血まみれ母子の画像はRichard Stackが妻と息子を殺した事件だっつーカキコが小栗フォーラムにあったっす
There was never any doubt that Richard Stack killed his wife and their 13-month-old son
on a sunny Mother's Day afternoon in 1980, but because prosecutors mishandled the case,
it continues to linger in the courts. And once again, Goggin was at its center.
When police arrived at the Stack residence at 6400 S. Kildare Ave. on that May 11,
Stack, shirtless and bloody, was leaning from a shattered 2nd-floor window, screaming,
"God died for our sins!" and babbling about "devils and demons."
Inside the modest home, Carol Ann Stack, 22, had been kicked repeatedly in the head
and was stabbed and slashed more than 100 times.
Shards of a shattered pool cue were embedded in her chest.
The couple's 13-month-old son, Richard Jr., had been stabbed repeatedly and then hurled into a wall.
Almost immediately, Stack confessed, telling police: "I just killed my wife and kid."
Goggin pointed to the bloody photographs of the victims.
"This case is about Carol Ann Stack and Richie Stack Jr. being transformed
from two living human beings into two mutilated carcasses.