備考 のりのりな人だと報酬上乗せあり
連絡先 反応があれば晒します
554名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 01:36:35 ID:f80NbzGo0
【日時】 今日の16時ごろから
【場所】 横浜
【内容】 相談
【報酬】 10万
【備考】 メール時には必ずカキコ。出来ることとプロフィール、アピールを極力詳しく書いてメール下さい
【連絡】 [email protected]
555名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 01:39:57 ID:T+4WC3o7O
日時 今日の夜
場所 東京の南側
予算 相談
備考 のりのりな人だと報酬上乗せあり
連絡先 反応があれば晒します
556スーパーオサーン:2006/08/14(月) 02:19:06 ID:UjZcUjQQO
557名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 03:26:56 ID:bWZw/5bZO

558名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 03:35:23 ID:pDXe8ESkO
559名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 08:45:55 ID:lSeDVBPzO
560名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 08:49:01 ID:T+4WC3o7O
561名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 09:11:16 ID:RYQNuaZK0

562名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 09:14:45 ID:T+4WC3o7O
563名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 09:17:17 ID:JoRrCmRvO
【連絡】[email protected]
564名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 09:39:30 ID:EU2yffoFO
565名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 10:15:34 ID:LUQUYwEjO
566名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 10:19:06 ID:rYQ9hp0LO
567名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 10:23:28 ID:erW9bFj60
568名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 10:45:01 ID:UE8qfkC9O


569名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 11:03:50 ID:+x+WLraDO
570名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 11:04:57 ID:rnv4xtbp0
571名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 11:13:09 ID:qi/sAEXX0
【内容】♂1:♀1以外で遊ぶ。 こちらは♂1〜2です。♂2:♀1、♂1:♀2、♂2:♀2とかで。
【連絡】[email protected]
572名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 12:09:41 ID:ArojwTBYO
24時間とかキモ 金でしか女釣れない…
573名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 12:28:44 ID:WHrU7041O
貧乏人のヒガミにしか聞こえないよ YOUミジメ
もし成立したら是非オフレポ読みたいね とくにいつ報酬渡したか知りたい
574名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 12:34:37 ID:Mk733t4IO
【連絡】[email protected]
575名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 12:57:21 ID:PxNbx85UO
576名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 14:26:29 ID:OsyZ9Fwj0
【連絡】[email protected]
577名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 14:55:05 ID:bWZw/5bZO


578名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 14:58:55 ID:XtYiXXfr0
>>577 sibuyajadame??
579名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 15:09:14 ID:tYN+8YVR0
580名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 17:21:51 ID:+nqZwNkOO
【連絡】[email protected]
581名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 17:31:47 ID:T+4WC3o7O
582名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 18:12:26 ID:ONLcJpJV0

【連絡】[email protected]
583名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 18:30:00 ID:+874Cp+fO
【連絡】[email protected]
または[email protected]
584583:2006/08/14(月) 18:34:09 ID:+874Cp+fO
585サ ザ ンの鳥ビア:2006/08/14(月) 18:42:13 ID:PLVOUBEG0
          ∧_∧        .  /´   ヽ,
         ( ´_ゝ`)           l ,    、l ∧_∧        ∧∧
          ./   、 ヽ、/つ━・~ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄旦 ̄ .(´<_` )\    /⌒(゚Д゚,,)
         |   ヽ_ノ、            /`,   l`l  \  /    (~冫
        /.|     |\|二二二二二二二二/ <l  _,,j j二二l-| |    /| |
         / |     ⌒|| |;;;;;:;;;;:;;;::;;::;;:::;::::::::;::`ヽ ヽ/⌒ヽ;:;;|| | \ヽ / | |
        .⊂_,,/ヽ_____,|| |;;;:;;;;:;;;<(( ))>:;;::;;::;;;;:;`J、l´ソ、ヽ|| |ー─ヽ(_)'_ノ
                 || |:⊂⌒(,,^д^): :: :: : :: :|~ l ,/~ ヽ_) . |
                    `ヽ_つ⊂ノ       |__し'___|
586名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 19:43:41 ID:ONLcJpJV0
587名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 20:30:27 ID:PxNbx85UO
588名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 20:36:38 ID:LLnQyJ9PO
589名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 20:45:58 ID:0hi5ZjY00
590583:2006/08/14(月) 20:51:03 ID:B/E5LGBU0
591名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 21:44:17 ID:51O9ZeNAO
[email protected]
592名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 21:57:47 ID:0hi5ZjY00
593名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 21:59:54 ID:Rbb2JJPP0
594名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 22:04:10 ID:0hi5ZjY00
595名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 22:07:00 ID:Rbb2JJPP0
[email protected]

596名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 22:30:36 ID:0hi5ZjY00
597名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 22:40:32 ID:OLwVscE20
598名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 22:42:20 ID:XcyfWo9Q0
599名無しさん:2006/08/14(月) 22:47:00 ID:BD3B61Gk0
600名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 00:26:47 ID:st3THskV0
601名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 00:47:47 ID:9HH/GQp50
連絡;[email protected]
602名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 01:04:35 ID:aP7bb1JrO
603名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 02:09:16 ID:rPDtKOQ3O
【連絡】[email protected]
604名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 02:47:39 ID:3zDhX5ZpO
605名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 02:52:32 ID:Cbrv7jHI0

606名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 07:45:24 ID:xjc/VWEeO
【連絡】[email protected]
607名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 07:51:06 ID:1QKGrxq9O
608名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 07:53:22 ID:tkaikTJZ0
609名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 07:58:53 ID:1QKGrxq9O
610名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 08:01:24 ID:tkaikTJZ0

【内容】軽い〜重い ありありでも。なしなしでも。
【報酬】1〜 内容次第
【連絡】[email protected]
611名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 08:06:25 ID:SLf5e1Hf0
612 ◆200HP/.iiI :2006/08/15(火) 08:41:32 ID:UPgEnUCV0
613名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 09:14:45 ID:spztFvpOO
614名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 09:16:58 ID:B2CdW1In0

615名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 09:22:50 ID:ZZGpTIul0
616ひまわりさん:2006/08/15(火) 09:25:23 ID:E/FV5q52O
617名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 09:50:11 ID:+jSjCSa80
【内容】ありあり 相談しましょう
【報酬】3〜 内容次第
【連絡】[email protected]

618名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 10:47:57 ID:zJkLctCbO
619名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 10:57:33 ID:spztFvpOO
620 ◆200HP/.iiI :2006/08/15(火) 10:58:25 ID:w2GpDOBE0
621つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/15(火) 11:01:23 ID:vwKWS9jt0
622名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 11:16:44 ID:GNv0srhz0
【連絡】[email protected]
623名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 11:17:01 ID:ZZGpTIul0
624 ◆200HP/.iiI :2006/08/15(火) 11:30:47 ID:w2GpDOBE0
625名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 11:31:48 ID:ZLLE1gGE0
【連絡】[email protected]
626名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 11:42:39 ID:Efa3T6OT0
【場所】都内 山の手線近辺
【備考】23歳♂ やせ型 マスコミ関係で働いています。
【連絡】[email protected]

627名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 12:20:29 ID:5xvYBtioO
628名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 12:36:13 ID:ny/+I9/10
629名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 12:43:07 ID:9iAoArwa0
630名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 13:19:23 ID:3NqXtXi/0
631名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 13:31:03 ID:5xvYBtioO
632名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 13:32:06 ID:9iAoArwa0
633名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 14:00:00 ID:V2nhRZPqO
【連絡先】[email protected]
634名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 14:07:35 ID:ltw7c73B0
635名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 14:16:59 ID:zJkLctCbO
636名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 14:18:26 ID:9iAoArwa0
637名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 14:55:20 ID:zJkLctCbO
638つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/15(火) 14:55:44 ID:vwKWS9jt0
639名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 14:56:55 ID:NDkVYeVi0
640名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 14:58:43 ID:kA6fLO0A0
641名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 15:09:50 ID:zJkLctCbO
642名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 15:12:50 ID:l9Q76tQr0
【日時】今日これから または今夜
【連絡】[email protected]
643名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 15:18:08 ID:RHCgUtyFO
【日時】今日 、明日
【連絡先】[email protected]
644名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 15:25:06 ID:RWXBiATcO
【連絡】[email protected]
645名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 15:29:08 ID:CO18fctxO
646名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 15:30:29 ID:1QikrKgt0
647名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 15:35:04 ID:5r2epZTA0
648名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 15:43:20 ID:k3U8l6o3O
649名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 15:45:24 ID:tzW7JA7U0
>>645 nの55でメールしました。よろしく!!
650名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 15:46:19 ID:MdkoHz9qO
651名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 17:26:46 ID:6EXt9QCx0
【報酬】1〜 内容&時間次第
【連絡】[email protected]
652名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 18:31:20 ID:J/AxpPeS0
653名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 18:38:19 ID:efcg6DFQ0
【日時】 相談
【場所】 都内
【内容】 メイド服でいろんなこと
【予算】 それなりな内容で1時間あたり1万くらい
【備考】 簡単なプロフ書いてメールください。
【連絡】 [email protected]
654名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 18:39:50 ID:+eFffWG5O

655名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 19:06:16 ID:RHCgUtyFO
656名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 19:12:15 ID:uNtejt890
【連絡】[email protected]
657名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 19:44:46 ID:Uc0/SzRbO
658名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 20:23:22 ID:wFqMpcfv0

【備考】非喫煙者さん限定 場所によりけりですが、お迎えに上がれます。
【連絡】random_mail @ mail.goo.ne.jp
659名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 21:53:25 ID:Ixz4PQoD0

【連絡】[email protected]
660名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 23:07:10 ID:z9rHniN30
661名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 23:14:46 ID:JVswELus0

【連絡】[email protected]
662名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 23:18:14 ID:jaq5aQvmO
663名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 23:31:03 ID:tkaikTJZ0
[email protected]
664名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 23:37:02 ID:jaq5aQvmO
665名無しさん:2006/08/15(火) 23:41:06 ID:WQsqmpAI0

398名前: 名無しさん投稿日: 2006/08/15(火) 23:22:12 ID:jaq5aQvmO
【連絡】[email protected]
666名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 00:00:33 ID:P4EXAKXg0

【日時】 平日夜
【場所】 都内
【内容】 相談
【対象】 未成年不可
【報酬】 相談
【備考】 36鬼♂。そんなんでよければ。
667名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 01:21:21 ID:0uCCJWalO
668667:2006/08/16(水) 01:47:41 ID:0uCCJWalO
669名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 02:00:50 ID:AUdqunApO
【連絡先】[email protected]
670名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 02:02:53 ID:L4Y5zdfsO
671名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 02:08:42 ID:Tf5RodEhO
672名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 02:15:10 ID:jarB9QGq0
673名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 02:21:17 ID:CgdCa8K30
【連絡先】[email protected]
674名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 03:52:21 ID:MxVFXVt2O
【備考】めーる待ってます (´・ω・`)
【連絡】[email protected]
675音速の名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 05:30:29 ID:JLtU4uvZ0
676名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 06:07:43 ID:m8A7BdOd0
【連絡】[email protected]
677名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 08:47:16 ID:sZ46Zy9RO
678名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 09:11:37 ID:vn+rz628O
679サ ザン の鳥  ビ ア:2006/08/16(水) 09:19:40 ID:JNf5g9IB0
                             ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄

    ____________            _
   √.|ヽ             ___||______ √_∞]         ||
  /==| \          /||   ||    ||    || ( | ゚Д゚)||\.      ||
  /== |   ヽ―――― ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄├| ̄ ̄ヽ||
∠__  -==∋   ●             // ⌒ ヽ、    ├|     |⊃
   ∂ ̄ ̄ ー―――---__________// ━━  .\  _├| ____ノ||
                        || ̄ ̄ || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ー-’.  . .||
                                     ガコンッ   ||
                   ノノ   ノノ  ノノ     ノノ
               8<| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄)
                   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
680サ ザン の鳥  ビ ア:2006/08/16(水) 09:42:01 ID:JNf5g9IB0
                             ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄

    ____________            _
   √.|ヽ             ___||______ √_∞]         ||
  /==| \          /||   ||    ||    || ( | ゚Д゚)||\.      ||
  /== |   ヽ―――― ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄├| ̄ ̄ヽ||
∠__  -==∋   ●             // ⌒ ヽ、    ├|     |⊃
   ∂ ̄ ̄ ー―――---__________// ━━  .\  _├| ____ノ||
                        || ̄ ̄ || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ー-’.  . .||
                                     ガコンッ   ||
                   ノノ   ノノ  ノノ     ノノ
               8<| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄)
                   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
681名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 09:43:11 ID:LjMJ+nrY0
682名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 10:13:40 ID:vn+rz628O
683サ ザン の鳥  ビ ア:2006/08/16(水) 10:18:47 ID:JNf5g9IB0
                             ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄

    ____________            _
   √.|ヽ             ___||______ √_∞]         ||
  /==| \          /||   ||    ||    || ( | ゚Д゚)||\.      ||
  /== |   ヽ―――― ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄├| ̄ ̄ヽ||
∠__  -==∋   ●             // ⌒ ヽ、    ├|     |⊃
   ∂ ̄ ̄ ー―――---__________// ━━  .\  _├| ____ノ||
                        || ̄ ̄ || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ー-’.  . .||
                                     ガコンッ   ||
                   ノノ   ノノ  ノノ     ノノ
               8<| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄)
                   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
684名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 10:39:15 ID:kQKHGWZ2O
【連絡】[email protected]
685名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 12:37:31 ID:gwrOFUfP0
【日時】 今日夕方から
【場所】 都内
【内容】 軽く呑んだり
【金額】 呑み代+α
【備考】 30手前〜35くらいの方
【連絡先】 akabane0816あっとcompass.jぴー

686名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 13:02:07 ID:XmUBSfhDO
687名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 13:30:09 ID:gwrOFUfP0
688名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 15:10:07 ID:L9/2/zY4O
【連絡先】[email protected]
689りさ:2006/08/16(水) 15:12:24 ID:Lun2P/Wg0
【連絡】[email protected]
690名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 15:22:40 ID:5n8pbzCk0

699 名前: 名無しさん 投稿日: 2006/08/16(水) 11:26:03 ID:L9/2/zY4O
★連絡先…[email protected]
691サ ザン の鳥  ビ ア:2006/08/16(水) 15:30:53 ID:JNf5g9IB0

                                    (´曲` )
                                  /⌒<  > ⌒\
          ∧_∧                    / __  __ \
         (  ´Д)   ______      (___E^|___ノ
         γ  ⌒\   | 2匹で100円|      /⌒\  /⌒\
        / ハ  \ \  ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄      /  イ     ヽ   |
       /     //\ ヽ、   |        ∧_∧ /ー-'""`ーヽ  |
       |    /   ヽ、ノ  /V\∧ ∧ (´∀`:::)|       |___>
      γ      / /    (・−・;;;)^Д^) と:::::::::).|____ (  \__
       i 、,    / /    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|        ゙-'`ー--'
       ゝ`ー-''" <     .|__________|
692名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 15:37:13 ID:wY3Jw2hLO
【日時】 今夜19時以降
【場所】 横浜
【内容】 相談(軽め可)
【金額】 相談(内容次第で)
【備考】 短時間オフ可・非ピザ/非キモ
【連絡先】 [email protected]
693トカゲの一郎 ◆II//IIEEII :2006/08/16(水) 15:40:18 ID:0SQywm8K0 BE:11984922-2BP(111)
       /::    亀    \       あ…ありのまま 今 起こった事を話すわ!
       /::.  .---‐'  """\ ヽ       『おれは奴の前で倒れてたと
      |::〉 ,_;:;:;ノ、   ●" |       思うたらいつのまにか勝っとった』
    (⌒ヽ             |)
     ( __     ( ∩∩ )    |       な… 何や言ってるのか わからんと思うけど
      |           /          おれも何をされたのかわからへんかった
      / )   / ̄  ̄7 / 
     /_/  (──-┘ /             頭がどうにかなりそうやった…
    // 二二二7___/_ /:::::::/`ヽ
   /'´r -―一ァ‐゙T´ '"´ /::::/-‐  \    八百長だとか買収だとか
   / //   广¨´  /'   /:::::/´ ̄`ヽ ⌒ヽ    そんなチャチなもんや 断じてない
  ノ ' /  ノ:::::`ー-、___/::::://       ヽ  }  もっと恐ろしいもんの片鱗を味わったわ…
694名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 16:14:57 ID:GtZ3/zF90
695名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 16:23:56 ID:+ESUy64g0


696名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 16:24:37 ID:AUdqunApO
697名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 16:26:36 ID:5n8pbzCk0
698名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 16:29:58 ID:GtZ3/zF90
699名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 16:34:11 ID:5n8pbzCk0
700名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 17:30:29 ID:2StF6AXmO
【連絡先】[email protected]
701 ◆200HP/.iiI :2006/08/16(水) 17:38:02 ID:RPenk8xp0
702名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 17:47:31 ID:dQ8wMFT20
703名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 17:52:10 ID:wmotI99p0
704名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 17:59:46 ID:2StF6AXmO
705つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/16(水) 18:03:05 ID:RI6LLqjG0
706703:2006/08/16(水) 18:06:51 ID:wmotI99p0

、、、( ´・ω・)キニスルナ
707つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/16(水) 18:16:24 ID:RI6LLqjG0

708名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 18:20:04 ID:yjrv7oajO
>>700 aからのhitでメールしました
709名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 18:24:04 ID:5n8pbzCk0
710つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/16(水) 18:26:58 ID:RI6LLqjG0
711名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 18:44:09 ID:0hZlabeD0
712658:2006/08/16(水) 18:50:42 ID:jMAQMCbN0


713つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo :2006/08/16(水) 18:52:26 ID:RI6LLqjG0
>>658もよく見ると奢りなのか奢られなのかわからない罠 つД`)
714名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 18:56:01 ID:pO7XZgKT0
715とろける:2006/08/16(水) 19:02:01 ID:meI/5SU60
   /    ::::::::::::::::\ 
  . |  ,,-‐‐   ‐‐-、 .:::|   ぴ、ぴぴざちゃいますわ
  |  、_(o)_,:  _(o)_, :::|
.   |    ::<      .::|    ioでお願いします
   \  /( [三] )ヽ ::/
716714:2006/08/16(水) 19:02:22 ID:tPnEohm80
717サ ザン の鳥  ビ ア:2006/08/16(水) 19:06:18 ID:JNf5g9IB0
  /                                 , イ
    ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄ |
     |   ┌─┐    ┌─┐    ┌─┐    ┌─┐   | 2 |
     | 目|  |  目|  |  目|  |  目|  |   | ち .|
     |   |。 |    |。 |    |。 |    |。 |   | ゃ .|
     |   |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |   |..ん..|
  .|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||#| 荘..|
   \|                                    |   |
     |   ┌─┐    ┌─┐    ┌─┐    ┌─┐   |   |
     | 目|  |  目|  |  目|  |  目|  |   |   |
     |   |。 |    |。 |    |。 |    |。 |   |   |
     |   |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |   |  /
     |   |  |    |  |    |  |    |  |   |/
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
         / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   ∧_∧   |  今日から東京で一人暮らしだモナ。
  ( ´∀`)<  過去スレ、ルールや紹介は >>2-5あたりだモナ!
  と    つ. |  ご意見ご感想は専用感想スレによろしくモナ!
 □| | |   \_____________________
718名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:23:57 ID:v8RxjuRw0
【連絡】[email protected]
719名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:27:15 ID:Tf5RodEhO
720名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:30:49 ID:zClJR28WO
721名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:36:16 ID:2StF6AXmO
722名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:40:01 ID:e4EUtb3c0
723名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:40:06 ID:wY3Jw2hLO
724名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:42:24 ID:2StF6AXmO
725名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:44:07 ID:zClJR28WO
726名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:44:34 ID:PB4KyRSx0
【予算】超軽5000〜、軽10000〜、濃15000〜 程度。(内容次第)
【連絡】[email protected]
727名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:44:49 ID:wY3Jw2hLO
728名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:50:02 ID:2StF6AXmO
729名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:50:58 ID:gabF2fb60
730名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:57:10 ID:zClJR28WO

731名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 19:59:19 ID:vIp0GKuI0
732727:2006/08/16(水) 19:59:35 ID:wY3Jw2hLO
733名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:07:31 ID:gabF2fb60
734名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:10:50 ID:wY3Jw2hLO
735名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:12:00 ID:gabF2fb60
736名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:12:50 ID:zClJR28WO
737名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:15:59 ID:e4EUtb3c0
738名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:17:18 ID:e4EUtb3c0

739名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:17:43 ID:RxSrXd080
740名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:20:35 ID:2StF6AXmO
二通来て二通返しましたよ( ・д・)?
741名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:24:31 ID:gabF2fb60
742名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:24:37 ID:zClJR28WO
743名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:28:07 ID:wY3Jw2hLO
744名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:29:32 ID:2StF6AXmO
745名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:33:27 ID:zClJR28WO
祭りハッセーッ ワッショーィ。
746名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:36:17 ID:wY3Jw2hLO
桜木町にいたのに orz

747名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:38:48 ID:jMAQMCbN0

748名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:39:56 ID:we2WVzFtO
749名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:41:44 ID:RxSrXd080
750名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:42:51 ID:wY3Jw2hLO
751名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:47:29 ID:gabF2fb60
752名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 20:58:14 ID:zfhloczm0
【連絡】[email protected]
753名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 21:00:17 ID:zClJR28WO
754名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 21:37:16 ID:nmHHk9u6O
755名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 21:40:31 ID:gabF2fb60
756名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 21:42:38 ID:zClJR28WO
757名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 22:10:13 ID:we2WVzFtO
758名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 22:12:00 ID:gabF2fb60
759名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 22:18:22 ID:we2WVzFtO


760名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 22:30:22 ID:RxSrXd080
761名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 23:28:50 ID:6c+ocSoT0
【対象】♀ 終電逃して暇にしてる人
【備考】こちらは25 ♂です。
【連絡】[email protected]

762名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 23:33:38 ID:LFky7kDS0
【備考】30♂ 今日はもう寝るので返信は明日朝になります。
【連絡先】[email protected]
763名無しさん:2006/08/16(水) 23:58:06 ID:YL5QPQojO
764名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 00:30:29 ID:qCIPu5ZX0
【連絡先】[email protected]
765名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 00:33:00 ID:nmClGY5i0
【予算】内容次第ですが5000〜40000 (内容次第)
【連絡】[email protected]
766名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 02:58:45 ID:EsX1wasX0
767名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 08:34:26 ID:9WADGnSA0
【連絡】[email protected]
768 ◆200HP/.iiI :2006/08/17(木) 08:40:44 ID:96+kaAza0
769名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 08:45:17 ID:h18KaIop0
770 ◆200HP/.iiI :2006/08/17(木) 08:48:45 ID:96+kaAza0
771名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 10:10:12 ID:O4cbdi9eO

【連絡】[email protected]
772サ ザン のto リ  ビ ア:2006/08/17(木) 10:35:03 ID:yCODf8Zm0
 / ̄\
│   │
773名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 10:45:25 ID:YvkWnk2Y0
774サ ザン のto リ  ビ ア:2006/08/17(木) 10:51:19 ID:yCODf8Zm0
 / ̄\
│   │
775名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 10:57:22 ID:vy0mlJwg0

◆200HP/.iiI(プチパンチ ◆Petit.xRgQ)同一人物
つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo
゜Д゜)ノシ ◆NANIWA.o0w
〃゚ー゚)ノシ ◆APETj004AA

776名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 12:15:16 ID:1I6zSs4OO
777名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 12:43:26 ID:jUYwyKTE0

777_φ(* ̄0 ̄)ノ
778名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 13:53:38 ID:KZV9XKy/0

【連絡】[email protected]
779サ   ザン のト リ ビア:2006/08/17(木) 13:57:58 ID:RtQ8aNk60
        ⊂⊃    。*°゚
        /■\  ☆
      /⌒( ´∀`)/ ミ
     / /// つ つ ))
   ιι /    ,ノ
780サ   ザン のト リ ビア:2006/08/17(木) 14:01:18 ID:RtQ8aNk60
        ⊂⊃    。*°゚
        /■\  ☆
      /⌒( ´∀`)/ ミ
     / /// つ つ ))
   ιι /    ,ノ
781サ   ザン のト リ ビア:2006/08/17(木) 14:02:04 ID:RtQ8aNk60
        ⊂⊃    。*°゚
        /■\  ☆
      /⌒( ´∀`)/ ミ
     / /// つ つ ))
   ιι /    ,ノ
782サ ザン のto リ  ビ ア:2006/08/17(木) 14:17:24 ID:yCODf8Zm0
 / ̄\
│   │
783サ ザン のto リ  ビ ア:2006/08/17(木) 14:36:20 ID:yCODf8Zm0
 / ̄\
│   │
784名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 16:34:58 ID:vy0mlJwg0

◆200HP/.iiI(プチパンチ ◆Petit.xRgQ)同一人物
元野田 ◆noda/DX03k
つー`) ◆Cry/RgeUAo
゜Д゜)ノシ ◆NANIWA.o0w
〃゚ー゚)ノシ ◆APETj004AA

785名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 18:35:24 ID:O4cbdi9eO
【連絡】[email protected]
786音速の名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 18:36:53 ID:05K5NHsk0

[email protected]
787名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 19:51:22 ID:zgrrLMHzO
【日時】 今から
【場所】 新橋・銀座
【内容】 相談(非エロ可)
【金額】 相談(内容次第で)
【備考】 癒しが欲しいだけなので、短時間、非エロでも
【連絡先】 [email protected]
788名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 20:42:07 ID:fyXL9SV10
【日時】 今から〜明日
【場所】 渋谷〜五反田あたり
【内容】 相談
【金額】 20kくらい
【備考】 21歳で、ルックスなどは悪くないと思います。
【連絡】 [email protected]
789名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 21:21:18 ID:vgWD3CliO
790名無しさん:2006/08/17(木) 23:42:29 ID:MGCCqvh3O
791名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 00:48:20 ID:rLYWJl+FO
792名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 01:02:12 ID:+DqqNXak0
【日時】 明日 午前中〜夕方まで
【場所】 新宿・渋谷・秋葉原あたり
【内容】 相談 します
【金額】 20kくらい
【備考】 20で、148cmの芦利顔です
【連絡】 ktkr−777@xx

793名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 01:10:45 ID:Ym1ByWDiO
794名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 02:51:43 ID:ylqlt9S80
【日時】 8/18の午後4時以降で
【場所】 渋谷など相談
【内容】 相談
【金額】 〜3
【対象】 夏休み中の女の子
【備考】 33♂
【連絡先】 [email protected]
795名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 08:06:55 ID:WllYHObm0
【日時】 今日か、明日の午前or夜
【場所】 都内
【内容】 相談
【金額】 内容次第、目安1〜3
【対象】 女性
【備考】 29♂
【連絡先】 [email protected]
796名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 08:43:29 ID:FygUqKSFO
【連絡】[email protected]
797サ ザン の 戸 リ  ビ ア:2006/08/18(金) 08:49:37 ID:E9CT+ocm0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


 ( ・∀・)ノ


798名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 09:35:59 ID:mV0zHcIdO
【日時】 今日の夕方〜夜
【場所】 新宿か池袋辺り
【内容】 軽いアレ系
【金額】 1くらい
【対象】 女性
【備考】 31♂
【連絡先】 [email protected]
799名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 09:37:09 ID:ngZEB3rOO
[email protected]
800名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 09:37:49 ID:XdRQ0+5V0
【日時】 今日
【場所】 都内
【内容】 軽いアレ系〜
【金額】 1くらい〜
【対象】 女性
【備考】 30♂
【連絡先】 [email protected]
801サ ザン の 戸 リ  ビ ア:2006/08/18(金) 09:39:10 ID:E9CT+ocm0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


 ( ・∀・)ノ


802名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 09:41:54 ID:XfF80DU0O
【日時】 今日16時以降
【場所】 渋谷〜五反田
【内容】 相談
【金額】 1〜(内容次第で)
【備考】 面接決定可、短時間可、年齢〜33までの方
【連絡先】 [email protected]
803名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 10:12:25 ID:iwIEUijHO

【日時】 今日
【場所】 都内 もしくは首都圏なら応相談
【内容】 相談(ピル飲んでますから・・・)
【報酬】 2〜 お願いします
【備考】 24歳フリーター♀です。163−45でCカップ
【連絡】 melancholy☆compass.jp  ☆を@に変えてください
804名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 10:14:34 ID:PqucJ5D0O
【日時】 今日の夕方〜夜
【場所】 池袋辺り
【内容】 相談
【金額】 1くらい
【対象】 女性
『連絡先』 [email protected]
805サ ザン の 戸 リ  ビ ア:2006/08/18(金) 10:15:51 ID:E9CT+ocm0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


 ( ・∀・)ノ


806名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 10:27:05 ID:XdRQ0+5V0
807名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 10:34:34 ID:0hUwwwBs0
【連絡先】 [email protected]
808名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 10:44:00 ID:xr4h9GS3O
809名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 11:38:28 ID:UPkeQjtkO
810Nice to meet you !!!!!!!!!!!!!:2006/08/18(金) 11:54:00 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
811Nice to meat you !!!!!!!!!!!!!:2006/08/18(金) 11:55:57 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
812Nice to meat you !!!!!!!!!!!!!:2006/08/18(金) 11:57:48 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
813Nice to meat you !!!!!!!!!!!!!:2006/08/18(金) 11:58:29 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
814Nice to meat you !!!!!!!!!!!!!:2006/08/18(金) 11:59:38 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
815名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 11:59:45 ID:3zzn4bZu0
【日時】 今日の夕方〜夜
【場所】 渋谷辺り
【内容】 相談
【金額】 1くらい
【対象】 女性
『連絡先』 dailyあっとまーくcompass.jp
816Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:00:30 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
817サ ザン の 戸 リ  ビ ア:2006/08/18(金) 12:01:58 ID:E9CT+ocm0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


 ( ・∀・)ノ


818Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:04:22 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
819Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:05:29 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
820名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 12:05:38 ID:dNhCUzkQ0
【日時】 今日の夕方〜夜
【場所】 横浜辺り
【予算】 できる限り
【対象】 妹
[email protected]
821サ ザン の 戸 リ  ビ ア:2006/08/18(金) 12:07:26 ID:E9CT+ocm0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


 ( ・∀・)ノ


822Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:10:04 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
823Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:11:50 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
824Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:13:17 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
825Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:16:44 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
826Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:18:13 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
827Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:19:18 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
828Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:23:58 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
829名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 12:29:57 ID:R2a2Dc2p0
【日時】 今日の夕方〜夜(泊OK)
【場所】 渋谷?
【内容】 相談
【金額】 2くらい
【対象】 女性
[email protected]
830名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 12:32:38 ID:g5pSktrv0
【日時】 今日の夕方〜
【場所】 都内
【内容】 相談
【金額】 内容次第
【対象】 ♀
【連絡】 [email protected]
831名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 12:36:02 ID:/HKB7eI1O
【連絡】[email protected]
832名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 12:37:24 ID:6HyUPXom0
159 名前:名無しさん[] 投稿日:2006/08/18(金) 12:15:25 ID:TEB2s9Cr0

[email protected]

163 名前:名無しさん[] 投稿日:2006/08/18(金) 12:33:36 ID:lpoDx0UL0
833Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:44:06 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
834サ ザン の 戸 リ  ビ ア:2006/08/18(金) 12:45:21 ID:E9CT+ocm0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


 ( ・∀・)ノ


835Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:49:24 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
836Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 12:55:32 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
837ヽ(`・ω・)ノNico ◆w4FNuNicoo :2006/08/18(金) 12:59:22 ID:TlPotUp/0

これは俺のステアドだ うぇww
838Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 13:00:04 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
839Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 13:02:32 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
840Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 13:19:49 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
841Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 13:25:07 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
842Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 13:29:45 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
843Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 13:37:25 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
844Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 13:38:15 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
845Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 13:40:05 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
846名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 13:46:13 ID:YprR0QEVO
【連絡】[email protected]
847サ ザン の 戸 リ  ビ ア:2006/08/18(金) 13:50:45 ID:E9CT+ocm0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


 ( ・∀・)ノ


848Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 14:15:08 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
849Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 14:24:19 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system
for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project,
and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged
the need of the customization of the available system as an educational
environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for
helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to
carry out their business activity within the IGstudents yearly programme,
extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has
produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during
a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme.
During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents
Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of
the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step
will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises,
involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation,
thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.
850名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 15:38:21 ID:XfF80DU0O
【日時】 今から夜までの間
【場所】 品川〜横浜
【内容】 相談(軽め可)
【金額】 相談(内容次第で)
【備考】 短時間オフ可・非ピザ/非キモ
【連絡先】 [email protected]
851名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 15:39:31 ID:0ItzQJCzO
【連絡】[email protected]
852名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 15:47:02 ID:zsazmKQ90
853Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 15:48:08 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
As a result of globalisation, supply networks are getting increasingly more complex and extended.
The exchange of knowledge becomes a critical parameter for the improvement of efficiency.
This article describes the architecture of a web-based expert system that enables
knowledge-based product information to reach several companies within a network.
The day-to-day interaction for design and purchase of products in a B-to-B environment
will be in focus. It is illustrated how the use of web-based expert systems can
improve the efficiency of the sales process significantly. The use of configurators
has changed the daily interaction between a company and its suppliers.
Large multinational companies (e.g. Dell and Cisco) have demonstrated how
the use of web-based expert systems can revolutionize the sale of customized
products and change market paradigms. The companies have reached new levels of
competitiveness. However, web-based expert systems are not only feasible
for these giants. Solar A/S, Denmark’s largest electrical wholesaler, is
running a portal for the purchase of electrical components. Recently an
expert system has been introduced by one of the suppliers in order to
improve communication within a network of companies. In this paper
it is described how configurators are built and the new opportunities
they bring are discussed.
854名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 15:48:24 ID:B4bH3zmi0
【連絡】[email protected]
855名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 15:50:29 ID:P7CezwaI0
【連絡】[email protected]
856Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 15:53:16 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
As a result of globalisation, supply networks are getting increasingly more complex and extended.
The exchange of knowledge becomes a critical parameter for the improvement of efficiency.
This article describes the architecture of a web-based expert system that enables
knowledge-based product information to reach several companies within a network.
The day-to-day interaction for design and purchase of products in a B-to-B environment
will be in focus. It is illustrated how the use of web-based expert systems can
improve the efficiency of the sales process significantly. The use of configurators
has changed the daily interaction between a company and its suppliers.
Large multinational companies (e.g. Dell and Cisco) have demonstrated how
the use of web-based expert systems can revolutionize the sale of customized
products and change market paradigms. The companies have reached new levels of
competitiveness. However, web-based expert systems are not only feasible
for these giants. Solar A/S, Denmark’s largest electrical wholesaler, is
running a portal for the purchase of electrical components. Recently an
expert system has been introduced by one of the suppliers in order to
improve communication within a network of companies. In this paper
it is described how configurators are built and the new opportunities
they bring are discussed.
857Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 16:04:18 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
As a result of globalisation, supply networks are getting increasingly more complex and extended.
The exchange of knowledge becomes a critical parameter for the improvement of efficiency.
This article describes the architecture of a web-based expert system that enables
knowledge-based product information to reach several companies within a network.
The day-to-day interaction for design and purchase of products in a B-to-B environment
will be in focus. It is illustrated how the use of web-based expert systems can
improve the efficiency of the sales process significantly. The use of configurators
has changed the daily interaction between a company and its suppliers.
Large multinational companies (e.g. Dell and Cisco) have demonstrated how
the use of web-based expert systems can revolutionize the sale of customized
products and change market paradigms. The companies have reached new levels of
competitiveness. However, web-based expert systems are not only feasible
for these giants. Solar A/S, Denmark’s largest electrical wholesaler, is
running a portal for the purchase of electrical components. Recently an
expert system has been introduced by one of the suppliers in order to
improve communication within a network of companies. In this paper
it is described how configurators are built and the new opportunities
they bring are discussed.
858Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 16:06:40 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
As a result of globalisation, supply networks are getting increasingly more complex and extended.
The exchange of knowledge becomes a critical parameter for the improvement of efficiency.
This article describes the architecture of a web-based expert system that enables
knowledge-based product information to reach several companies within a network.
The day-to-day interaction for design and purchase of products in a B-to-B environment
will be in focus. It is illustrated how the use of web-based expert systems can
improve the efficiency of the sales process significantly. The use of configurators
has changed the daily interaction between a company and its suppliers.
Large multinational companies (e.g. Dell and Cisco) have demonstrated how
the use of web-based expert systems can revolutionize the sale of customized
products and change market paradigms. The companies have reached new levels of
competitiveness. However, web-based expert systems are not only feasible
for these giants. Solar A/S, Denmark’s largest electrical wholesaler, is
running a portal for the purchase of electrical components. Recently an
expert system has been introduced by one of the suppliers in order to
improve communication within a network of companies. In this paper
it is described how configurators are built and the new opportunities
they bring are discussed.
859Butcher:2006/08/18(金) 16:19:19 ID:TEB2s9Cr0
As a result of globalisation, supply networks are getting increasingly more complex and extended.
The exchange of knowledge becomes a critical parameter for the improvement of efficiency.
This article describes the architecture of a web-based expert system that enables
knowledge-based product information to reach several companies within a network.
The day-to-day interaction for design and purchase of products in a B-to-B environment
will be in focus. It is illustrated how the use of web-based expert systems can
improve the efficiency of the sales process significantly. The use of configurators
has changed the daily interaction between a company and its suppliers.
Large multinational companies (e.g. Dell and Cisco) have demonstrated how
the use of web-based expert systems can revolutionize the sale of customized
products and change market paradigms. The companies have reached new levels of
competitiveness. However, web-based expert systems are not only feasible
for these giants. Solar A/S, Denmark’s largest electrical wholesaler, is
running a portal for the purchase of electrical components. Recently an
expert system has been introduced by one of the suppliers in order to
improve communication within a network of companies. In this paper
it is described how configurators are built and the new opportunities
they bring are discussed.
860名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 16:39:50 ID:xr4h9GS3O
【連絡】[email protected]
861名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 17:48:20 ID:SWqHLfqx0
【金額】ご相談 予算1〜
【連絡】[email protected]
862名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 18:45:32 ID:LmvvcOOY0
863名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 19:10:51 ID:2cdJi/nP0
【連絡】[email protected]
864名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 19:41:26 ID:/HKB7eI1O
【連絡】[email protected]
865名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 19:46:31 ID:Fn34sRZZO
no more 英語
866名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 20:00:59 ID:YXpzPu3eO
【備考】35歳♂ 希望は女性で
【連絡】[email protected]
867名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 20:07:31 ID:4M6tU/o1O
【連絡】[email protected]
868音速の名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 20:17:50 ID:LjNHIr080

はだしウォーカー 1万円くらい
[email protected]

869サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/18(金) 20:20:14 ID:E9CT+ocm0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ


870名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 20:28:26 ID:XfF80DU0O
【日時】 今夜
【場所】 横浜
【内容】 肩コリのマッサージ
【金額】 1,000円/10分
【備考】 非プロでも可
【連絡先】 [email protected]
871名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 20:47:11 ID:AmsxX32/0
872音速の名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 20:52:15 ID:LjNHIr080
873名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 21:13:26 ID:wGorcvYm0
【連絡】[email protected]
874名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 21:41:57 ID:erR2kZ2wO
875名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 21:55:22 ID:/HKB7eI1O
【連絡】[email protected]
876名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 22:43:56 ID:uqlNGfvw0
【連絡】[email protected]
877音速の名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 22:51:33 ID:LjNHIr080
878名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 23:30:44 ID:LJcrgEQO0

879名無しさん:2006/08/18(金) 23:35:57 ID:TD7yWirT0
880名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 00:03:32 ID:3MJIEQF/0

【日時】 8月19日
【場所】 渋谷 池袋
【内容】 なしなしで。
【金額】 5k〜
【備考】 19歳 女です。
【連絡先】[email protected]

881名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 00:38:28 ID:9tdk1gCR0
882名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 00:43:41 ID:6SSKQ3+bO
883名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 00:47:35 ID:vw8/fjtl0
ちんこなし まんこなし
884サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/19(土) 00:48:23 ID:GntwNRWL0

104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: うる ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
885873:2006/08/19(土) 01:51:57 ID:NS2S4znO0

【連絡】[email protected]
886サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/19(土) 01:52:28 ID:GntwNRWL0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
887名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 01:54:31 ID:M9LG8is70
888名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 02:01:38 ID:ga6O+d7EO
889名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 04:48:58 ID:dFGglfY40
【連絡】[email protected]
890名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 09:34:36 ID:fgtPsXgy0
【連絡】[email protected]
891 ◆200HP/.iiI :2006/08/19(土) 09:37:12 ID:UACRIvfX0

892名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 09:50:47 ID:v/V3BaDi0
893名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 09:53:19 ID:MsQ6fPGbO


[email protected]
894名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 11:01:31 ID:CfJrCyjh0
【連絡】[email protected]
895みかん:2006/08/19(土) 11:23:30 ID:QwHwsQrR0



896よねちん♂ ◆LOUDNESSQA :2006/08/19(土) 11:31:56 ID:40OLKbD10
897サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/19(土) 11:38:55 ID:GntwNRWL0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
898サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/19(土) 11:44:37 ID:GntwNRWL0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
899名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 11:48:00 ID:evN9nczDO
900889:2006/08/19(土) 11:53:37 ID:dFGglfY40
901名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 12:02:53 ID:35VSjqvDO
【連絡】[email protected]
902 ◆200HP/.iiI :2006/08/19(土) 12:10:38 ID:UACRIvfX0
>>900 そう返されると、なんか申し訳なくなってしまうんだが・・・

903名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 12:30:12 ID:blzwzvsAO
【連絡】[email protected]
904音速の名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 12:31:11 ID:JYD7a9O60
905長靴に吐いた猫:2006/08/19(土) 12:55:25 ID:dFGglfY40
906サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/19(土) 12:57:16 ID:GntwNRWL0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
907サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/19(土) 13:22:58 ID:GntwNRWL0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
908名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 13:36:46 ID:tXt4cwepO
【連絡】[email protected]
909りょう ◆RX78xkMc1k :2006/08/19(土) 13:41:50 ID:Za09doOnO
[email protected]
910ひみつの検疫さん:2024/12/27(金) 12:00:32 ID:MarkedRes
911名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 17:03:11 ID:4jrjY5slO


912サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/19(土) 17:04:06 ID:GntwNRWL0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
913名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 17:11:27 ID:kMiuZPw3O
>>911 mからのコンパスで送りました
914名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 17:42:02 ID:7CoFE9vq0
【日時】 8/20
【場所】 千葉〜都内で相談
【内容】 相談
【金額】 相談
【対象】 夏休み中の女の子
【備考】 33♂
【連絡先】 [email protected]
915名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 18:15:08 ID:35VSjqvDO
【連絡先】[email protected]
916サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/19(土) 18:19:13 ID:GntwNRWL0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
917名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 19:47:45 ID:8M4xwQlQ0
【場所】 八王子か立川
【内容】 メシ食い。気があったらその後遊ぶ。
【備考】 当方21です。30代前半ぐらいまでの方希望。
【連絡】 [email protected]
918名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 21:06:27 ID:aPjDPk+wO
919名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 21:14:10 ID:9tdk1gCR0
920名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 21:16:40 ID:6Dly2J/i0
921名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 21:19:35 ID:06IV/6KuO
922名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 22:40:08 ID:2lWtnOPt0
【日時】 今日もしくは相談
【場所】 渋谷
【内容】 渋谷のハプニングバー「眠れる森の美女」に
【備考】 当方♂。ハプニングバーとやらに行ってみたいので募集します。
【対象】 ♀ 未成年以外なら容姿年齢不問
【金額】 入店料+α(相談してください)
【連絡】 hkissa@コンパス
923名無しさん:2006/08/19(土) 23:13:09 ID:KFp9wdbB0
【対象】 ♀ 
【連絡】[email protected]
924音速の名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 00:24:38 ID:5gdO/7b40
925名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 00:25:58 ID:QgjLUC6y0

926音速の名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 00:26:36 ID:5gdO/7b40
927名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 02:48:55 ID:Hqc0KBl6O
928名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 02:54:20 ID:Hqc0KBl6O

【日時】 今日夕方くらい
連絡 [email protected]
929名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 09:34:01 ID:eJoguFe00
930名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 09:36:20 ID:eJoguFe00
931名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 09:36:52 ID:eJoguFe00
932名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 09:42:00 ID:dCO3Ct3I0

933名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 09:54:34 ID:eJoguFe00
934名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 09:57:22 ID:eJoguFe00
935名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 09:58:07 ID:eJoguFe00
936名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 09:59:46 ID:eJoguFe00
937名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 10:00:14 ID:eJoguFe00
938名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 10:01:57 ID:eJoguFe00
939名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 11:08:14 ID:aYWSygWi0

【日時】 相談
【場所】 都内
【内容】 報酬1で、こんな事ならしてもいいな、と考える内容
【備考】 軽いプチというヤツで、ほんわかしてみたいです。
【対象】 19才以上の♀/普通程度にかわいい子以上
【金額】 1
【連絡】 [email protected]

940名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 11:17:11 ID:DjkRItjZO
【連絡先】[email protected]
941名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 11:31:48 ID:SRhWrEAV0
【連絡】[email protected]
942サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/20(日) 11:40:44 ID:oS9nAl7q0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
943サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/20(日) 11:50:07 ID:oS9nAl7q0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
944名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 11:55:26 ID:mEoZ/jljO
945サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/20(日) 11:57:24 ID:oS9nAl7q0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
946名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 12:08:15 ID:Jc7ZKOX2O

【日時】 相談
【場所】 都内
【内容】  お塩ふかせてください。それ以外は相談。
【備考】  22♀です。胸は小さいけど細めで小柄で見た目悪くないです。
【対象】 上手くて見た目普通以上の人。男女は問いません。見た目ダメだとお塩でないかも。
【金額】 お塩がでたら場所代のみ。でなかったら+2
【連絡】 [email protected]
947名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 12:13:46 ID:3YNmSaR/O
948サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/20(日) 12:16:12 ID:oS9nAl7q0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
949よねちん♂ ◆LOUDNESSQA :2006/08/20(日) 12:18:26 ID:gAm7erF30
[email protected]でおくりましt
950名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 12:19:06 ID:GUAdV1TZ0
951名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 12:25:36 ID:vhN1Utg20
952名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 12:36:55 ID:SRhWrEAV0
953音速の名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 12:58:59 ID:5gdO/7b40
954名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 13:04:56 ID:SRhWrEAV0
955サ ザン の 酉  ビ ア:2006/08/20(日) 13:06:52 ID:oS9nAl7q0
104 名前: 劇団ひきょり ◆MAMIKO.qZI [sage] 投稿日: 2006/08/17(木) 20:19:55 ID:O/McZLu7O


   /⌒\          /⌒\
  ( ・∀・)ノ       ヽ(・∀・ )
  ノルリノルリ          いlヽいヽ



300名前: ●る ◆URU/j2a00Q 投稿日: 2006/08/19(土) 00:38:29 ID:m/BKJ9UVO
956名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 13:09:41 ID:fuyJYDMC0
957名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 13:46:43 ID:JEBc2NIv0
【日時】 今日
【場所】 都内
【内容】 相談で。
【備考】 28♂です。見た目も普通な会社員・・・。
【対象】 女の人で。優しい人だと嬉しいっす。
【金額】 1.5〜3
【連絡】 hotate@compass.じぇいぴー
958名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 14:23:19 ID:LAYJf5EqO

158.48サイズ88(65F)59 85

[email protected]
959名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 15:38:07 ID:S7KTTbNBO
【場所】上野 池袋
【連絡】[email protected]
960名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 16:48:48 ID:Pp/qw7WJO
961名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 20:51:49 ID:DUFqu4gV0
【連絡】[email protected]
962名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 22:28:05 ID:6Gz/WVgFO

963名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 22:53:26 ID:ATLEOm+jO
964名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 23:07:19 ID:INL5btiX0
615 名無しさん sage New! 2006/08/20(日) 22:14:01 ID:6Gz/WVgFO
965962:2006/08/20(日) 23:08:25 ID:6Gz/WVgFO
966名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 23:17:42 ID:ATLEOm+jO
967名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 23:19:58 ID:AZxYrAMuO
968名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 23:48:11 ID:6Gz/WVgFO
すみません、 メールが届いてないんですが…
969名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 23:49:13 ID:ATLEOm+jO
970音速の名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 23:49:54 ID:5gdO/7b40
971名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 23:51:34 ID:1vql+obI0
972名無しさん:2006/08/20(日) 23:59:53 ID:ATLEOm+jO
届かなかったら[email protected]へお願いします(*u_u)
973名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 00:04:58 ID:6Gz/WVgFO
974名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 00:22:14 ID:WZ9tPfsNO
【連絡先】[email protected]
975名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 00:35:53 ID:R9wD3rkT0
976名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 00:36:55 ID:K7H+O0WrO
977名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 01:03:41 ID:cni8ekv40
【連絡先】[email protected]
978名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 01:48:29 ID:VbqIOLXhO
979名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 03:06:20 ID:WZ9tPfsNO
980名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 03:58:43 ID:nMxC24zF0
981名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 05:50:21 ID:Ia7k6oPv0

【連絡先】[email protected]
982名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 07:11:19 ID:eSIdpw+/0
【日時】 8/20
【場所】 千葉〜都内で相談
【内容】 相談
【金額】 相談
【対象】 夏休み中の女の子
【備考】 33♂
【連絡先】 [email protected]
983982:2006/08/21(月) 07:12:41 ID:eSIdpw+/0
984名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 08:49:36 ID:JbcYC1MVO
【連絡先】[email protected]
985名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 09:16:11 ID:BGtxm3+YO

986名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 10:10:59 ID:33OC+fw50

987名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 10:28:22 ID:MrQMKGhP0
988名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 10:32:24 ID:/B3ZqIL+O

【連絡】[email protected]
989985:2006/08/21(月) 10:33:16 ID:BGtxm3+YO
990987:2006/08/21(月) 10:40:39 ID:MrQMKGhP0

991名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 10:45:12 ID:IeJb4q5a0
992987:2006/08/21(月) 10:46:29 ID:MrQMKGhP0






993サ ザン の トリ  ビ ア:2006/08/21(月) 10:48:43 ID:IzYqvZXl0
               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \    / `
              | ハイブリットブラスター!     |''' -,,/   |
   , -- ,,          \_____ _______/ヽ ノ ____ |
   (    ~'' - ,,             V     ______,,--- ''''''" <  ~'''- ,,
   \      ~''- ,,        ,,∧ ∧┬''''''          ,,-""'''' ---"
     \        ~' - ,, ____//(゚∀゚ ,),_|        ,,.-'''~
      \    ___,, ---'''''''  ~''ヽ'-- '''       __-'"
        >-''''''                   , -''
      /`ヽ    __ --             /
      ヽ.__/  ~     ___,, --       (
         丶_________-''''            `- ,
               - ,,,,              `- ,,
                 ~ - ,,,             "''- ,,
                     ~ - ,,,,            `-,,
                        ~' - ,,,,           "-,
                            ~ -- ,,,,,,       ヽ
                                 "''' -- ,,,,_____,,)

994sage:2006/08/21(月) 10:50:20 ID:kgzkSpFC0
【日時】 今晩
【場所】 都内で相談
【内容】 相談
【金額】 3-4
【対象】 年下の女の子
【備考】 32♂
【連絡先】 [email protected]
995 ◆200HP/.iiI :2006/08/21(月) 10:50:20 ID:qN3UW49B0
996サ ザン の トリ  ビ ア:2006/08/21(月) 10:52:30 ID:IzYqvZXl0
               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \    / `
              | ハイブリットブラスター!     |''' -,,/   |
   , -- ,,          \_____ _______/ヽ ノ ____ |
   (    ~'' - ,,             V     ______,,--- ''''''" <  ~'''- ,,
   \      ~''- ,,        ,,∧ ∧┬''''''          ,,-""'''' ---"
     \        ~' - ,, ____//(゚∀゚ ,),_|        ,,.-'''~
      \    ___,, ---'''''''  ~''ヽ'-- '''       __-'"
        >-''''''                   , -''
      /`ヽ    __ --             /
      ヽ.__/  ~     ___,, --       (
         丶_________-''''            `- ,
               - ,,,,              `- ,,
                 ~ - ,,,             "''- ,,
                     ~ - ,,,,            `-,,
                        ~' - ,,,,           "-,
                            ~ -- ,,,,,,       ヽ
                                 "''' -- ,,,,_____,,)

997名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 10:55:56 ID:1LlEYuxoO
998名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 10:58:54 ID:1LlEYuxoO
999名無しさん:2006/08/21(月) 11:01:25 ID:/B3ZqIL+O
10001000:2006/08/21(月) 11:03:19 ID:+Tkx9X5LO