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口=Π田:::. :::FL日l」:::::
3 :
本当にあった怖い名無し:2007/05/03(木) 12:21:34 ID:ispF87I10
4 :
本当にあった怖い名無し:2007/05/03(木) 13:08:02 ID:ED7MraFKO
5 :
本当にあった怖い名無し:2007/05/03(木) 14:16:02 ID:ztg3lUZpO
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Take him out of the ball park,
Take him up to the cloud,
Buy him some shumai and two one-cups
We don't care if he never gets back,
Let us boo, boo, boo for the Baystars.
But they lose as many as they play
For it's one ,two, three strikes you're out
at the old Whales' game.