今日もいい天気!と授業中外をながめていたら突然さかさまになった無表情な人 と目が合った。次の瞬間ドスンと鈍い音が。。。(友人の実話です) ↓ It is fine also today. When the outside was looked at in class, eyes suited the person who had become it ..expressionless.. sudden upside-down. Dosn and a slow sound : at the next moment. 。。(It is friend's true story. ) ↓ それは今日も、すばらしいです。 外部がクラスで見られたとき、目はそれになった人 に合いました。無表情である、突然、逆さに。 Dosnと遅い音: 次の瞬間に。 (それは友人の実話です。)
彼女の部屋に遊びにいくたびに、体調が崩れることについて。 今日もいったら熱出た。 彼女の越してから、疲れやすいとか言ってるし。 部屋になんかいるのかな? ↓ About the physical condition's collapsing whenever it goes to her room to play. A fever occurred when saying today. It says. as it is easy to become tired after her excessAre you in the room ..what..? ↓ 彼女のものになるときはいつも、物理的な状態の微片に関して、プレーするに は、同居してください。 今日言うとき、熱は起こりました。 それは言いまし た。それが簡単であるので、なるのは彼女のexcessAreの後に部屋であなたを疲 れさせました。何ですか??
せっかくかわいい彼女ができたと思ったのに。 身体がもう半分腐りはじめてきたよ…。 ↓ I thought that she lovely with great pains was able to have done. The body came and half another decay came …. ↓ 私がそれを考えた、彼女、すてきである、せっかく、することができました。 ボ ディーは来ました、そして、別の腐敗の半分が来ました。…
やっと、あの娘とヤレる。 僕はもう天にも昇るような気分だった。 前戯も終わり、いよいよってときに彼女は突然、 「あっ・・・」と呟き、服を持って、部屋を出て行ってしまった。 その以来彼女とは会っていない。いったい彼女に 何があったのか、今も気になって仕方が無い。 ↓ That daughter and Yare finally. I was feelings that had already risen to the heaven. Foreplay ends, too and she is sudden more and more in Nipponia nippon.
It has gone out of the room with clothes it is muttered, "Each other ・ ・・". It has not met her since then of that. What on earth she had is anxious now and there is no method. ↓ その娘とYare、最終的に。 私は既に天国に上がった気持ちでした。 また、前戯は終わります、そして、彼女はますますNipponia nipponで突然です。 それが衣服がある部屋からつぶやかれる状態で行った、「互い・」・・". それ以来、彼女に会いませんそれがその。 彼女が持っていたいったい何が現在心配するか、そして、方法が全くありません。
↓ I am still a story when I am 4?5 years old. At that time, the house did not have the bath, and it went to the public bath well with mother. I was still in the ladies' bath with mother because I was small. The pool played suitably in me who had gotten tired in the bathtub after washing one's body on a certain day. There are the stairs next to the bathtub, and the door has adhered though it did not notice until now. (It cannot know where is also so. )I was anxious about the door by chance, walked up the stairs, and went in front of the door. There is a big keyhole right under the doorknob. It got excited and it peeped. The opponent is covered with something and not seen. "It is trivial. " It looked up once. Of what did you think, and the keyhole was looked into again. The inside, the boiler, and the machine of a dopy light were seen. "It is ..finishing.. ..ー.. terrible. " It peeped with absorbed interest. I informed by the sign or something in the other side of the door or suddenly separated eyes from the keyhole, and pulled its body from the door. And, it danced wildly as minus driver's point had gone mad because of the keyhole at the next moment. I drank the breath, left there, and was not able to speak even to mother because I was scary. ↓
Ah, and the screen changed suddenly at that time of which it thought by chance if sleeping and the disposal center was projected at this time after all when turning the television on by about five years at about two during the previous night:30 there must be broadcasting reflected (Though it was natural) the color bar. And, it goes out and it keeps projecting the processing place onto the telop single- mindedly with NNN temporary broadcasting in the distant view. .. Japanese parsley.. narrator like a staff roll ..going up.. when watching the run of events thinking it might be what. person's nameHowever, it was read out to begin with in the voice without. Classics of dark feeling flow to backing. Does it continue roughly by about five minutes, and it , saying that " Tomorrow's victims are these people, and good evening" at the end. The all-night broadcasting is unbearably scared since then.
It is Tsite in Ki San. go Father Caamocaisou of the Miyukicaisoucaisou pursuing is Caisouconnaco and Woshitanohatomidano groin crack. Toomoimas
De groin Wareha Tomita life Lethe study long ages Wodeteshunganoomoten ohantaino and ..Parrapounitst.. It is No ..piling up.. day of the I or ..home Wo.. ..possession.. Tsyouninatta ..Ti and the Nannencashite back door Ni.. ..standing... Four ..reeling.. Harcatashornoticacde Tsashiwoayatststal of I
Tsgini ...one Tocoroayame Ppaino Yadecorhewo.. ..drinking.. Kewo Keot Shite of Szcake and the side for the load ..Nigittanohaasayantoo.. already .. Minagara and Yukitiwonigiraseta... The Caratelhonihaitte groin between Hill is large and is No person Watte back door Wo Reteshigamit sita.
The Mou groin crack Reha person Wocoing, it gets, and Nattata in one surgical knife. Feeling Noamariasayannoiftoorini movement Ta. Tocorode hanaicatoomou of three time Etacotoninalsacainocsriya in Tasamoshirazn i of big Sorega ....event Tohashirazni.. Camuchaccanohacsetsno.. .. cooling.. and Keccahamiyukiwohaccangegocniotoshitanodealmou spring that is
Can what because of being the strongest in the human race ..the idea... how it is necessary to do to be pulled to the copy of the strongest man in the human race, and to become the strongest in the human race I Anxiously because of being the strongest in the human race though seen by the elder sister who puts it on while making it to the blank surprise. the head of the rolling panty wrenching chest of drawers that jump into it open and the waist of the brassiere muttering Angero and Angero to elder sister's ..beginning.. room in the stark-naked It is a diving crowding in elder sister's bed. 「Because it is happy. Because it is happy. 」The younger sister who jumps into it : while standing on one's head disregarding half nakedly because it is the strongest in the human race as the insufficiency and the following shouting the monsieur monsieur to younger sister's room silent the ejaculation and the elder sister and still most strongly ..leaving from the room.. however though putting on is at the time of getting it. 「Charge me. Charge me. 」Ejaculation..younger sister..cry..flee..surely..human race.. strong..approach..leg..turn..rest room..jump into..toilet seat..remove..neck.. multiply. I who was the photograph where one photograph father who ..discovery.. had died was embracing me cried that the charge and chest of drawers were opened to mother's room while mimicking the zombi.
I was returned to the house without understanding about division. Everyone cries when returning. It is me. No, it differs. Often..see..elder brother..go mad..laugh..as if..that..white object..winding..winding..dance wildly.I felt fear that was more terrible than that white object for the elder brother's appearance.
When he or she gets up in the morning, it sees and the trader is Je under my house. Because mother was falling bloody in the kitchen, "Today's box lunch" is said. It .... laughed without collecting mother's cooking Sga Hiya because father entered the freezer when it heated, it was going to apply because it became it, and to eat the pizza of freezing when attaching to a dirty house the fall of the embryo fully and .... tying of shoes stepping on when leaving it earlier than usual suitably laughingly because I also matched it to everyone because do ..school.. ..teacher thorn.. when going and all friends were bursting out laughing greatly in daytime. Friend..mail..teach..terrible..undertake.. next..house..sneak in..finally..walk..crumb crusher..steal..apartment house.. rooftop..drop..how many..second..fall..measure..science..homework..end.. slowly..sleep..have..crumb crusher..family..make noise..crumb crusher..corpse..throw in..burst out laughing.. sleep..younger sister..bone..arms..make..play. Then, the trader who had done carried the resident in the apartment house in which it died on the day to the fresh meat place at .."Box lunch".. school in smell mother after it had said for a moment in the morning.
Wisdom is necessary for here. The person who has consideration is good though he or she solves beast's figure. The figure is the one that man is done. And, the figure is 666. John's Revelations Chapter 13 paragraph 18
The light to the bomb of ..applying.. , The flower to the buddhist altar of ..giving.. , Dolls representing the five musicians' funerals It is sad Hinamatsuri today.
1 ここには絶対住むな! 2 誰に言っても信じてもらえない話 第2話 3 電車の人身事故 Part6 4 【テレビの】行方不明【チカラ】 5 【聖書】終末と新時代のリアルタイム13’【日月】 ↓ 1 Never live here. 2 The second story of story that cannot be believed when saying to whoever 3 Accident resulting in injury or death Part6 of train 4 【 television 】 missing 【 Ticara 】 5 【 Bible 】 end and 【 day the moon ..'of real time 13 of new age.. 】 ↓ 1 ここに決して住んでいません。 2 誰でもに言うとき信じることができない話の2番目の話 3 列車の人身事故Part6 4 【テレビ】 取り逃がす【Ticara】 5 そして、【聖書】終わり、【日、月。'、リアルタイムの13、ニューエイジ、' 】
なんと、近付いてきたその女は、 テレビ画面から身をよじらせながら這い出てくるではないか! ↓ Very, does not the woman who has approached creep out though she makes the body twisted from the television screen? ↓ 非常に、テレビ画面からねじられたボディーを作りますが、 アプローチされたいやな奴を取り除く女性はそうしません。
気がつくと私は自分の部屋で寝ていました。 あの日のことはまだ誰にも言えません。 言おうとしても何か不思議な圧力が体に掛かるのを感じ、怯えてしまうからです。When wakening, I was going to bed at my room.
On that day, it is possible to say to no one yet. It is because it notices that any strange pressure depends on the form even if it tries to say and it has been frightened.
he image to which it took a picture of the urinating woman with Utsm was on the tape and there was astringency. That time when woman who was squatting down in Japanese style toilet tried to stand upThe old woman of 15?20 small degree in which the one that seems to be bits of glass is grasped from a small window has jumped into it soundlessly. The woman to be going to scratch Muse soon, to be cut, to cut in the body in the face, and is putting to scream. The woman went out, and a small old woman cut out a part of the tongue and the scalp from the corpse, looked up at the ceiling, said, "Next is you", and went out of a small window to the breath when discontinuing. It has the scalp of the tongue and the hair.
It is said that there was a person that the vomited one, the one to begin to weep, and fear have toilet accident too much in the agent, too. After all, the event is said that the videotape of the matter is being still kept by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department now like being unsettled.
>>57 非常に、テレビ画面からねじられたボディーを作りますが、 アプローチされたいやな奴を取り除く女性はそうしません。 ↓ Very, the woman who removes the weir fellow whom wants to be approached doesn't do so though the body twisted from the television screen is made. ↓ まさしくそのであるテレビ画面からねじられたボディーは作られていますが、ア プローチされたいせきの仲間を外す女性はそうしません。 ↓ The woman who removes her companion of the cough that wants to be approached doesn't do so though the body twisted from Te Levy ..the.. going out.. screen exactly is made. ↓ ボディーはTe Levyからねじれましたが、アプローチされたい彼女のせきの仲間を 免職する女性はそうしません。. . 進行中のアウトスクリーンはまさに作られて います。
Welcome to the bourbon house. I want you to settle down because it drinks first because this tequila is service.
Yes, it is "Moreover. "It is sorry. Because the face leaks, France says and doesn't think even though sleeps, apologizes, and permits.
However, when this Sretai is seen, you think that you felt the one like "Decision coming" that cannot surely be expressed in the word. It wanted you not to forget such feelings in a barbarous world, and this Sre was put up thinking so.
もう悩み無用あなたの髪きっと生えてくる 信じて喜び抱きしめようリービーワンダホー もう悩み無用運命変わるほど蘇る自分の黒髪で リーブ21 ↓ It's already tortured and unnecessaryYour hair is growing surely, the Levy Wanda hoe which will be gladto believe it and hug it.It's already tortured and unnecessary By the black hair which is revived so that destiny changes Leave 21. ↓ 髪がきっと伸びていて、リーヴィワンダが鍬を使い (それが、それを信じることがうれしくなるであろう)、 それを抱きすくめることはすでに拷問されていて、不要である。 それはすでに拷問されていて、運命が許可21を変更するように、 復興する黒い毛によって不要である。
It is cursed to have died holding 【 Noroura 】 a strong grudge. It is accumulated the death in the place touched before the life, and becomes "Industry". The one to have touched the curse loses the life, and a new curse is born …….
by吉幾三 ↓ I'll add a floral fragrance to my home in which I lived for a long time and rebuild, new Japan house A by good luck, several, three. ↓ 私は、花の香りを、私が長い間どれを生きていたか、そして再構築、幸運による新しい日本家A、いくらか、3における私の家に追加する。
This participants are six people in all members. It turns round "Mas dam" → of "Relations pitiful tunnel" →" Waterfall of Can'u" at first, in haste because the weather is good, and the day was still high though it was a schedule of dissolution. An additional charge was done to "Kawauchi reservoir", "Field goddess of mercy", and "1000 France limestone cave parking lot of Hiraodai".
It becomes empty about Taka. Foot..give..already..sleep..foot..provide..therefore..sleep.. foot..sleep..desirous..therefore..today..sleep..night..foot..get..sleep.. go..on condition that..sleep..survive..sleep..this..sleep..mail..sleep.. person..sleep..spend..sleep..see..sleep..on condition that..sleep..spend..sleep..how..become. It sleeps, and you ・・・・・・・・・・・・・ do not die when Wangiriing and coming at 2:30 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・ ・・・.
リングを簡潔に説明すると、 男が呪いのビデオを見たら、 古井戸から貞子が出てきて 男を呪い殺すみたいな。 ↓ Do not want to expect that Sadako comes out from Flico and the curse of a man will be killed when a man sees the video of the curse when it concisely explains the ring.
ある男が、とある海の見えるレストランで「ウミガメのスープ」を注文しました。 しかし、彼はその「ウミガメのスープ」を一口飲んだところで止め、シェフを呼びました。 「すみません。これは本当にウミガメのスープですか?」 「はい・・・ ウミガメのスープに間違いございません。」 男は勘定を済ませ、帰宅した後、自殺をしました。 何故でしょう? ↓ A certain man ordered "Sea turtle's soup" at a restaurant ..seeing a certain sea... However, he stopped the "Sea turtle's soup" in the place where the unit was drunk, and called the chef. 「I'm sorry. Is this sea turtle's really soup?」 "It is ・・・ There is no mistake in sea turtle's soup" After it settled one's reckoning, and it came home, a man committed suicide. Why? will ↓ 確信している男性はレストランで「ウミガメのスープ」を命令しました。ある海を見ます… しかしながら、彼は、ユニットが酔っぱらっていた場所で「ウミガメのスープ」を止めて、シェ フに電話をしました。 「すみません。 ウミガメのこのものは本当にスープですか?」 「1つが数えるのによる・ ・ ・ Thereが」 それが決着をつけたウミガメのスープ Afterで誤りでないということであり、帰って来て、男性は自殺しました。 まあ、望ん でください。
Please hear one from such a thing. Related to Sre and massage . It was this encounter, and the Yoshino family in the vicinity went. Yoshinoya. The person then cannot sit confusedly and fully. The curtain falls and and 150 yen off are written. Is has it already slept, and it a fool?Is it foolish? It comes to Yoshinoya of your.. coming of off of , 150 yen that doesn't usually come and .... Boke :. 150 yen it, and 150 yen. There is a parent and child taking, too. Is it Yoshinoya in four families?.... . It depends, ー is done, and that is not papa special Motano is said. Looking already.
To open it the seat because you cost , 150 yen. Yoshinoya, and what it that should be made more barbarous. It not amusing even if the fight starts from facing of the character table of U the sitting fellow and when, and piercingly or does sleep in such the atmosphere goodness piercing?The girl attendant is. The next fellow says large piling when thinking that it was possible to sit .... finally. T
Then, it does again by cutting the strike. Providing , fashion. Boke. And ..putting out.. .. You want to ask that it wants to eat really. I want to question closely. I want to question closely at the short hour. Can you hold you and ..wanting say..? The trend between Yoshinokecayo is, and, after all, this now if I of Yoshinokecayo will say. Large height Gyoc. This is how for the expert to depend. It enters a lot of. The taking the place meat is a little. This. It is large height Gyoc (egg) in and it. Being possible to come is the strongest. However, the rapier that is attended also with danger that it is marked as follows by the clerk when asking for this. It is not possible to recommend for the amateur and to do. ...doing... eat the Ushisake table d'hote you and 1 probably
"Super Mario Brothers is discrimination against women and harasses it sexually. " Will such a cruel sexual harassment work be being sold to large by children why? First of all, two men are hero, and it is woman that is caught. This is obviously discrimination against women. The hero is a man of the dirty-minded Italian. This is not often in the child's schooling either. That obscene nose of especially two person. The child is one of the causes of the sex crime male. And, the enemy is Noconoco in Cribor. These are turtles in the mushroom. The man machine is obviously symbolized. What is Cribor in it? It is very obscene naming that unites Cri * squirrel and the stick.
The power-up item is also so. It is a flower in the mushroom. This is a man machine and a female machine. Moreover, it grows. Erected erection. It is too early for the child. What is that star?It runs away though being used to often hide woman's nipple and genitals by the doubtful cartoon that the man reads is a star mark, Mario runs after, and such an appearance associates the rape that starts stripping off the one not wanting to show it by force. It is not possible to tell all any longer. It grows, and this work only of a vulgar character that enters the pottery pipe to which B raccpaccnffrawar is already needless to say. The improvement of the status of women is prevented. You also think so.
Event in Samejima in Kagoshima Prefecture offing. At that time, five two people who went exploring to Samejima by half play : to missing. One person is relative A of the person related to the public peace among missing persons. Three of five returned to the public office in the region where it had lived before missing by the takkyubin(home delivery service) as a skeleton and attached to the parents' family by one person after it had done during half a year. However, Mr. A's bone alone did not have what was delivered anywhere. Both of the bone were broken, and meat and the cartilage were little and there was flattery applying. The following writing will be done by the person who introduces by him/ herself in "Two channels" Mr. A the next day. The contributor name is converted into A.
13 Name: A contribution day: 00/11/17 02:12
Samejima has.
The vicinity of the eyeball and the abdomen was mainly being eaten messily by the stark- naked by the animal though remains seemed by the search party that entered Samejima again that Mr. A it were discovered during the week of the next day by the report of the person who saw this writing. However, dentiform that obviously seemed that it manned it was attached to the both arms and both Ftomomo. Moreover, there were signs that had been pressed to the cervix part though damage was cruel.
Taro of Masacaricats of ..holding.. Cane. The extending horse practices to the bear. Abolish and very very yep very very. Abolish and very very yep very very.
Once upon a time, if the turtle that helped comes to the palace of the sea goddess castle being taken, Urashima is beauty that cannot be drawn in the picture.
Saturday, 19th 19:00 of March Dospe. "Chase countryman Natu of Hiroshi Fujioka and 3000-kilo in exploration corps Myanmar interior legend" Does the true colors of a brutal monster to walk black two two meters or more of * of the length of the hair :?
- Discover it signs in the cave … Encircle it with raid * recruit machine of the falling massive rock * big snake … It is a jungle in the raging countryman ..commander ejaculation capture *.. red.
Bear's hide-and-seek that is Comi The child first prize that puts out hips It is a scorch small scorch in the evening and tomorrow again. Moreover, tomorrow.
<Soccer World Cup> Japan and Iran are lost by a narrow margin in 1-2. Fall [Teheran Hiroshi Kosaka] Japan licked B sets of the 3rd place of a defeat by away one -- Japan of B sets of World Cup (World Cup) Asia last primaries of soccer will lose Iran regarded as the greatest rival in here by a narrow margin in 1-2 on the 25th. It fell to the 3rd place with the victory point 3. In Pyongyang, Bahrain took down Democratic People's Republic of Korea to 2-1. Both Iran and Bahrain developed the victory point to 4, and reversed Japan. Democratic People's Republic of Korea of 2 consecutive defeats is the lowest grade. (Mainichi Newspapers)
ぼーやー、良い子だ、ねんねしなぁ今も昔も変わりなく、 母のめぐみの、子守り歌 ↓ It, good child it, and mother Megumi's song of ..taking care of a baby.. without in now and old times change ↓ 良い子供のそれ、それ、および母Megumiの歌取って、 赤ん坊に気にかけてください。 コネがなければ、現在と昔は変化します。
春のうららの隅田川 上り下りの船人が 櫂のしずくも花と散る ながめを何にたとうべき ↓ Sumidagawa of serene spring The dripping of the paddle also should leave by Fnehit of ascending and descending and leave the flower and the scattering view in what. ↓ 平静なスプリングの隅田川 かいのしずくも、上昇と下ることのFnehitで去って、ことで花と散る視点を残す べきです。
Eroimuessaimueroimuessaim now. ..Eroimuessaimueroimuessaim.. hey. recite the Barangabaranga cantripBarangabaranga our Mr. satan
The companion that it is peaceful and the paradise is mysterious in the future ..dream Mi.. is waiting for your instruction it is Icsa showing of the knife of the hell courage to aim at you.
If the whistle sings, it is Hiyu?. It is ..calling.. Go? as for the Hiyu storm. The Go formidable enemy will have the Ujauja. Here, there, and there.
Eroimuessaimueroimuessaim now. Hey ..becoming the wind.. ..Eroimuessai mueroimuessaim... Barangabaranga tears..our magic a hot dream...
Master Colomba arrived at the ferry in the shore in the lake. Then, it was met by several men who were preparing the burial of the companion that eating had been killed by the monster in the lake at the time of swimming. Master the sage Colomba ordered one of the attendants to swim to the other side shore in the lake. The monster has faced the attendant hearing Mizot. Master the sage Colomba here ..cross shape.. was made up. After that, it was commanded by the monster that it leave. The monster feared or did, crowded, and obeyed the instruction.
Volume 'Life of sage Colomba' 6 Chapter 11 paragraph 27
We who climb and cut the stairs up to the floor of finally 100. However, "The key was left behind on the first floor" was noticed. It is cheesed to climb up to the 100th floor again ・・・ The old woman who doesn't have the lower half of the body uses her both hands for the machine when it arrives at the first floor for the time being, and I who obtains the key am mounting the stairs again and it has run after by about Tectec and 100 per hour. The old woman「Please help. I am Takahashi of year of three of Rikkyo University ‥. 」It was pretended not to hear it though solving shouted. However, it was declared, "These kind of things were ..effective.. !" , saying that" "Though seen when saying a prayer to the Buddha because it was persistent. It is good when printing very. The stairs were hopping put by about 105 per hour and it rose because it was reluctant. It was done that four people of the remainder for which it waited by the 100th floor stood on four corners of the landing so as not to sleep, walked to a near corner sequentially, and caused it. One endured drowsiness because sleepy was not able to be endured, and it went off to one wall "Mother mother mother" etc. and a lot. I hear taking to monkey's train when sleeping. I who had casually seen the bed under was frozen though the air of the relief had flowed to us who thought that it was able to open the door of the floor of at last 100, and to sleep between sheets soundly. As for the bed under, a man who had Cama saw here. I shouted. 「Cut me if you cut it. If settled with my life ・・・ Cheap thing Tsu. 」
It hears and love to get burnt on Aroerena hearing it is Aroerena unpleasant for a moment though it hesitates to say. ー and Aroerena ..encounter.. ♪. hear it
『どの存在時点』て・・・? っつか、いきなり住み着かれても・・・ しかも食いたい放題、散らかし放題、そのうえ家賃を1円も払わない。 まさにニート?w ってか、ニートの鏡?w ↓ 'At the time of existence any' Even if you settle .... suddenly Moreover, neither Houdai, litter Houdai that wants to eat nor the rent are paid as much as one yen. Is it exactly neat?w Mirror of neat ,?w ↓ '存在時点で、どんな'Evenもあなたであるなら決着をつけます… 突然、 Moreover、どちらもHoudai、食べたがっているゴミHoudaiか使用料に最大1円支 払います。 畜牛?それはちょうどwです。 きちんとすることの鏡、w
「お天気おじさん」の愛称で親しまれた気象評論家の福井敏雄(ふくい・としお)さんが27日、老衰のため亡くなった。84歳だった。(読売新聞) ↓ It was and Mr.) who blew ..Toshio Fukui (.. died of the weather critic with whom it was familiar by the pet name of "Weather uncle" for the decrepitude on the 27th. It was 84 years old. (the Yomiuri Shimbun) ↓ そして、それがそうであった、さん) 吹いた。Toshio Fukui、(. . 27日での老衰に、それが愛称で「Weatherおじ」でなじみ深かった気象評論家によって、死にました。 84歳でした。 (読売新聞)
子供の頃見た『火の玉』 結局、なんだったのかわからずじまい。 大人は見てなかったと言うし、 一緒にいた子も見てないと言う。 目の錯覚だったのだろうか・・・? ↓ It saw in childhood. 'Fireball' After all, from. When he or she did not see, it says, and the adult says that the child who is together will not see either. Was it a trick of the eyesight? ↓ それは幼年期に見られました。 '火の玉'After、すべて その人が見なかったとき、言います、そして、大人は一緒にいる子供が見ない と言います。 それは目の錯覚でしたか?
40代処女(推定)のマチャミは、使い物になるのか問いたい。問いただしたい。(以下略) ↓ It becomes something useful or I want to ask virgin's (presumption) in my forties Machami. I want to ask it. (henceforth abbreviation) ↓ それが使い物になるか、または処女(推定)の40代のMachamiに尋ねたいと思います。 それを尋 ねたいと思います。 (今後は、略語)
今夜は津山三十人殺しのおきた晩です。 こらえてつかあさい。 ↓ Tonight is an evening when Tsuyama 30 murder came. Is it an endurance rut or it is shallow. ↓ 今夜は津山の30殺人が来た晩です。 それは辛抱溝であるかそれが浅いです。
Photograph of "Hussein" projected by news. Was Sgata put the dew of a pure-white brief? Why was it telecasted?
Having poor eyesight, diving at the moment that approached screen to my eyes, and pure-white brieves of "Hussein". In the place where the seen place was between groins of "Hussein" when it parted a little without understanding something momentarily".. Ero.. ..saying.. !" It has instinctively voiced it solving. Somehow ・・・
It participates in the person who enjoys it as a person and an amusement that wants to pursue occult academically and the standpoint where of each is different in the occult board. To esteem each other and so as not to have unpleasant time, let's bear it in mind.
Occult is, UFO, UMA, superfamily study, an occult science, ESP, super-psychology, and an ancient civilization, etc.It is not occult only in "It is scary", "Fear", and "Occult". 。。(~ー~)Niyari
Someone is beating against the window. It is already the third day. It is not possible to endure. It went to the kitchen even if the salt was scattered. The woman with a strange, long hair was crouching in the kitchen.
Parents and brothers, the friend, the wife, the lover, and the child … Try to think about the suicide for the people that be in your surroundings a lot of people who love you.
Occult is, UFO, UMA, superfamily study, an occult science, ESP, super-psychology, and an ancient civilization, etc. It is not occult only in "It is scary", "Fear", and "Occult". 。。(~ー~)Niyari
Mr. Suke took Mr. Tsuno, and the person who walks came down to the place where it's here before before. The name was called itself with a cuspid train. When having that, a snail was doing them wrong at a center district in Shibuya, so I hit and purged.
くそ暑いのに、昼間からいちゃついてんじゃねえよ。このゴミ虫どもが! ↓ Sleep ..painful.. inadvertently in the point in daytime and get it it is .. excrement Ats... This garbage insect. ↓ 眠ってください。それを昼間に指して、手に入れてください。中、苦痛である、うっか り、それはそうです。 排泄物Ats… このゴミ昆虫。
It was usually called, "Horiemon for which it waited by two people" when writing, only "Horiemon" in a certain family restaurant. It has spouted instinctively because it was called truly and usually. A runny nose was spouted by the clerk and flew and spouted , saying that "Is it good also in the put seat?" when answering because it was asked, " It was a range of assumption".
What I experienced in Yoshiwara Obasan talked with several guests when entered and passed through the waiting room. It seems to have come for attendance because it was said that the son of the stone-blind wanted to do the brush lowering when listening reading the sport journal. Several guests of the other party of speaking were calming it , saying that "Safe" and "You may not worry" though Obasan (henceforth mother) variously said the anxiety. It left for a while and the young person and ..white Tsemo.. princess from the interior came to the waiting room. Leather boots and shoes ..considerably good clothes.. come with Picapica. It is likely to have arranged it for this day. After it dashes out from the sofa and it bows lightly with the princess, mother :. 「How?Able to gloss over good?」 Young person「Yes. It was good. Thanks to this young woman」 To tell the truth, because will being to point at the princess was another direction, it moves in the direction that the princess quickly indicated. Mother makes the face crumpled and : while crying. 「You drove it. !!」The back was rubbed many times. It was encouraged, the guest also applauded and .."easily..", and because even a taciturn up to now guest of 893 winds stood up, blest it , saying that "You also attained manhood" while beating young person's shoulder in Pompon. It cried because the princess was impressed, too. Very brilliant spectacle. I to whom the lachrymal gland was weak cried while hiding the face with the newspaper.
Thank you it is Yazawa. It is Sraim it is a carol in old times and Yazawa is Hibiya ..saying very.. of that ..Waowao and ,... Because it became popular. It is a dressing room, Johnny is Sraim ..doing.., and because it hangs and cod Borya makes the nature and "Shall you buy it?" is said ..hope... Because it does and "I'm sorry take the place with the paste made from the arum root" , paste made from the arum root has been bought as it is sold out in the town when "Oh thank you" it hangs and it is made to go for purchase. It slept by playing, thinking , in this because there was no other way instead, doing, giving a ride to to the paste made from the arum root face by , Johnny and me, and throwing it each other and it played. Then, . ..doing...
The monsieur is said. "You how many?" ....dressing room.. entering of kitchen range guy with Byrne and doing... My "Sraim of .., kitchen range guy.. Core Uwasa". It was running out still ..me.., and the other side is already ..Big name.. ?. Feeling like "?". "Are you, Yazawa, and this paste made from the arum root?". It tore and it threw it away to the floor. I became silent ..it... . ..doing... do, refute, and return by the monsieurThe tremble point : paste made from the arum root Mo that it tears up Johnny then ..that... "It is A, and amends it is possible to come Mon". .."..paste made from the arum root amends.. ".. now. This time ..me.. its.. hearing it because it ..dressing room.. went here about the monsieur. "Make amends sooner or later absolutely in that paste made from the arum root a little while ago. "Bakkiriing has been said. After that, Sraim of later or the mono-phone reached for about one week. From the monsieur. It thought at that time. "Ah this is do by the superstar". The stage of the day was made regent with Sraim. It pulls, it falls, and ー that became sweat mucus on the way. H.R of which it came to Japan by chance . Alien idea of Gegar of it because of seeingThis Mage. Any shape of regent of that head and Yazawa of alien. I thought.
In old times, it was hospitalized due to sickness (kind of the collagen disease) that had been said surviving rarely. The ward was a hospital only of the intractable disease whose leave hospital mortality is more than the recovery leaving hospital. However, because a sick treatment method had not been established at that time, it treated it with about year's same same, sick girl by a separate treatment method. It treated being thought it was too ineffectual because it was also unpleasant to administer an intravenous drip ..I.. and to take the medicine. On the other hand, the antibiotic that had been expected at that time was administered to her. Early..improve..sleep..paper folding..fold..pity..eye..see. The result and I recover with growth and leave hospital. It dies finally ....side effect hands and feet of antibiotic.... rot her of chopping off gradually one by one.
幽霊見えるヤツはハッキリ言って幻覚見てる並みの精神異常者。逝ってヨシ! ↓ ↓ ↓ A ghost scholar of ordinary mental disorder that the guy whom I see says clearly, and watch a hallucination. I die, and it is a ditch reed! ↓ ↓ ↓ 私が会う人が明らかに言う普通の精神障害の幽霊学者、そして、幻覚を見ます。 私は死にます、そして、それは溝葦です!
俺をなめるな ↓ Do not lick me. ↓ 私を打ち負かさないでください。 ↓ Please do not defeat me. ↓ 私を破らないでください。 ↓ Please do not break me. ↓ 私を調教しないでください。 ↓ Please do not train me. ↓ 私を訓練しないでください。
Story heard from mother. When it bathes in the sea and it went in summer when our Maman was a young gal. When it swims on beach, it thinks the offing to be friend, there are a cod and a person who waves here, and Ocan wave and it returned it「O?Tsu. 」. Then, the person in the offing where gesture is noticed seems to have waved more. ..water inside.. deflecting ..and Ocan.. and even having laughed because it sees. Such..thing..forget..for a while..do..some..beach..strange..noisy..become. It began to gather in the person one place (and surroundings). The person seemed to be drowned very much in the offing and to have died. The one's future of the hand was not normal but when the person who waved in the offing recalled having died mother reason later, was violent. . assumed whether it was the last moment when help is asked for
逢いたくて 今私は、青空高く舞い上がるの 逢いたくて 跳ぶ心は 翼の生えた白馬になる ↓ It wants to encounter and the flying mind becomes a white horse where the wing grows wanting the encounter and flying up of blue sky high .. me now... ↓ それは遭遇に欲しく、青空が高く遭遇が欲しく、飛んで上がりながら翼が成長す るところで飛ぶ心は白馬になります。 私、現在の…
お魚くわえたドラ猫 追いかけて 裸足で駆けてく 陽気なサザエさん ↓ ...turning over.. top shell ..cheerfully... run barefooted running after ..added the fish.. ..the Dora cat.. ↓ ....始動サザエ。後の裸足の走行を喜んで走らせてください…。魚を加えまし た。 ..ドラ猫。